Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1487: Self-repair

Ge Yu raised his hand and looked at his arm. This was an arm that was just grabbed by the zombie. Ge Yu clearly remembered that when he was caught by the zombie, his sharp nails penetrated. In his own flesh and blood, the terrifying corpse poison quickly spread towards him, and then his consciousness became a little fuzzy.

Moreover, the zombie blocking resentment seemed to bit his neck and swallow his own blood.

At that moment, an inexplicable and powerful force burst out, not the powerful consciousness hidden in his body, but another existence.

Before this power came out, a sigh came from the depths of the Shenhai of his consciousness.

All of this seems to be a dream, but it feels very real.

Ge Yu looked at his arm as if he hadn't been scratched by the zombie. He reached out and touched his neck, feeling as if he had never been hurt.

What is going on here?

After that, Ge Yu's gaze fell on Duan who was lying on the ground again. At this time, it no longer had the horrible appearance before, just a relatively well-preserved corpse.

This happens only after the zombies have lost all their energy and their corpses have leaked out.

In other words, not only did he kill the zombie just now, but also absorbed its energy?

Just as Ge Yu was standing there a little at a loss, Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose both came over.

"Brother Yu, you were so amazing just now... I thought you were going to be killed by the zombie." Zhong Jinliang said with some lingering fear.

"Just...what happened to me?" Ge Yu didn't remember the situation just now. At that time, his mind was in confusion, and he was poisoned with corpse again, feeling like he was about to die.

Ge Yu asked like this, both Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose were taken aback, and Hei Xiaose said, "Don't you remember what happened just now?"

"I have a bit of an impression. I remember that the zombies threw me to the ground and bit my neck. My consciousness was a little fuzzy, and I struggled desperately... I don't remember the following things clearly." Ge Yu said.

"Brother Xiaoyu, just now, a strong black aura evaporated from you, and those black auras gathered in your left hand, and then you grabbed the zombie to block the resentment, swallowed the resentment-blocking energy, and put it It's gone." Zhong Jinliang explained.

"When did I have this ability?" Ge Yu was still a little puzzled.

"I think it should be the last time you were in the Shushan Sect. The powerful consciousness in your body played the role of the arm of the ancient demon head that was cut off. The big guys should remember that the ancient demon head had a special Its ability is to be able to repair itself quickly. If you knock out one of its eyes, it will soon grow another one, and then look at Xiaoyu’s arms and neck. I saw them all just now. Xiaoyu’s arms are all He was scratched by the zombie, bloody, and he was bitten by the zombie on his neck, but now he has no wounds on his body. Does it resemble the self-repair ability of the ancient demon?" Hei Xiao Se analyzed.

Hearing this, Ge Yu's mind suddenly flashed, as if it was really what the little black color said. In addition to being powerful, the ancient demon was immortal and could only resort to the means of being sealed. If you don't get rid of it, cut off a part of its body, it will soon grow out of new ones, and in the end it will be sealed by the powerful consciousness in your body.

That powerful consciousness has integrated an arm of the ancient demon into his body, which means that he also has a part of the ability of the ancient demon. When he is severely injured, this magic power can still make his own The body recovers quickly...

This is simply amazing, Ge Yu thought it was a little weird.

In addition, a broken arm of the ancient demon also gave him another ability, which is the energy that can swallow zombies for his own use.

At the moment, when Ge Yu carefully sensed the energy from the ancient demon head, he sensed nothing and didn't know where he was hiding.

Although he knew he had this ability, Ge Yu could not drive it now.

And Ge Yu didn't feel the energy of the zombie that was just swallowed to stop the grievances. He didn't know if this could increase his cultivation.

After standing there for a while, Ge Yu's mood was still a bit difficult to calm down. What he encountered today refreshed his three views again.

After moving his body, Ge Yu didn't suffer any injuries, he was even more vigorous than before.

"This feeling is really amazing. The powerful consciousness told me that the broken arm of the ancient demon was useful to me, but I didn't expect it to be really useful." Ge Yu said.

"Just now I thought it was the uncle in your body who was going to come out, and I was shocked, but when I look closely, it is not. It seems that you have the power left by this ancient demon, and that powerful consciousness in the future will not be so much. Come forward." Zhong Jinliang said.

"Follow it, I hope it won't come out for a lifetime, I always feel that the powerful consciousness has the meaning of hurting me." Ge Yu said worriedly.

"It's easier to kill you than to crush an ant. Don't think too much." Hei Xiaose rolled her eyes and said.

"Brother Yu, after the broken arm of the ancient demon is integrated into your body, it can swallow the energy of the zombie to block grievances. This method feels like Brother Xiao Jiu's Yin and Yang Eight Combination Immeasurable Marrow Washing Sutra, and he can also treat people If you **** the adult up, and then your soul flies, does this mean that your cultivation base has also increased a lot?" Zhong Jinliang asked curiously.

"I don't feel much about this. I still can't control that power. If it's not for the moment of life and death, I guess this power can't be used." Ge Yu said.

"Hehe...I think Xiaoyu is even more powerful than Xiaojiu's. Regardless of whether the power of this ancient demon can swallow the enemy's energy, it also has the ability to repair itself. Maybe Xiaoyu's head will be cut off in the future. One more grows out." Hei Xiaose said with a smile.

"Fuck you, nonsense, I have never heard of such a thing." Ge Yu said angrily.

"Okay, okay... The zombie's complaint was killed, and we're done. Hurry up and clean up the battlefield. Let's go back soon." Hei Xiaose said, turning her head to look at the poisonous snakes that kept besieging them.

At this moment, Ge Yu had already killed the zombies because of the grievances. Those poisonous snakes lost control and were killed a lot. The rest fled and left here.

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