Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1491: Evil in the black donkey

The temple that Ergouzi demolished is the Songgong Temple.

Although no one paid any attention for decades, the temple was dilapidated and the roof collapsed. As a result, Er Gouzi demolished the temple, but died because of it.

I don’t know if this is God’s will or a coincidence. In short, not many people will feel sad because of Ergou’s death. On the contrary, some people feel that Ergouzi’s death was deserved.

When Ergouzi demolished the temple, many old people in the village opposed it. The temple was not just a small abandoned temple. For many people, it was a childhood memory, and it was the only thing that the village thought about. .

However, no one in the village can help but get Ergouzi. He has a group of friends and friends who bully others and is used to being arrogant and domineering.

Zhong Jinliang is not at home, Wei Xionghui is doing business outside, and no one cares about Ergouzi's messy things.

After the police car took away Ergouzi's body, the crowd of onlookers quickly dispersed, and the village once again restored the peace of the past, as if it had never happened before.

Zhong Jinliang and Wei Xionghui greeted Ge Yu to go home and planned to continue drinking, but none of them took this matter to heart.

But not long after they returned home, something happened in the village. Zhong Jinliang’s mother said that a friend of Ergouzi, a young man nicknamed Black Donkey, suddenly went crazy and stood in the village. On the roof of the committee, singing and dancing were about to jump off the building.

And this young man, nicknamed Black Donkey, also participated in the demolition of the temple with Er Gouzi today.

The big guy was watching downstairs. Some people were going up to save the black donkey, but the black donkey was holding a stick in his hand, and he would hit anyone who wanted to go up. It looked like a scam.

Zhong Jinliang’s mother also said that everyone in the village felt that Ergouzi’s group of people demolished the temple, which angered the gods in the temple and wanted to blame the people in the village. Those who participated in the demolition of the temple would have to be the same. The dog resisted like a dog.

As soon as he heard about this, several people couldn't drink anymore. Zhong Jinliang said he wanted to go and see it. After all, it was a matter in the village and it shouldn't be too much trouble.

Anyway, the big guy had nothing to do when he was full, so he followed Zhong Jinliang to the village committee to see the excitement.

When I got there, I found that the entrance of the village committee was overcrowded, with three floors inside and three floors outside.

The village committee is a three-story building. The young man called the black donkey stood on the roof, jumping and jumping, and talking in a mess. Because the dialect was too strong, Ge Yu could hear it. Going to the two Gouzi said: "This general opened up porridge shops to help the people. You and other villagers were ignorant and stupid. They demolished this general's temple, and the general will not be punished severely..."

The people in the village were panicked and didn't know what to do for a while. At first, a few villagers went up, all of whom were friends of the black donkey, and they were all beaten down by him with a stick.

Ge Yu leaned under the building and looked at the black donkey on the roof. He found that this kid was black and thin, and he looked crazy at the moment. He cried and laughed for a while. It was indeed a sign of evil.

Ordinarily, it seems that a temple enshrined by everyone will not be an evil god. Even if the temple is demolished, the gods enshrined in the temple will not do such detrimental things.

This situation is really surprising.

Even before Ge Yu, he thought Ergouzi's death was an accident, but now he doesn't think so.

When a few people were standing downstairs and watching, a few more people went up right away, all young boys in the village. As soon as they got up, they were beaten up by the black donkey on the top of the building. .

Zhong Jinliang looked back at Ge Yu and said, "Brother Yu, I'll go up to see the situation and get that kid down."

"Go, be careful." Ge Yu exhorted.

With that said, Zhong Jinliang also climbed upstairs and directly followed the stairs to the roof.

As soon as he went up, the black donkey carried a club and hit Zhong Jinliang's forehead.

When Zhong Jinliang looked at the situation of the black donkey, he knew that this kid must have been scammed, Yintang was black, and his eyes were straight and scary.

Being afraid of the stick in the hands of the black donkey, Zhong Jinliang was not afraid. When the stick came over, Zhong Jinliang dodged more and more.

"Where are you sacred and why are you attached to him?" Ge Yu asked in a deep voice.

"Where did the Caomin come from, why didn't he kneel down when he saw the official, did he want to get a touch?" the black donkey asked in a strange tone.

With that said, the black donkey waved the stick in his hand again and hit Zhong Jinliang over him.

This time, Zhong Jinliang did not get used to him anymore, and with a big wave, he directly grabbed the stick in the hand of the black donkey. At this time, the black donkey was possessed by dirty things. He was very strong and saw Zhong Jinliang grabbing. Stopped his stick, and then hit Zhong Jinliang with his fist.

Zhong Jinliang stretched out his hand, grabbed his other hand, and then flew up and kicked the black donkey out.

At first, two or three groups of people came up to control the black donkey, but they were all beaten down by the black donkey, and there were four or five people in each group.

Zhong Jinliang went up alone, beat the black donkey to the ground in twos or twos.

The villagers in the village saw Zhong Jinliang and quickly recognized him. Someone said loudly, "Isn't that the kid Zhong Jinliang from Zhong Lao Er's house? Hasn't this kid been working outside, when will he come back?"

"Liangzi still won't go to Shaolin Temple to learn martial arts, how come he is so good..."

The onlookers downstairs talked and talked about everything.

At this time, Zhong Jinliang had been fighting with the black donkey upstairs for several rounds. He slapped the black donkey on the back of the head for the last time, knocked him out, and was then dragged down by Zhong Jinliang from the roof.

Zhong Jinliang dragged the black donkey straight to Ge Yu's front, put it on the ground, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Yu, this kid is indeed scammed. You are still good at exorcising the evil. You should take care of it. ."

Ge Yu knelt down and glanced at the black donkey's head. It was really black in the Yintang, and his eyes were bloodshot, he must have been wicked.

Right now, Ge Yu took out an evil charm from his body and patted it directly on the black donkey's forehead.

After chanting a few spells silently, the yellow paper talisman flashed slightly, and the black donkey lying on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, and his body was shaking constantly.

"You wait for the little thief, don't be nosy, or else this general will kill you together!" The black donkey suddenly said viciously.

"It's so mad, believe it or not, this will destroy your soul!" Ge Yu was angry.

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