Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1168: Start to fight

The matter of Ge Yu and Zhong Jinliang to participate in this martial arts competition is confirmed. Hei Xiaose is not very interested in this matter. In fact, as long as he wants to participate, he should rely on the name of Long Hua as the head teacher to enter more. Going to a quota is not a problem at all.

It's just that Hei Xiaose has some worries. First of all, his age is over. Moreover, Wudang Mountain will definitely send a young disciple to participate.

Yes, one school can only send one top young disciple, and two people come out of Wudang Mountain. What's the matter?

Also, the elder who came out on behalf of Wudang Mountain this time didn’t deal with Hei Xiaose. Hei Xiaose said that she had seen her daughter-in-law take a shower, and this beam was big. All extraordinary things were done, and the elder from Wudang Mountain saw him, and it was good if he didn't come directly to beat him.

For this reason, Hei Xiaose could not participate in this martial arts competition.

Speaking of the outstanding young disciple of Wudang Mountain, Ge Yu suddenly thought of a person, the black little teacher-nephew Zhang Yihan. After thinking about it carefully, there must be no news of him for more than half a year.

Zhang Yihan is similar to his own life experience. He is also an orphan. He was raised by the hand of Wudang Mountain. He has been practicing since childhood and his cultivation is extremely strong. If Zhang Yihan can participate in this martial arts competition, it is estimated that he can get a good one. Ranking.

So Ge Yu asked about Zhang Yihan. Hei Xiaose said that Zhang Yihan went to the southwest border with the head teacher of Wudang Mountain, Qingyang, and there was a ghost village in that place. The situation was much more serious than that of Aunt Feng. In addition to the two ghosts, there are ghosts, and even ghosts and immortals, the great horror in the legend, Shuier is also involved.

In addition, the whole Wudang Mountain is worrying about this matter now. , Hei Xiaose also said that even Wuyazi, who had disappeared from the rivers and lakes for a long time, appeared in this matter.

This Senior Wuyazi was a super master at the level of Wu Jiuyin's great grandfather, and his cultivation had reached the level of earth immortal. This person was also a super master who went out in Wudang Mountain.

Unexpectedly, he was also involved in the incident in the southwest border.

Since so many masters have participated, Ge Yu originally wanted to wait until the matter here was over, so he went to help. According to this situation, they didn't seem to be very useful in the past.

Hei Xiaose didn't say much about Zhang Yihan. He couldn't come anyway, so he could only choose another person.

In the past few days, young masters from all walks of life have rushed to the Hengshan faction one after another, and the Hengshan faction, which seemed very depressed, suddenly became lively.

When Ge Yu and the others wandered around in the Hengshan School, they could always see faces full of youthfulness, walking back and forth among the heaven and blessed land of the Hengshan School.

Among these young people in their twenties, there is no shortage of masters among them, and Ge Yu can even feel that among a small group of them, some of them have even reached the real-life level.

Really can not underestimate the heroes of the world, in the world of practitioners, talents are also produced from generation to generation.

However, Ge Yu did not find a master whose cultivation level could reach his level. After all, Ge Yu had swallowed the thousand-year demon element of the snake girl before, and not everyone had his opportunity.

All the remaining disciples of the Hengshan Sect were busy working, and built five competition arenas in the cave.

Because it is a fight between practitioners, this arena is also different from ordinary arenas. Most of them are built with bluestone slabs, and ropes are used as fences around. The bluestone slabs on the arena are also painted with many runes. .

I'm afraid that once the anger comes up, I use very powerful means to draw runes on the bluestone slab, which can play a certain role in restraining the production at the critical moment.

Before, the Hengshan Sect’s Dongtianfudi was destroyed by the big monster of the Blood Spirit Sect. After this period of preparation, Li Banxian has not been idle, helping the Hengshan Sect to repair this cave of heaven and blessed land and the mountain gate array. The mountain gate array has strengthened a lot, and as the day passed, Ge Yu could clearly feel that the aura in this cave was confined a lot, and Li Banxian's methods were still very clever.

Five days later, everything was prepared, and all five arenas are ready.

Practitioners from all over China also gathered together, like this kind of gathering of practitioners, which is rare in a century, but it seems very lively.

In the afternoon, registration began, and Ge Yu and Zhong Jinliang also reported their names and their respective gates.

Needless to say, Ge Yu naturally represented the Maoshan Sect. When Ge Yu signed up, it caused a sensation, mainly because his generation was too embarrassing. He turned out to be a'dragon' character and was a teacher with Maoshan. Brother, this is a bit of a problem.

However, this martial arts arena is divided according to age. Although Ge Yu is older, he is younger and can be seen at a glance.

Zhong Jinliang had no school or school, directly reported the name of Zhong Jinliang, a descendant of Zhong Kui, and surprised the people at the registration office.

They couldn't figure out when Zhong Kui would have descendants.

After I signed up, I started fighting early the next morning.

In the evening, Ge Yu asked Master Long Hua how many people had signed up.

The head of Longhua said that a total of 201 people have signed up. In addition to the practitioners in the various martial arts, there are also many children from a family of practitioners, and there are also some casual practitioners scattered in the rivers and lakes. He heard the wind, I also signed up to show my face in such a place.

If anyone gets the top ten names in the martial arts arena of this cultivator, then in the world of cultivators, in the whole arena, no one knows, no one knows.

If someone wins the top leader, it will be even more remarkable, and the future will inevitably be unlimited.

Even the Wanluo Sect has released a rumors, saying that if anyone wins this head, if they make an offering in the Wanluo Sect, they will have at least 10 million yuan a year in salary. Who doesn't want to be famous and famous. At the beginning, the Presbyterian Church of the Heavenly Dao League estimated that about 150 people would be able to participate in the fight. In the end, more than 200 people were reported. It was really unexpected.

This competition is very simple and rude, with a total of 20 people1, and the competition is conducted by drawing lots.

In a **** box, 201 pieces of paper were placed, and a number was written on each piece of paper.

One-on-two, three-on-four... and so on. On the first day, 100 people will compete against one hundred people, and one hundred people will be eliminated.

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