Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1150: I must live and die

This slap slapped on the acupuncture point on Wang Hao's neck, and Wang Hao snorted and fainted immediately.

In the next moment, Ge Yu shook the Maoshan Seven Star Sword in his hand, and took back all the seven small swords.

Turning around, Ge Yu looked at Yang Fan, and said solemnly, "Sister Xiaofan, follow me!"

Yang Fan looked at the man in front of him with tenderness in his eyes. This man who risked his death to kill Snake Ji and desperately seized the Dragon Birth Wannian Pearl, let alone let himself go with him, even if she let her follow him Going to die together, Yang Fan felt that he would agree to it without hesitation.

Follow him, even if it's wandering around the world, even if it's precarious, even if it's about to die tomorrow, Yang Fan will never regret it.

At the moment, Yang Fan stretched out his hand and held Ge Yu's hand tightly. The two of them walked towards the door. There are still people in this room who are fighting, it is the old man who is attached to the bodyguards of the Yang family. Ghost, fighting with the bodyguards invited by the Yang family.

Ge Yu took Yang Fan's hand and went all the way, between hands and feet, he flew out those people one by one, and went straight to the door.

But at the door, Yang Fan's parents blocked their way.

"Xiaofan, do you really want to follow him? We gave birth to you and raised you for more than 20 years, have you not cared about it?" Yang Fan's mother stared at Yang Fan with tears in her eyes. Said disappointedly.

"Dad, mom...I remember your nurturing grace, Xiaofan owes you all my life, but you can't stop me from pursuing happiness, you can't stop me from being with the person I love, I don't need everything. , But I can’t leave him alone. He saves my life. I owe you and I owe him the same. Please forgive my daughter for loyalty and filial piety..." Yang Fan also said very emotionally, red again. Eye sockets.

Yang Fan's mother shook her head, as if she couldn't accept this fact. Suddenly, Yang Fan's mother knelt down, picked up a short knife from the ground, and put it directly on her neck. Tears poured out, and her lips trembled. "Xiaofan... We were born and raised you for so many years, but now you treat us like this for an irrelevant person... Well, if you want to go, just go, we don’t stop... But you just need to get out of this One step at home, I wiped my neck immediately and let you see it, if you don’t believe me, try it!"

With that said, the knife in Yang Fan's mother's hand was closer to her neck, and the sharp blade cut a blood line on her white neck, and suddenly blood slowly flowed down the blade.

Seeing this, Yang Fan's mother was not joking, her red eyes staring at Yang Fan, she wanted to see if Yang Fan would leave this place with Ge Yu.

"Xiaofan's mother...what are you doing, put the knife down! The female congress is not staying. Since she insists on doing this, it's just that we have never given birth to this daughter. Let her go!" Yang Tao stretched out his hand to go. Grabbing the knife in Yang Fan's mother's hand, Yang Fan's mother took a step back and said hysterically: "Don't touch me, no one should touch me. Whoever dares to take a step forward, I will die for him to see."

Seeing what was happening before him, Ge Yu suddenly became a little overwhelmed. He didn't expect Yang Fan's mother to be forced to death. When Yang Fan's mother forced her to leave the Hongyegu Xue Family Pharmacy, she should have also forced Yang Fan to leave.

When things got to this point, Ge Yu no longer had the courage to take Yang Fan away again, because Ge Yu saw Yang Fan’s mother’s red eyes and the blood on the blade, and knew that Yang Fan’s mother was not joking. It is a mother's decision between herself and a man, her daughter's choice, whether to choose him or her own mother.

If Yang Fan chose Ge Yu, Yang Fan's mother would be very desperate. She could not accept the betrayal of her daughter, whom she had raised for more than 20 years, and might really wipe her neck.

After Yang Fan saw her mother make such a move, tears burst out again. She took a deep breath, turned to look at Ge Yu, opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Ge Yu saw Yang Fan’s embarrassment and finally made a difficult decision. He looked at Yang Fan affectionately and said, “Sister Xiaofan, you don’t need to say anything. I understand that since you can’t make a choice, Then it's up to me to make a choice, and I will leave here."

Ge Yu really couldn't bear Yang Fan being so embarrassed, and he couldn't bear to let his beloved woman suffer even the slightest grievance, so Ge ​​Yu could only choose to grievance himself.

Yang Fan's tears rolled down, and his helpless and hopeless look made people really feel distressed.

Ge Yu received the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword, and then hugged Yang Fan tightly in his arms. He held her tightly and tightly. This hug, I don’t know when he can hold her in his arms again, maybe a year. , Two years... or maybe a lifetime, so Ge ​​Yu held her very affectionately in this hug, and Yang Fan held her tightly, as if she wanted to integrate her whole body into her body.

When he hugged Yang Fan tightly, Ge Yu was also very sad. He thought about various results. He neither guessed the beginning nor thought of the ending. Tears involuntarily dripped down and hit Yang Fan's back.

And Yang Fan also stretched out his hands, hugged Ge Yu tightly, couldn't help crying, almost howling.

In this case, it seems that life is parting.

"Sister Xiaofan, I still said that. In this life, I will only have you as a woman. I am only leaving temporarily and will always be waiting for you. Even if we are 80 years old, I will still be waiting for you." Ge Yu said firmly.

"Xiao Yu... If you don't leave, I will depend on life and death, and I will not marry anyone, even if I die alone." Yang Fan choked.

With Yang Fan’s words, Ge Yu felt that everything he had done before was worth it. The short reunion, but he didn’t know if it was a permanent parting. The two of them didn’t know how long they embraced. Ge Yu finally let go of Yang Fan. , And then resolutely walked toward the outside of the room. When they left the room, Yang Fan's parents took the initiative to give up a path, but at this moment, their gazes at Ge Yu became more complicated.

Even they themselves suddenly felt that the young man in front of them loved their daughter deeply, but they really couldn't be together.

After Ge Yu walked out of the door, Ge Yu slapped the Spirit Gathering Pagoda on his waist. All the ghosts flew out of those possessed, and all returned to the Spirit Gathering Pagoda again.

"Xiaoyu, I'm sorry...I'm waiting for you, I will always wait for you..." Yang Fan said behind him.

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