Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1214: Everyone is responsible

However, it was not just Wu Jiuyin and Monk Hua who recognized this dragon horn sword. Many people present also recognized it.

After all, when the general rudder of Yiguandao was besieged, there were many people present, at least the top ten elders were all present.

"Dragon horn sword! This kid uses the dragon horn sword of Ouchi's top master Shao Tian. He is not a member of the rivers and lakes, so he is also participating in this martial arts competition. What is it for me!?" Soon someone stood there. He came out and pointed at Shao Xiaolong above the ring and yelled.

As soon as this person greeted, the people in the arena under the ring suddenly became a mess, and there was a lot of noise and noise, and there was everything.

But everyone's position is almost the same, and they all feel that Shao Xiaolong shouldn't participate in this martial arts contest made by the people in the rivers and lakes.

People in the rivers and lakes have not dealt with the people above the court in the past dynasties. People above the court have always believed that the people in the rivers and lakes are factors of instability. Many practitioners have powerful powers that ordinary people cannot have. When doing bad things, the terrible lethality is too terrible, and the people above the court can't wait for all the practitioners in the world to die.

In this way, it is a peaceful and prosperous age.

When the major sects of the rivers and lakes besieged Yiguandao Zongruo, the official people had already appeared, but they were reluctant to take action, waiting for the people of the various sects and the people of Yiguandao Zongruo to internalize and die. After a lot of people, they came to the end and took advantage of the fisherman's profit.

In fact, the people above the court have always wanted to weaken the power of the arena, so as to better control.

But in this way, it completely angered the practitioners of the rivers and lakes, thinking that the people above the court did this thing too unnaturally, and they were full of hatred towards them.

Prior to this, the relationship between Jianghu practitioners and the people above the court was quite good. Sometimes there were evil and chaos that harmed the people. When the people above the court greeted, many masters of the sect would come to help, but since then After the incident, the people in the arena deliberately alienated the people in the court.

Uncles can't afford to provoke them, can't they still hide?

There was a mess below, and Ge Yu and Shao Xiaolong on the stage could no longer continue the competition.

Ge Yu was also a little confused at this time. It turned out that this guy named Shao Xiaolong turned out to be an official person, and his background was not small. He was a relative of the No. 1 master in Ouchi, but he didn't know what it was related to Shao Tian.

There are rumors that when the blood spirit ancestor escaped from prison, he had a fight with Shao Tian, ​​the top master in Ouchi, but both suffered.

How terrible the cultivation level of a person who could severely injure the old monster of the blood spirit ancestor was, and it is not unreasonable if Shao Xiaolong is so powerful.

People are official, and it is very easy for the official to cultivate a top master. All kinds of resources are accumulated on one person, and there are true dragon power blessings. These are incomparable by the major sects.

Shao Xiaolong himself might not have thought that if he took out this dragon horn sword, he would cause such a big mess.

After the chaos for a while, the people in the audience shouted to let Shao Xiaolong roll off the ring, not worthy to compete here, and there were others gearing up to clean up Shao Xiaolong.

The ten elders got up one after another, and then sent a lot of people to maintain order, but the scene became more and more chaotic, and the rhythm of the fight could not be fixed.

The ten elders discussed for a while, and finally the newly promoted leader, Headmaster Huaqing of Longhu Mountain, stood up, shouted at the door with a roaring skill, and yelled towards the surroundings: "The big guy is quiet. What's the situation, the Tiandaomeng will definitely give everyone a satisfactory answer, now I can ask Shao Xiaolong a few words?"

The cultivation base of Hua Qing is very strong, even stronger than the masters of the Great Xingtang like the Supreme Good and the Zhiyan Zhenren. This sound of the door roar is displayed, and his voice echoes throughout the Hengshan School's Dongtianfu, and it is shocking. , The scene suddenly appeared peaceful.

After all, it was the leader elected by the big guy who came out to speak, and he still had to listen.

After seeing the big guy calm down, Master Hua Qing turned his head to look at Shao Xiaolong on the stage, and asked in a deep voice: "Shao Xiaolong, I want to ask you a few words, you must answer truthfully, and you must not hide it. I heard it. No?"

Then Shao Xiaolong carried the Dragon Horn sword behind him, and said politely: "Teacher Hua Qing, but it doesn't matter."

"This dragon horn sword you use is the magic weapon of Shao Tian, ​​the number one master in Ouchi?" Hua Qing asked.

"Exactly." Shao Xiaolong replied neither humble nor overbearing.

As soon as these words were spoken, the audience sighed for a while, and many people were filled with righteous indignation. Well, it is really the eagle dog of the court, and many people have begun to swear.

Head Teacher Hua Qing then asked the second question: "What is the relationship between you, the top master in the college, Shao Tian?"

"His old man is my grandfather." Shao Xiaolong responded.

This time, the relationship between Shao Xiaolong and Shao Tian was confirmed.

When asked about this, Master Hua Qing also changed his face. He thought about it for a moment, and then said again: "Then this time you came to participate in the martial arts contest of the Heavenly Dao League, but your grandpa asked you to come over?"

Shao Tian shook his head and said, "It was not my grandfather who asked me to come, but I was going to participate in this competition. Before I came, I heard news from your Heavenly Dao League, saying that it is from the great sects of the rivers and lakes. , Including casual cultivators everywhere, as long as they meet the age requirements, they can participate in this martial arts competition. It seems that I have not broken the rules?"

"Leader Huaqing, you have to listen to this kid's nonsense. He must be sent by Shao Tian. He wants to be placed among us practitioners of the rivers and lakes to help them inquire about the news. He is ill-intentioned. Quickly let him go. He is not qualified to join us. Fight of the Heavenly Alliance." Someone stood up and said angrily.

Master Hua Qing's expression changed, and he said in a deep voice, "Yes, we have set the rules, but we didn't invite official people to come to the fight. If you come here like this, it seems a bit out of compliance, right?"

Shao Xiaolong's face was solemn, facing thousands of masters in the audience, without any fear, he said in a deep voice: "Friends of the rivers and lakes, please listen to me, my grandfather is my grandfather, and I am me. The martial arts competition has nothing to do with him. It is all my own will. Now the Blood Spirit Sect is out to cause chaos, killing countless people, and committing crimes. All practitioners with a conscience in the world should speak up, and they should not share the sky with the Blood Spirit Sect. , The country is in distress, everyone is responsible. As a member of the Chinese practitioners, I am also responsible and vigorous. I just want to do my best to deal with the blood spirit sect with everyone. Is this wrong?"

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