Many Children, More Blessings: Hehuan Patriarch Takes In Another Female Disciple

41. Expand The Number Of Members In The Sect And Recruit Thousands More Female Disciples.

Lin Xiao was holding the hot woman Qiao in his arms on the bed, and her body was trembling slightly. Her breath was not yet stable, but she had already fallen asleep. Lin Xiao sighed. Since he entered the Tianshu realm, the Qi in his body was no longer the True Qi of the Martial Dao, but Spirit Qi. In addition, the True Dragon Body had also advanced to True Dragon Bloodline. Lin Xiao's body was no longer like that of a mortal. Every time he used the Yin-Yang Hehuan Sutra to practice with his disciples, although he could gain a lot, the process was not satisfying enough for Lin Xiao. Not only could he only get a little Spirit Qi, but he also felt that he was not satisfied enough. "It's hard for you." He put the woman down steadily, and slowly got up from the bed. The two cute maids who were waiting on the left and right immediately stepped forward to put a coat on him. They moved quickly without making any sound. Then they pushed him aside quietly. The two maids, who lowered their eyebrows and looked obedient, had rosy faces and did not dare to look up at the ancestor from beginning to end.

Since destroying the six sects of the Demon Sect,

Lin Xiao has practiced the Yin-Yang Union Sutra to the first level in the Joyous Union Sect.

With his talent,

any mortal martial artist can Comprehension Through Analogy.

But facing this immortal secret method, the practice process is not easy.

He sat down at the table and

took out an item from the storage ring.

This is a tattered book, which was obtained from the Black Evil Daoist.

This book records some of the Black Evil Daoist's experience in martial arts, and Lin Xiao is not interested in most of the content.

Only the extremely scribbled notes on the last few pages always make Lin Xiao fascinated.

"The experience of cultivating one's mind...the Secret Realm of the Immortals. This thief Daoist is indeed guided by a master, and he even knows the opportunities in the Secret Realm of Joyous Union."

"Even the secret of the world, such as the Tianshu Realm, he knows a little bit."

After reading the records in this scroll,

Lin Xiao learned why the Black Evil Daoist encouraged the Demon Dao to besiege the Joyous Union Sect.

"It's a pity that he didn't know that I had taken the opportunity first."

"If I hadn't come with the righteous disciples of various sects to encircle and suppress them in this life, and I had been captured, this Daoist might really be able to accomplish this..."

"But the location of the Secret Realm of the Immortals recorded in his scroll is extremely vague, which is obviously intentional."

"This thief Taoist priest must have deliberately written it so obscurely to prevent the scroll from falling into the hands of others. His mind is meticulous."

After Lin Xiao destroyed the six sects of the Demon Sect,

the first thing he did when he returned to the Joyous Union Sect was to use Spiritual Sense to detect all the female disciples.

Among the thousands of fairies,

only a few people have Innate Spirit Root.

The female disciple who just practiced with him was the owner of an Innate Water Spirit Root.

According to the records in this Daoist book,

the Martial Artist of the Human Dao has reached the peak when practicing to the Tianshu Realm.

If you want to make further progress in your cultivation, you can only seek opportunities for cultivation.

And if you want to embark on this path of cultivation,

Spirit Root is a must.

Since Lin Xiao obtained the Fire and Wood Dual Spirit Root, he has cooperated with his concubine to practice the Yin-Yang Hehuan Sutra.

Only then can he refine the millions of spiritual powers transformed from ten thousand years of cultivation in the system and use them for himself.

His strength at this time has been further improved.

It is no longer comparable to when he just entered the Tianshu Realm.

And according to the records of a few words in the Black Evil Daoist book.

Spirit Root has become more and more important in Lin Xiao's heart.

He pondered secretly:

"The better the quality of Spirit Root, the faster the spiritual power can be cultivated."

"This Secret Realm seems to be more than just a way for me to seek breakthroughs again."

"Since only those with Spirit Root can cultivate roots, there must be many female cultivators with Innate Spirit Root among these cultivators..."

"Compared to looking for women with Spirit Root among the vast number of people, it is much more convenient to directly find those women cultivators."

Lin Xiao put away the scroll in his hand.

The person who wanted to see him outside the palace gate had not yet arrived at the door, and he had already waved his hand to open the palace door.

Fairy Wangchen was slightly surprised,

only thinking that the young master's cultivation had improved a lot.

She was still some distance away from the palace, and her footsteps were very light, but the young master still sensed her breath.

The two had known each other for many days,

Fairy Wangchen had already regarded this young master as a god in her heart.

Even if his cultivation broke through to a level that mortals could not understand.

Wangchen would not be surprised.

In the battle that day,

Lin Xiao dominated the battlefield, and his spirit was overwhelming.

More than 10,000 enemies, countless strong men, were like ants in front of him.

In an instant, they were killed by Lin Xiao.

This Asura hell-like scene,

Fairy Wangchen will never forget it.

While recalling, she had already arrived outside the palace.

Although she was pregnant, her extraordinary beauty still did not diminish in the slightest.

When Wangchen was about to salute, Lin Xiao said: "You are not in good health, so there is no need to go through all the red tape."

"Wangchen thanks you, young master."

"The matter that the young master asked me to do a few days ago has now been handled."

"I came here this time to ask if it is convenient for you?"

After saying that.

Wang Chen looked past Lin Xiao and glanced at the fairy lying on the bed.

The light gauze covered her body, and she was soft and fragrant.

She suddenly felt a little envious.

Since she got pregnant, Wang Chen has not been favored by the young master for many days.

Now she can only watch other sisters have this honor.

She can't help but feel a little nostalgic.

"Thank you for your hard work." Lin Xiao said, "Since it is a big deal related to my Joyous Union Sect, I will go and take a look."

Wang Chen smiled in surprise: "This is my job, please come with me."

What Lin Xiao asked her to do was

about the recruitment of new disciples for Joyous Union Sect.

Since the six sects of the demon sect joined forces to besiege Joyous Union Sect, and finally ended up being annihilated.

Joyous Union Sect became famous in Wunan Province.

Countless people who wanted to seek opportunities in Martial Dao came to become disciples.

But most of them were rejected.

Since ancient times, the Joyous Union Sect has had extremely strict conditions for recruiting disciples.

The first condition is that only female disciples are accepted, and only female disciples with outstanding appearance are accepted.

Secondly, women are required to be proficient in various talents,

whether it is dance or music, they must know one or two of them.

When it comes to Lin Xiao,

the conditions are naturally more stringent.

Women who have lost their virginity are naturally not accepted.

After Lin Xiao has Spiritual Sense,

he only needs to slightly explore to see at a glance whether a woman has a pure and clear aura.

However, in this regard, the situation in Wunanzhou is very different from Lin Xiao's previous life.

There are nine out of ten women who are as pure as jade, and there are not a few.

Most of the people who come to seek refuge can meet this condition.

Therefore, what Lin Xiao cares more about is whether they have Spirit Root.


After a while,

Lin Xiao and Wang Chen appeared outside the mountain gate together.

As far as his eyes could see, there was a huge crowd.

He used his Spiritual Sense to explore slightly.

He couldn't help but frown.

There were more than 6,000 people in front of the mountain gate, among which there were only more than 3,000 women.

I think there were many relatives who sent their female relatives here to accompany them.

Among these 3,000 girls, only four of them had Innate Spirit Root.

"It seems that this Innate Spirit Root is rare and extremely difficult to obtain."


He found that the girls who came to join the Joyous Union Sect this time were too young,

and most of them were still in their teens.

Even if he wanted to take a concubine, he would have to wait for a few years.

Otherwise, it would be very inappropriate.

"Wangchen, are the disciples coming this time all from poor families in nearby towns and villages?"

Fairy Wangchen nodded slightly: "Young Master has a good eye."

"My Joyous Union Sect is under your seat, although it is no longer the same as before. But if we want to change the world's view, it will take some time."

"Most of the daughters of wealthy and powerful families are unwilling to be sent to my sect."

"These people in front of us are all poor families. Sending their daughters here can also get some money rewards to supplement their family expenses."

"No problem." Lin Xiao said, "You and the elders can select those with outstanding talents and take them as disciples and take good care of them."

"For those who are not selected, give them some silver to go home."

"As you wish." Wangchen nodded.

He had a little more respect for Lin Xiao.

Amid the exclamations of these mortals, Lin Xiao turned into a golden light and returned to the main peak where he lived.

The short moment he just appeared.

I don't know how many girls' hearts were moved.

As daughters of poor families, they were originally reluctant to come here because of the bad reputation of Joyous Union Sect.

However, they dared not resist the coercion of their parents, so they were sent here unwillingly.

At first, they all cried like the newly married women.

Until they saw that Joyous Union Sect actually had such a handsome and extraordinary master with great Divine Ability.

Most of these girls have changed their minds.

Lin Xiao sighed slightly,

and the effect of recruiting disciples this time obviously disappointed him.

Then he thought about it.

Lin Xiao laughed at himself: "Practice requires the joy of making progress every day."

"When did I become so impatient?"

Even if the concubine did not have Innate Spirit Root,

it would be the same if he had it.

Lin Xiao's own Spirit Root can also be passed on to his offspring. The more offspring he has, the more Spirit Root he will get back to himself.

The same quality Spirit Root can be improved.

Just be patient and practice more with the concubine to make her conceive more offspring.

With time, his Spirit Root will naturally become extraordinary.

"But... I still need to recruit more concubines with different Innate Spirit Roots."

"I just don't know... where is the Secret Realm of this fairy family?"


PS: Thanks to 'Yatai Yifeng' and '? ? ? ? ' for the monthly tickets.

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