Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1216: Continue to compete

In fact, the reason why everyone did not want Shao Xiaolong to stay in the competition for the top leader was because they were worried about a problem. They felt that Shao Xiaolong was a chess piece placed on the court in the Tiandao League. What actions and decisions will the Tiandao League have in the future. Shanghui will understand all the movements of the arena through Shao Xiaolong, so as to intervene in the affairs of the rivers and lakes. In this way, the whole arena will be led by the people above the court.

The result of the discussions between the ten elders and the head teacher Hua Qing was that Shao Xiaolong was allowed to join the vanguard of the Tiandao League. Even if he won the top leader, he could not serve as the captain of the vanguard of the Tiandao League.

Because the position of the captain of the vanguard is very important, once the Tiandao League makes any decision that needs to be executed by the vanguard, the captain of the vanguard must be notified first, and then the captain of the vanguard will lead people to deal with various complicated matters. thing.

If Shao Xiaolong were the captain, based on the relationship between him and Shao Tian, ​​everything in the Heavenly Dao League would be well understood by the court, and naturally no one would want to.

But the members of the Vanguard team are different. They can only execute orders and act in accordance with the instructions of the Heavenly Alliance.

With the strength of Shao Xiaolong, joining the Vanguard of the Heavenly Alliance is not necessarily a bad thing. First of all, his own cultivation base is very strong, which invisibly increases the strength of the Vanguard, and secondly, it is based on the relationship between him and Shao Tian. Relationship, you can also deal with people above the court, anyway, Shao Tian will not watch his great-grandson being killed, and take care of Shao Xiaolong at critical moments.

Therefore, the ten elders and Huaqing head teacher will make such a decision.

As soon as this resolution was announced, people in the audience began to discuss it again.

Seeing the big guy talking constantly, Master Hua Qing waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said in a deep voice: "This matter was discussed together by the poor Dao and the top ten elders. Let's show our hands to vote. Now, those who are in favor of Shao Xiaolong staying to continue the competition, and those who allow him to join the Vanguard of the Heavenly Alliance, please raise their hands. Our minority obeys the majority, and we know at a glance."

After saying these words, Head Teacher Hua Qing immediately said: "If you are in favor of Shao Xiaolong staying to compete, please raise your hands."

As soon as these words were said, the nine sun flower Li Bai and the ten elders who stood at the front raised their hands.

There were still some people who were hesitant, but when they saw these big guys raised their hands, they all responded.

However, there are still a small group of people who think Shao Xiaolong is a threat and did not raise their hands. However, in general, the majority of people who raised their hands in favor of Shao Xiaolong's stay.

The people present did not agree with Shao Xiaolong's remaining people, not even one-tenth.

After all, many people also want to know which Ge Yu or Shao Xiaolong is stronger.

The people present are all people who watch the excitement and it is not too much of a problem. If there is excitement, you can watch it. Why not?

Even Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose, who have the best relationship with Ge Yu, really want to know whether Ge Yu can do Shao Xiaolong.

Shao Xiaolong is the great-grandson of Shao Tian, ​​the number one master in the country. He is blessed and must have been cultivated by Shao Tian since he was a child. All kinds of precious elixir and practice methods must be accumulated on him.

Shao Tianxiu is so powerful, his descendants will naturally not be much worse.

And Ge Yu is not bad, the world's first master of Chen Yuan Zhenren, Chen Yuan Chen is close to the existence of the earth immortal level, and Ge Yu is a closed disciple he cultivated.

In the past twenty years, Chen Yuan Zhenren has carefully cultivated such an apprentice. Even Maoshan’s Zhenshan magic weapon, the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword and the Ju Ling Pagoda, are on Ge Yu’s body. This can show how much Chen Yuan’s real person attaches to his own. Little apprentice.

One is the progressive master among the young generation sent by the government, and the other represents the supreme existence of China's top Taoist gates.

Either of them can win, and it affects everyone's heart.

Fortunately, they have a guarantee contract here. Even if Shao Xiaolong can win, the position of the leader of the vanguard will not be left to him.

Now the big guys have agreed, but Shao Xiaolong's disagreement is still a problem.

Immediately, Master Hua Qing turned to look at Shao Xiaolong, and said in a deep voice, "Shao Xiaolong, you have heard what the poor Dao said just now. You can stay and compete with Ge Yu for the top prize, but even if you win the top prize, , The position of the captain of the vanguard cannot be yours. As for the reason, you should know in your heart that only if you agree to our condition can you continue to stay and compete."

Shao Xiaolong looked at Master Hua Qing, smiled slightly, and said in a deep voice: "I just said that I came to participate in the arena of the Heavenly Dao League without being instructed by anyone. I came here completely voluntarily. Teaching chaos threatens the entire Chinese spiritual world. As a practitioner, I should stand up, walk the way for the sky and do my best. This is also my duty as a practitioner. As for the conditions you put forward, I can completely agree. I don’t think much about the position of the leader of the Vanguard of the Heavenly Dao League."

Hearing this, the people under the ring nodded one after another, but they felt that Shao Xiaolong was a real man, but he said so righteously, I wonder if he would do what he said.

Head Master Hua Qing nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, since most people agree, you also agreed. Then there is nothing to say, so you can continue with the following competition."

"Thank you Huaqing Master and all the seniors of the rivers and lakes for your accomplishment." Shao Xiaolong arched his hands towards the crowd.

After that, Shao Xiaolong looked at Ge Yu again, and said with a smile: "Brother Ge, it seems that we can't escape this competition today."

Ge Yu also smiled and said: "Okay, I also hope you can stay. More than 200 people participated in the competition. Now there are only two of us, Brother Long. Let's not release the water for a while and do our best. "

"It's easy to talk about... I've always wanted to learn how powerful the masters that came out of this world's first gate are." Shao Xiaolong said, throwing away the black cloth that was wrapped around the Dragon Horn sword, and The Dragon Horn Sword was raised and pointed at Ge Yu.

Inspired by Shao Xiaolong's spiritual power, this dragon horn sword was full of dragon energy and mighty, and it seemed to have a strong suppressing power by nature.

Even Shao Xiaolong himself, filled with a light dragon aura, with a vigorous momentum.

Ge Yu also slapped his waist and took out the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword in his arms. A golden glow flickered and clinked. The Maoshan Seven-Star Sword also lit up, and the seven small swords hanging below made the sound. Like the death knell for life.

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