Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1175: I didn't cheat you

"Come here..." As he was talking, a young guy ran towards the ring. He seemed to be about twenty-five or sixteen years old, tall and thin, and very energetic. When Wu Jiuyin and Zhen Ziyang, who presided over the ring, smiled embarrassedly, they said: "Two big brothers, sorry, I had a stomachache last night, and I was diarrhea just now, so I came here a while later."

"Doesn't it affect the fight? If it doesn't work, it's okay to withdraw." Master Ziyang said.

"No problem, I just pulled it for a while, and I'm relaxed, you guys look okay." As he spoke, the Kongtong school kid stomped his feet, shook his body, and turned upside down, and he was directly on the ring.

As the bronze gong sounded at the beginning of the beating, Zhong Jinliang was a little nervous and bowed his hand towards the young man from the Kongtong school opposite, and said politely: "Zhong Kui’s descendant Zhong Jinliang, I’ve seen this dear friend. Be merciful."

"Kongtong sent Guo's easy to say, we are second in the game and friendship first. Don't worry, I won't play hard, just compare and learn from each other. By the way, are we going to test the fist or the magic weapon?"

"Brother Guo has an idea." Zhong Jinliang has always been very polite to everyone.

Especially here, everyone who stands out is a master of the young generation of China Land, various sects, and these big sects, big families, all have a pivotal position in the spiritual world, Zhong Jinliang just debuted, these big sects For themselves, people who didn't even dare to think about it before, let alone think that they can stand here today to compete with others.

This has something to do with Zhong Jinliang’s background. He is from a poor family. After graduating from high school, he has been working outside, moving bricks on the construction site, and working as a security guard in the school. This kind of slight inferiority complex makes him feel awe of everyone. , Very low-key, he doesn't know how tough he is.

"Then try fist and foot methods. The sword has no eyes. If it really hurts you, it's not good. I have been practicing in the Kongtong School since I was a child, and the magical instruments used are more explosive, and I can't fully retract it. The situation. By the way, Brother Zhong, how long have you been practicing?" Guo Xu said with a natural sense of superiority.

"Um...I have been almost two years..." Zhong Jinliang's face flushed slightly, and he whispered.

"Huh? Just two years of practice, dare to come up and fight, brother, who gave you the courage?" Guo Xu said incredulously.

"I'm just here to experience it. It doesn't matter if I win or lose, Brother Guo can also enlighten me." Zhong Jinliang bowed his hand again.

"Okay, okay, since you are a newcomer, let's let you three moves first, let's make a move." Guo Xu said with a sense of faintness, feeling that encountering opponents like Zhong Jinliang would be a humiliation to himself.

"How can this be done? Brother Guo, please go all out and don't let the water go." Zhong Jinliang said again.

"I won't release the water, I'm worried that I will kill you, stop the ink, hurry up!" Guo Xu was already a little impatient.

Zhong Jinliang didn’t say much anymore. Since it’s a test of fists, in addition to the practice methods recorded in Zhong Kui’s suicide note, Zhong Jinliang also has a set of seven escapements learned from Master Shawan, which happens to be a high-level technique for short-playing. Fa, just use it right now.

But seeing Zhong Jinliang took a deep breath and gestured a starting gesture, all his clothes swelled up under the vigorous drums. The next moment, a sliding step came to the Kongtong school Guo Xu, double The fist shook, and there was a sudden explosion.

The first move, Zhong Jinliang used the simplest move of the seven escapes called the idol hit the teeth, and smashed towards Guo Xu's face.

At first, Guo Xu didn't take it seriously. When Zhong Jinliang's fist wind hit his face, all the hairs on his body stood up, and the fist wind made the skin on his face feel tingling.

Good guy, this kid pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. Didn't he say that he has only practiced for two years? Why is this fist so strong?

In the beginning, Zhong Jinliang had to make three moves, but now there is no way to give it up. The fist came so fast that he could not hide it.

Between the electric light and flint, Guo Xu immediately raised his hands and blocked his face. Zhong Jinliang's fist slammed down and fell on his arms.

With a "bang", Guo Xu suddenly let out a muffled grunt. Zhong Jinliang's body was knocked into the air. After a few steps back, Guo Xu stopped when he was about to fall into the ring. With his footsteps, his face suddenly became annoyed: "Good boy, you actually cheated me. Didn't you say that you have only practiced for two years? Why are you so fierce!?"

"I didn't cheat you. It was indeed two years. If you don't believe me, ask my friend." Zhong Jinliang said aggrieved.

"Ask your sister, take the move!" Guo Xu was greatly upset, his figure flashed, and he waved his fists and struck Zhong Jinliang.

This person is the outstanding one among the younger generation of Kongtong school disciples. The Kongtong school sent Guo Xu out to give the Kongtong school a long face, and his strength is naturally very strong.

When he realized that Zhong Jinliang was not a weak chicken, then Guo Xu resorted to all his strengths and stormed towards Zhong Jinliang.

The Kongtong school’s best short-playing method is the world-famous Qishangquan, which is also the Zhenshan unique school of the Kongtong school, and it matches the feminine palm of the Maoshan school.

This method of punching is powerful and powerful. There are seven different strengths in a punch, either rigid or feminine, or rigid and flexible, or flexible and rigid, or out, or straight, or inward, If the enemy can't resist this source of strength, it will suffer from internal injuries, irreparable.

At this moment, Guo Xu used this method, his fists to the flesh, his momentum was fierce, and the entire ring was full of his rushing fist shadows, covering Zhong Jinliang's whole body.

The seven escapements that Zhong Jinliang practiced were also very powerful. After a while, he used the seven escapements to lift the nest, crocodile tails, lion leaping... and other powerful methods.

These seven captures are the short-handed killing skills developed by Master Shawan from the ancient Thai boxing. The moves are all killing people.

Although Guo Xu's Seven Injury Boxing is fierce, every move Zhong Jinliang makes is to go straight to his vital point. When he is constantly attacking, Guo Xu has to keep on guarding against Zhong Jinliang's tricky moves, many times. Startled in a cold sweat.

He would never believe that this kid named Zhong Jinliang was a newbie who had just made his debut for about two years, and his strength was so scary.

Ge Yu and the others looked at the battle on the ring, and they were a little nervous. Guo Xu of the Kongtong faction definitely has real skills. After the two played against each other, after more than 20 rounds, it was difficult to distinguish the winner. The fight became more intense.

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