Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1200: Skill

After releasing three big moves in succession, Ge Yu consumed a huge amount of spiritual power. He flicked the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword in his hand, and the seven small swords quickly turned back and hung on the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword again, looking half kneeling. On the ground, the Taoist Master Tongtian with blood still slipping from the corner of his mouth, Ge Yu said solemnly: "Master Tongtian, you are not as good as you said, you lost."

The Taoist Master Tongtian was shaken off with the cloak on his head, revealing a pale and bloodless face. This is the face of a young man, who looks only in his twenties and is very strange. At least Ge Yu had never seen it before.

But that face was full of unyielding and dissatisfaction. He slowly raised his head, leaning on the divine sword inserted into the bluestone slab, and slowly stood up, looked behind him, and found that he was already On the edge of the ring, one step further back will fall down and lose the competition.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head back, his eyes locked on Ge Yu's body again, a smile floated at the corner of his mouth, the smile spread, and then it turned into a wild laugh, after a while, he said: "Ge Yu, do you think you beat me? Did I lose? I haven't fallen off the ring, and the gong hasn't sounded yet, so you say I lost?"

"Do you still want to compare with me, you are already injured..." Ge Yu said solemnly.

"Nonsense, I said, I must let you lie on this ring today, I must do it." Tongtian Dao Chang gritted his teeth.

"Tongtian, if you can't hold it, come down, you are already very strong." I don't know when, then Headmaster Hua Qing from Longhushan came to the edge of the ring and said to Tongtian with concern.

Ge Yu glanced at Master Hua Qing, and found that the worry on Master Hua Qing’s face was very solemn. The look at Dao Chang Tongtian didn’t look like an ordinary disciple of Maoshan, it felt like it was Looking at his son in general.

"Master Master, I'm fine, I can fight again." Tongtiandao said without turning his head.

While the two were talking, on the ring, the four warlords were already fighting with Ge Yu's clone and the few big monsters.

The people watching the arena in the audience were a little dumbfounded for a while. Most people thought that Ge Yu would be defeated by the Taoist Master Tongtian within 30 strokes, but now it seems that Ge Yu has not only passed more than 30 strokes, He almost defeated Dao Master Tongtian in the ring. At present, Ge Yu has the advantage. After all, Dao Master Tongtian was hurt by Ge Yu's seven swords.

All of these young people are deeply hidden. It is true that the back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the front waves were shot on the beach.

Some gangsters onlookers sighed.

Ge Yu looked under the ring, and quickly found Wu Jiuyin and Zhong Jinliang.

Wu Jiuyin's face was gloomy, his eyes were not on Ge Yu, but he had been staring at the Taoist Master Tongtian on the ring, he looked thoughtful, even Li Banxian, with his mouth half open. , Looks a little surprised.

Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose thought that Ge Yu was determined to win. They both gave Ge Yu a thumbs up at the same time. Hei Xiaose also shouted at Ge Yu: "Xiaoyu, Niubi, since this kid is not convinced. , He just knelt on the ground and called Dad!"

The Taoist Tongtian who stood up again, looked at Ge Yu, and suddenly became fierce. The divine sword soul chaser inserted on the bluestone slab seemed to sense his mind, and once again emitted a cloud of golden light, buzzing. The sound, a horrible aura spread out again, spreading towards the surroundings.

But when he saw the Taoist Master, he suddenly cut his eyebrows, took out a drop of essence and blood, and then quickly pinched a magic trick. The soul chasing sword in the bluestone made a crisp cry, jumped up and suspended again. Above his head.

In the next moment, the Divine Sword Chasing Soul once again aimed at Ge Yu's heart, like the arrow from the string, shooting out.

Ge Yu saw that the Taoist Tongtian was like this, he was shocked, this kid actually urged his blood and wanted to fight himself.

After stimulating the blood, the vitality is bound to be severely injured, even if he can win himself, he can no longer continue the struggle below.

Ge Yu felt that if he didn't get the final test, he would definitely not be able to mobilize his blood. That is to say, Taoist Tongtian had already given up the following test, and he had only one purpose, which was to give himself to the party. under.

I have never provoked him, or even heard of this person before, but as soon as I came to power, the Taoist Master Tongtian made a clear position and regarded himself as an enemy. There was only one reason, and that was because he had a relationship with Wu Jiuyin and the others. it is good.

His uncle, isn't this an innocent disaster?

It's nothing more than a fight. Is it possible to throw a small life into it?

I really don't know how Nine Sun Flower Li Bai offended this Taoist Master and caused such a big trouble for themselves.

When the competition is over, you must ask them carefully.

In a blink of an eye, the magic sword chasing the soul of the longest path to heaven struck again. After a short breath adjustment, Ge Yu's spiritual power recovered a lot. Facing the soul chasing of the lightning fast sword, Ge Yu swung again. Raised the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword in his hand.

With a crisp sound of "clang", the two divine swords collided together again.

The soul-chasing power of the Divine Sword is stronger than any previous attack. Ge Yu's body trembled, and after three steps back in succession, the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword almost got out of his hand.

However, the powerful blow of the Taoist Master Tongtian was just a false move, and the purpose was to delay time.

After hitting this sword, Dao Tongtian used the power of the essence and blood to pinch the Fajue again, and read a spell in his mouth: "God chasing souls, slashing demons and killing demons, thousands of swords and shadows, Covering the Quartet, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha!"

Each of these words came out from the gaps between the long teeth, gritted teeth, murderous.

Suddenly, the entire ring was enveloped by an extremely murderous breath, and it spread quickly toward the surroundings.

Ge Yu felt the horrible breath, and his entire body stood up.

This kid spurred the six changes of Longhushan's unique skill Xiaoyan. For Ge Yu, this technique was definitely a unique skill.

Moreover, the Six Changes of Xiaoyan initiated by Taoist Master Tongtian is obviously an enhanced version. The people of Longhushan captured Li Zejian and asked Xiaoyan for the full set of magic methods of the Six Changes, and asked for the sword to chase the soul, but the sword was not required. Go, Xiaoyan's whole set of magic techniques have been told to Longhushan.

The people in Longhushan passed all the magic of Xiaoyan's Six Transformations to Taoist Master Tongtian so quickly, this unfortunately, he turned out to be the first bird to try this Xiaoyan's Six Transformations.

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