Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1164: Pass unanimously

In fact, the reason why Wu Jiuyin didn't want to be the leader of the league also had his own plan. First, he couldn't do long-sleeved dance and integrate all forces. Originally, Wu Jiuyin was not the kind of person who had friendship with others. After becoming this leader, it is inevitable to have to deal with the major sects. It is really too cumbersome. Wu Jiuyin finds this thing very boring. Second, his own cultivation level is completely damaged, although some of his cultivation level has been restored, it is still worse than the original heyday. It’s a thousand miles away. Once you become a leader, you will definitely become a thorn in the eyes of the Blood Spirit Sect. It will be the main target. If the Blood Spirit Sect really comes to clean yourself, you will Exposing one's own strength, it is easy to provoke a fatal disaster for oneself.

Third, because Wu Jiuyin also saw it, the head teacher of Dragon Tiger Mountain, Hua Qing, was deliberately taking the position of the leader of the rivers and lakes. So many people who came out just now to support him must have been prepared. After the management, if you become the leader of the alliance, you will be grabbing the position of Hua Qing's head teacher, and you will definitely pull a wave of hatred, and the relationship with Longhushan will deteriorate another step.

It’s not that Wu Jiuyin is afraid of Longhushan. He just feels that in the current situation, everything must be focused on the overall situation. It is now time to concentrate all forces against the Blood Spirit Sect. If there are internal differences, the consequences will still be very serious. Support A group of Hua Qing’s sect, and a group of supporters of Wu Jiuyin. They formed gangs and formed factions. Before fighting against the Blood Spirit Sect, they started fighting internally, wearing small shoes, causing troubles and subsequent troubles. Endless, there are rivers and lakes where there are people, and the circle of practitioners is the center of the rivers and lakes. Once this circle is messed up and the Blood Spirit Cult takes the opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes, the consequences will be very serious.

For the above reasons, Wu Jiuyin rejected the position of the leader.

If Wu Jiuyin really wants to be the position of the leader, then no one can really compete with him.

The head teacher of Maoshan Long Hua Zhenren and Wu Jiuyin really didn't want to be the leader, but the head teacher of Longhu Mountain Hua Qing Zhenren was just a polite greeting, and he was bound to win the position of the head teacher.

After Wu Jiuyin sat down, a veteran who was sitting not far away from Head Master Hua Qing suddenly stood up and said, "Since Head Master Long Hua and Wu Jiuyin don't want to be the leader, it seems that they are most qualified here. The only person in this position is Huaqing Headmaster of Longhushan. Anyway, Headmaster Huaqing is the most reliable candidate in the heart of the poor. If the big guy has any objections, even if you raise it..."

"Mo Chen taught me a reputation. How can you be a poor leader? If you can occupy the position of the leader, it is better to choose another one. All of you here are the top figures of the big martial arts in the world. It is still not the turn of the poor. Sitting in this position..." Head Master Hua Qing said modestly again.

Even though he said that, there was still a hint of an arrogant smile on his face, and his deliberate humility made Ge Yu and the others very uncomfortable.

Ge Yu and Hei Xiaose were not accustomed to Longhushan's deeds, and their pretentious manners made people nauseous.

When Big Brother Li Zejianli was caught on Longhu Mountain, he was tortured by the wind and tortured every day. In order to achieve his goal, he would use any means. This is the style of their Longhu Mountain. Today, the Hengshan faction called everyone here It was to discuss how to rescue the Hengshan Sect disciples, and he came up with a matter of forming an alliance. These moths came out one after another, making people very speechless.

However, at this moment, everyone's attention was focused on the establishment of the alliance, and they put the Hengshan faction aside.

But having said that, the establishment of this alliance is somewhat useful. At least when any sect is in trouble, there are people who can help in time, so that the entire sect will not be wiped out like the Hengshan Sect.

Hearing that Master Huaqing was so humble, someone immediately stood up and said: "Among us, the only Master Long Hua and Wu Jiuyin, and your Master Huaqing are the most qualified to be the leader. Since both of them are unwilling to take this position, Hua Qing head teacher might as well work out a little and become the leader of the league. Apart from you, there is really no one who is more suitable."

"No way, no way... The poor Taoist is light-hearted, where did you do this position..." The head teacher Hua Qing continued to behave there.

"Oh, it's all about being a leader. Headmaster Hua Qing must not postpone it. If this is the case, the big guys will not be happy in their hearts. Why not, everyone present, let's show their hands to vote and agree to Head Master Hua Qing as the leader. The person in the position raises his hand!" As he said, the head of Mo Chen of the Lushan School raised his hand first.

As soon as someone raised their hands here, the nurses of the head teacher Hua Qing also raised their hands, and a dozen people raised their hands for a while.

What made everyone even more surprised was that Wu Jiuyin, who was sitting there with no words, even raised his hand.

At the time, Wu Jiuyin took Jiuyanghua Li Bai to kill Longhushan. Although not many people know about it, many people know more or less, knowing that these people have never dealt with Longhushan. Thinking of it, Wu Jiuyin actually took the lead and raised his hand, and the other people didn't continue to stalemate.

When Wu Jiuyin raised his hand, Bai Zhan, Yue Qiang, and Ge Yu were all very surprised.

But soon, the flower monk who was sitting with Wu Jiuyin also raised his hand with a smile, agreeing that Hua Qing would be the leader.

"Brother Xiaojiu...what's the situation?" Bai Zhan asked in a low voice, somewhat puzzled.

"It's okay, there is nothing wrong with Master Hua Qing as the leader." Wu Jiuyin turned around and smiled and looked at Bai Zhan.

Although they were a little unconvinced in their hearts, Bai Zhan had no choice but to raise their hands.

Afterwards, a group of people who supported Wu Jiuyin, such as the Longhua real person of Na Maoshan Sect, the Ziyang real person of the Shushan school, and the real person Fanchenzi of the Huashan school, also raised their hands.

Because they saw it right now, Wu Jiuyin really didn't want to take this position, so he also raised his hand.

"Hahaha... unanimously approved, since everyone supports Zhang Huaqing to teach you this position, it's not easy for you to shirk it?" The Lushan School's Master Mo Chen smiled.

Master Hua Qing sighed: "Oh...I thank you all friends from the rivers and lakes for your love. If so, then it is better to respect Hua Qing in the next. Let's sit in the position of the leader for the time being. If something happens in the future, it will I hope everyone here will take much care. After all, I don’t have much experience in the position of the leader. From now on, our entire Jianghu school will twist into a rope and fight against the blood spirit sect together!"

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