Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1184: What is the sword without eyes

This is the first arena competition held by the Heavenly Dao League. The big guys regard peace as the most important thing. They are all friends of the rivers and lakes, and they are not enemies. Although the Taoist Master of Longhushan has a high cultivation base, his temper does not look very good As soon as he came up, he used this insulting voice to humiliate Yue Yang. As a young and energetic person, how could he stand it, Dang Even coldly snorted: "Tongtian Daoist, can you be your opponent? We need to try to find out, you are too big for you, right?"

Tong Tian Dao Chang lowered his head, the wide brim covered his face, the corners of his mouth rose, and he smiled sullenly, and said disdainfully: "I said you are not my opponent, you are not, why should you seek humiliation? Now I'm letting you go off the stage for your own good. If you are not on your own, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Let's see the trick!" Yue Yang couldn't hold back anymore, the Qingfeng Sword in his hand flicked, and he made a buzzing sound. When he stepped wrong, he stabbed towards the body of Tongtian Daochang.

"I don't know how to live or die!" The Taoist Master sneered, seeing that the sword was about to fall on him, he suddenly flashed away, avoiding Yue Yang's sword, and his body appeared on Yue Yang's side. .

Yue Yang was shocked immediately, he didn't expect this person to be so fast.

Suddenly, Yue Yang grabbed a sword flower again, and returned another sword, slashing towards the Taoist Master Tongtian again.

The Taoist Master still didn't accept the move, and he didn't even pull out the sword, and dodged again.

The anger in Yue Yang's heart grew stronger and stronger. He turned around and looked at the Taoist Taoist, "Why didn't you pull out the sword!"

"Is this still for me? You are not worthy to fight with me. When I draw the sword, when you roll down the ring, don't you want to stay on this ring for a while? Enjoy these few minutes. , There will be no more in a while." Master Tongtian sneered again.

"You are deceiving too much!" Yue Yang became more annoyed in his heart, and directly used the means of the Seven Star Sword Art. This is the famous sword skill of the Qingcheng Mountain swordsmanship. When performing it, step on the battle gang and match it with the law. It can condense the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, gather in the body, and when fighting against others, the cultivation base also skyrocketed invisibly. Within the magic trick, a sword is as fast as a sword, and it can form a very strong opponent in a short time. Strong suppression.

Yue Qiang was the most familiar with this set of seven-star swordsmanship, but for this brother, Yue Qiang also gave some advice, so the power of his set of seven-star swordsmanship was still great when he was used.

The Seven-Star Swordsmanship was pressing hard at every step, forming a powerful suppressive force. The long body of Tongtian Dao flashed a few times, and suddenly he sneered: "Yes, this is somewhat interesting."

But when he heard a "click", the Taoist Master Tongtian finally pulled out the sword from his body, and with a flash of cold light, he took the long sword in Yue Yang's hand.

Although there is the blessing of the seven-star swordsmanship, Yue Yang still felt the full pressure when the Taoist Tongtian pulled out his sword, especially when the two swords collided, from the long sword in the hands of the Taoist Tongtian The strength that was uploaded was absolutely formidable and shocked Yue Yang's heart.

As soon as the opponent's sword was pulled out, Yue Yang was immediately confused, and he started to get a little rushed. At this time, everyone watching in the audience also saw that Yue Yang was a little weak, and Yue Qiang was even more excited, so he shouted directly. Said: "Yue Yang, hold on, don't panic!"

This sentence was just yelled out, but he heard the Taoist Master sneer: "I said that you are worthy of being my opponent, go on!"

As soon as the words fell, he saw the figure of Taoist Tongtian suddenly swaying, and for a while, Yue Yang saw that the Taoist Taoist in front of him suddenly turned into a phantom, appearing in all directions of him, don’t know yet. What was going on, there was a sudden tingling on the back, and the meaning of ice cold spread all over the body.

That Tongtian Daoist suddenly took out his sword and slashed it on Yue Yang's back, cutting out a long wound, and the clothes on his back were suddenly stained with blood red.

"Ah..." Yue Yang snorted miserably. He didn't have time to turn his head. He was slapped on his **** by that Tongtian Dao, and his whole body flew up. He even smashed the wooden stakes on the edge of the ring and fell to the ground. Offstage.

"What a disciple of the Qingcheng faction, this Pingsha Luoyan style is very good." The Taoist Master Tongtian had already retracted the long sword, holding it in both hands, and looked at Yue Yang who was lying on the ground under the stage.

The blood had soaked the entire back, and the kick was not light, and Yue Yang who was kicking had already vomited blood.

Not surprisingly, Yue Yang was defeated. When he fought yesterday, he had a dark wound on his body. Now, where is the opponent of Taoist Tongtian.

In the exclamation of everyone, many people surrounded Yue Yang.

Yue Qiang helped Yue Yang up, seeing the shocking wound on his back, suddenly furious.

"Yue Yang...can you still hold it?" Yue Qiang gritted his teeth.

" hurts..." Yue Yang only had time to say this, and when he fell down, he fainted.

Seeing this, Yue Qiang finally couldn't bear it, and handed Yue Yang into Bai Zhan's hands. He stood up suddenly, glaring at the Taoist Master on the stage, gritted his teeth and said: "You are so bold, you Yue Ye will look at you. I’ve been upset for a long time. Every time someone competes with you, you have to shoot a sword to injure others. Don’t you know the rules of this arena?”

"The rivers and lakes fight, the sword has no eyes, and his strength is not good, no wonder I am..." Tongtiandao Changyin said in a weird manner.

"Okay, you guys can do it, then I will show you two tricks, so that you also know what a sword without eyes is!"

Yue Qiang’s anger has never been so strong for a moment. His own brother was almost killed by the other party. How can this evil spirit be tolerated. As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. Yue Yang is his own brother, even if it is given to them. Nine Sun Flower Li Bai's face would not hurt people like this. Which one here does not know that Yue Yang is his Yue Qiang's brother.

As he said, Yue Qiang stomped his feet, his figure rose from the ground, and a figure floated onto the ring, and the whole ring shook slightly.

In the next moment, Yue Qiang drew the cold ice blade from his body, and without a word, he cut a sword towards the Taoist Master.

As an important member of Nine Sun Flower Li Baizhong, Yue Qiang is a big brother who has been famous for many years. Everyone exclaimed after this shot.

When that sword came out, the surrounding air condensed, and even the temperature dropped more than ten degrees.

A frost turned into a sharp blade and slashed towards the Taoist Master Tongtian.

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