Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1245: You remember

The blood ancestor at this moment, when he saw the real dragon appearing in the black and pressed clouds, he was completely frightened. If he had not received the nine heavenly thunders from Zhou Yiyang, the blood ancestor There may be a level to fight the power of the true dragon, but at this moment the blood spirit ancestors no longer have the courage to compete with the power of the true dragon.

So after seeing the real dragon, the blood spirit ancestor couldn't care about his face anymore, like a bereaved dog, fleeing in the direction of dreaming back to the sedan chair with his tail sandwiched.

It's just that his speed is obviously much worse than that of the true dragon soul.

The soul of the true dragon swooped down, and almost instantly reached the blood ancestor's side, smashing the ground out of a big hole, and everyone could feel the strong tremor conveyed from the ground. , It was like a sudden earthquake.

Then, before everyone could react, the soul of the true dragon shrank a lot of figure, wound up the body of the blood spirit ancestor, and then rose into the sky again and flew above the clouds.

Next, no one knew what was going on, and only saw the soul of the true dragon flying around above his head, accompanied by the bleak sound of the dragon's roar, and occasionally, one could see that there was something in the cloud. The blood appeared, it must be the blood ancestor struggling hard, hoping to survive from the hands of the true dragon soul.

The voice of the dragon chant lasted for about five minutes, and then a figure fell heavily from the midair, and smashed to the ground fiercely.

Not long after, a golden light turned back and fell directly on the sword soul in Wu Jiuyin's hand.

The figure that fell, was covered with blood, who was it if it wasn't that blood ancestor?

At this moment, the blood ancestor was lying on the ground, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

And Wu Jiuyin, who had recovered the soul of the true dragon, stepped forward again, spurring the eight-step method of lost track, and flashed in the direction of the blood spirit ancestor.

Looking at Wu Jiuyin's posture, this is the rhythm of going up to make up.

However, before Wu Jiuyin approached the blood spirit ancestor, suddenly there was a figure that was faster than Wu Jiuyin, as if it had suddenly appeared, and helped the blood spirit ancestor on the ground. Then he turned his head and looked in Wu Jiuyin's direction, and said viciously: "Wu Jiuyin, you will remember to me, this beam, we are tied."

The person who was speaking was the blood spirit ancestor's junior sister, blood spirit mother.

After uttering this sentence, the old blood spirit mother greeted loudly: "Shoo!"

With an order, the blood spirit sect people quickly gathered towards the blood spirit ancestor, and the first to leave were the dozen monsters.

When everyone saw the blood spirit sect demons retreating from here, where could they be allowed to retreat, they suddenly shouted to chase and kill the blood spirit sect.

There is a saying that is good, it is called the poor.

These dozen big monsters rushed to flee here, and even more powerful forces burst out. At this moment, they all revealed their true colors and gathered towards the blood spirit ancestors.

Including the thirteen disciples and the rest of the Blood Spirit Sect, they were all crazy, approaching the blood spirit ancestor.

One side is to escape, and the other side is to protect the dying blood spirit ancestor.

Seeing that Wu Jiuyin was about to rush to the **** mother, suddenly, the **** mother didn't know what method she used, both of them turned into a mass of blood, and went straight to the direction of the dream back to the sedan chair. , As soon as the blood spirit mother and blood spirit ancestor got into the dream sedan chair, suddenly, the dream sedan chair exuded a dazzling white light, which stirred the Qichang and buzzed, the sedan chair There are countless lotus flowers floating above.

In an instant, the light on the sedan chair from the dream returned to the extreme, and the person shaking couldn't open his eyes.

Those people who didn't wait for the Blood Spirit Sect all moved closer to the Menghui sedan chair, and the bright white light suddenly disappeared in place.

Not only the Menghui sedan chair disappeared, but all the people of the blood spirit who were close to the Menghui sedan chair also disappeared along with it.

However, above the Hengshan Sect, there are still many ordinary people of Blood Spirit Sect who have been intercepted before they have time to leave, and they are surrounded by the masters of the major sects.

Just now, the dozen big monsters killed many masters, and the blood-spirit cultists who remained were immediately targeted, and they were immediately surrounded and slashed.

All this happened so quickly, the people of the Blood Spirit Cult came and left quickly, and disappeared in front of everyone.

In order to escape for their lives, the old blood spirit mother and others directly left the middle-level experts of the blood spirit sect, ignoring the life and death of those people.

The remaining disciples of the Blood Spirit Sect uttered a desperate cry, but the voice was quickly drowned out by the angry crowd, and various magical instruments struck them to knock down the disciples of the Blood Spirit Sect to the ground.

"Don't kill them all, leave a few words to live, and ask where the blood spirit sect's nest is." Headmaster Hua Qing of Longhushan greeted.

However, the angry crowd has been completely overwhelmed by hatred. This time the people of the Blood Spirit Sect attacked the Hengshan Sect. I don’t know how many people died. Many of them belonged to them. I wanted to catch these people of the Blood Spirit Sect. He shattered his body into thousands of pieces, thwarted his bones and turned his ashes.

All the dust settled, Wu Jiuyin still stood there blankly, looking at the place where the dream returned to the sedan chair disappeared, not knowing what was thinking in his mind.

Not long after, Nine Sun Flower Li Bai and others rushed to Wu Jiuyin's side. After the war, several people suffered great injuries, and Zhou Yiyang and Yue Qiang were the most injured.

Ge Yu immediately greeted with a black little color, and quickly went to look for Zhong Jinliang's figure.

The situation was so chaotic just now that he almost forgot about this kid.

However, the two soon discovered Zhong Jinliang, this kid was still crazy, chasing a few disciples of the blood spirit sect and constantly hacking and killing.

Immediately, the two chased in the direction of Zhong Jinliang, and when they walked over, they found that Zhong Jinliang was covered in blood. They didn't know whether it was his or the blood from the enemy. They became a blood man. He chased them all the way. , Chopped down the last disciple of the Blood Spirit Sect to the ground.

"Liangzi..." Ge Yu walked towards Zhong Jinliang immediately. Zhong Jinliang raised his head and glanced at Ge Yu. There was still a madness in his eyes, and he slashed towards Ge Yu with a sword.

Nima, this kid is really crazy, and the six relatives don't recognize it. Is there such a powerful thing in the head of Fei Tian Raksha, he didn't even know Ge Yu.

Ge Yu quickly dodged, the sword fell on the ground, cutting out a shocking trace.

The two looked at Zhong Jinliang, who was somewhat mad at this time, and felt helpless for a while.

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