Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1497: Black Dog Xiaoyue Qixing Cave

Zhong Jinliang entangled the black donkey possessed by a ghost, while Ge Yu looked at and took a few people and left here and walked towards the entrance of the village.

All of this was carried out unconsciously, and could not be discovered by the ghost possessing the black donkey.

The reason why this dirty thing is so difficult is because I have enjoyed the incense of nearby villagers for a hundred or two hundred years, and possessed a certain godhead, which can separate part of the gods’ consciousness or remnants of the gods and souls, and cannot eliminate all of their gods and souls. Ghosts will always appear, deriving new remnants and divine consciousness, so endless.

Originally, this person enshrined in Songgong Temple was regarded as a righteous god. He was enshrined in incense before, but people will always forget it. With the passage of generations, the descendants of Zhongjiacun have gradually adopted this person in Songgong Temple. Forgetting, the incense is getting less and less, and in the end no one is enshrined. So the person in Songgong Temple felt resentful, but he didn't vent it. It was the two dogs, the ignorant who completely annoyed the person in Songgong Temple. Fearless, the Songgong Temple was demolished, and the accumulated resentment finally broke out, and he wanted to retaliate against the people in the whole village.

The one in Song Gong Temple, this anger is not backlogged for one or two days.

It's fine if there is no one to worship, and even the place of shelter has been demolished. How can this be tolerated.

At this time, Song Gongmiao was already dominated by grievances, and he could really do anything.

The only thing Ge Yu can do now is to find out the body of the Song Gongmiao man, start from his body, and smash his soul away, or he has no other choice.

During the day, when Ge Yu followed Zhong Jinliang around the village, he was already exploring the terrain quietly, preparing for the action at night, but Ge Yu had not had time to find the burial place of the master of Song Gong Temple. The dirty stuff came out to make trouble.

At this moment, Ge Yu was holding a compass, followed by seven people carrying shovel and hoes, walking all the way towards the east end of the village.

During the day, Ge Yu stood on the top of the building and looked to the east. He found that the mountains to the east were undulating, tangible and spiritual. It was very likely that a large tomb would appear in the mountains and rivers.

In other words, the tomb of the general of Songgong Temple is very likely to be east of the village.

Therefore, while holding the compass, Ge Yu looked up at the star in the sky while calculating the position.

The general's tomb is definitely a great place for feng shui. As long as you follow the layout of the Yin House to explore, it is not too difficult to find.

After leaving the village, Ge Yu walked all the way quickly. The seven boys behind were very sturdy, but they were still thrown a distance by Ge Yu. They were exhausted and they were totally incomparable to Ge Yu’s physical strength. .

Fortunately, Ge Yu also stopped and went, constantly using the compass to detect the position.

About seven or eight miles out of the village, Ge Yu came to a wilderness, walked to a high ground, and looked towards the mountains below.

But seeing the place hundreds of meters ahead, dragons and tigers stalked, sand and water, when I looked up at the stars in the sky, the Big Dipper hung above my head, exactly corresponding to the place.

And the undulating shape of the mountains is like a black dog lying on the ground, screaming to the sky.

This place is in response to the yin house Feng Shui of the black dog Xiaoyue Qixing Cave.

Seeing this scene, Ge Yu nodded involuntarily, and said: "Yes, yes, it seems to be found."

The young men behind him were already exhausted and panting. Seeing Ge Yuwu muttering to himself, he didn't know what to say.

Ge Yu stepped forward again, and walked hundreds of meters forward, measuring a place on the wasteland with his feet, then turning his head and saying to the seven young people: "Okay, now you are digging and digging. End of things."

The young people were very obedient at the instructions of Old Uncle Zhong. They directly followed Ge Yu's instructions and raised the **** and shovel in their hands.

These young people are strong and strong, and they are all good at work. After a short while, the seven people worked together and dug a place more than one meter deep.

Digging and digging, a strange situation suddenly appeared, but from the ground, a faint red smoke appeared suddenly.

At first, several people didn't care, but after digging down for a while, the soil on the ground began to turn red, and several people stopped their hands in fright.

"Master...what are we digging? This place feels weird. The soil is all red... won't you dig out any monsters?" A young man named Da Mao said with some fear.

"No, stop your hands first, sit aside and rest... Now we need to use something." Ge Yu said solemnly.

Seeing Ge Yu's full-fledged appearance, the few people stopped and sat aside to rest.

A few minutes later, Ge Yu's cell phone rang suddenly, and when he picked it up, it was an unfamiliar number. Ge Yu quickly connected, and the voice of the village elder Uncle Zhong came over the phone: "Master... what you want I found everything for you. Where are you now, I will send it to you."

A smile appeared on Ge Yu's face. It was just the right time to think about it. He looked around and didn't know where it was, so he handed the phone to Da Mao and asked Da Mao to talk to the village chief.

"Hey, Old Uncle Zhong, we are in the black doghouse on the east side of the village...Yes,'s here." After a few words with Old Uncle Zhong, Da Mao handed the phone to Ge Yu.

Next, the group stood still and waited by the side.

About half an hour later, the village chief took two middle-aged people to find this place, the village chief brought seven big roosters, and the other two were carrying the wood requested by Ge Yu.

These logs are freshly chopped, and they are all very fresh.

Putting things in front of Ge Yu, the village chief took a few breaths and said, "Master, I found all the things you want. Can you see these?"

Ge Yu looked down, smelled the wood with his nose, and looked at the size of the wood. He nodded with satisfaction and said, "The village chief has worked hard. These are very good."

The village chief glanced at Ge Yu's back, but saw that a square hole about three meters in length had been dug out of the wild grassland. He was a little puzzled in order to say, "Master, what did you do?"

"I'm digging the tomb of the master of Song Gong Temple, and there is his coffin below." Ge Yu said.

Hearing this, the village chief and several others were taken aback. The village chief said incredulously: "That man has been buried for two to three hundred years. It has always been a legend. Can you really find it?"

"No way, you can't find it, you can bring things over, and I will tell you how to get it." Ge Yu greeted.

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