Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1241: The most ferocious killer

In an instant, the Thousand-Year Tiger Demon rushed over with a terrifying force. Before people arrived, a stench rushed towards him. The clothes of Ge Yu and the black little girl were both fierce. Rattle.

If it hits a person, it is no different from a truck.

"Two **** little ghosts, the last time you broke our good deeds and let go of the real dragon, this time you swallowed you alive and you won't understand the hatred." The thousand-year-old tiger demon said angrily, his body transformed again. A fierce tiger jumped up and slaughtered both of them.

Both of them trembled, and Hei Xiaose cursed directly: "Fuck your grandma!"

Then the Qinghong sword in his hand became as big as a door panel, and with a flash of white light on it, it slashed towards the Millennium Tiger Demon.

The thousand-year-old tiger demon figure was in the air, but he grasped the opportunity accurately, slapped a paw on the black long sword, and even the sword with the man flew out, about to open his mouth When Ge Yu bit by the side, suddenly, two fast and anxious long swords came across the sky and hit the thousand-year tiger demon. These two swords were extremely powerful, and the thousand-year tiger demon was shocked. , Made a big turn in the air, and then a fierce tiger wobbled its tail, evaded the two swords, and then swept towards Ge Yu with his tail.

When Ge Yu was shocked, he quickly urged the Earth Escape Technique, stepped aside, and looked back and found that it was Yue Qiang and Yi Yan who had appeared here at the same time, intercepting the thousand-year tiger demon.

The two men seemed to be a pair by nature. When they were separated, their strength was not very strong. Ge Yu felt that with his current cultivation base, he felt that they could be similar to Yue Qiang, but once the two men were united, they would show off. After the Qingcheng swordsmanship came out, it was simply a powerful one. There were sword shadows everywhere, and the thousand-year-old tiger demon was intercepted. The perfect match, and the perfect match, seemed to be connected with each other. Yes, you know what the other party is thinking. The swords of the two are as fast as they are shocking, and between the sword aura, they force the thousand-year tiger demon back again and again.

After a few tricks, the Thousand-Year Fox Demon had to transform into a human form, holding the broad-backed sword in his hand, and using all his brute force, he fought with the two of them.

After all, it is a thousand-year-old great demon, close to the level of the earth immortal, and even the level of the earth immortal.

Furthermore, Yue Qiang was hurt by the blood spirit ancestor just now, and he was also gritting his teeth right now.

Things have reached this point, as long as you don't die, you have to get up and fight again.

Fortunately, the real Ziyang and Master Long Hua swiftly caught up behind him, joined the battle group together, and the four of them worked together to suppress the thousand-year tiger demon.

"Master Ziyang, your old man has a high level of cultivation, hurry up and help those children deal with the blood ancestors. This thousand years of tiger demon poor Dao is here to stand." Master Long Hua said.

"The Thousand-Year Tiger Demon is not low in Taoism, can you handle it here?" Ziyang Zhenren said.

"Don't worry, I have my own measures. It is important to clean up the blood spirit ancestors first." Master Long Hua used his sword to parry the thousand-year-old tiger demon, while eagerly teaching Master Ziyang.

"Okay then, Nan Dao go to deal with that blood spirit ancestor."

With that said, Master Ziyang pulled out, carrying a sword, and then rushed into the battle group that besieged and killed the blood spirit ancestors.

The Thousand-Year Tiger Demon is strong, and both Yue Qiang and Mrs. Longhua can't hold it together. Ge Yu glanced towards that side, and greeted the black little girl who had risen from the ground. They also joined in to deal with that. Thousand-year tiger demon.

Basically, within this Hengshan faction, apart from Nine Sun Flower Li Bai, the strongest person should be the Ziyang Master.

This person's cultivation is unfathomable, otherwise he and Long Hua would not be able to control the thousand-year tiger demon.

The rest of the thousand-year-old big monsters are at least three masters of real strength or more to be trapped, and sometimes it takes five or six people to work together.

With the addition of the Ziyang Master, the ability to deal with the blood spirit ancestors has become a little tougher, and the blood spirit ancestors have been suppressed by the means of the flower monk’s Ten Thousand Buddhas dynasty, and they have shown a bit of fatigue. Can't hold it anymore.

Originally, the blood spirit ancestor came with the injury, he still underestimated the strength of the masters of the various martial arts, and at the same time overestimated himself.

He doesn't have Bai Maitreya's cultivation base that can reach the sky, and he can kill the earth immortal level within three moves.

He wants to be the second white Maitreya, it is really difficult.

After Master Ziyang joined, Zhou Yiyang quickly pulled out and shouted: "Everyone, give me some time, I'm going to hack this old monster."

Hearing what Zhou Yiyang said, everyone knew that he was going out to amplify his move, so they stepped up the offensive and used the strongest means to attack the blood spirit ancestor.

Even the methods of Monk Hua's Ten Thousand Buddhas dynasty became extremely strong.

Zhou Yiyang, who pulled out, flashed to a high ground, and then raised the Chin Kissing Bone Sword in his hand high, pinched the Dharma Jue, and chanted a mantra in his mouth: "The Three Qing Patriarchs are here, please invite the gods Ming, the nine-day profound thunder, draw it with the sword, if you don’t follow it, the thunder axe will not be tolerated... the overlord is anxious like a law..."

With the sound of Zhou Zhouyang’s curse, the originally clear sky suddenly saw several large black clouds gathered here quickly. Between the sky and the earth, the gloomy clouds became dark and heavy, and then there was a rolling thunder. The sound rang out incessantly, a violent wind raged, flying sand and rocks, a few fangs and claws of lightning, tore through the black clouds, and violent storms poured down like pouring.

Zhou Yiyang used the power of one person to create such a terrifying battle, and everyone present was shocked.

Nima, this is too scary.

After the lightning and muffled thunder appeared on the previous day, there was a huge disturbance among the crowd.

Everyone can tell that Zhou Yiyang is going to use his big move and fight with the blood ancestors.

And among the dozen big monsters brought by the blood spirit ancestor, several of them broke free from the siege of the masters, and desperately rushed towards Zhou Yiyang to prevent him from attracting the nine-day profound thunder.

When Zhou Zhouyang performed this lightning-inducing technique, several qi barriers were erected and surrounded his body, just to prevent someone from coming to destroy his means when he was receiving the lightning-inducing technique.

The sky is majestic, the sky is trembling, the wind and rain are fierce, and the thunder is roaring.

Suddenly, a huge lightning tore through the night, and it fell straight down, just on the Qixi Bone Sword in Zhou Yiyang's hand.

A little huge thunder light fell from the sky, a sword, connecting the sky and the earth, the most ferocious killer move is coming soon...

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