Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1499: Haven't done anything

But seeing the one lying on the couch, wearing a big cotton jacket, the exposed muscles are covered with yellow hair, especially on the face, only two eyes are exposed, and the rest are covered by yellow hair. Covered, even his hair turned into yellow hair. Ge Yuji moved his nose and found that the rancid smell mixed with white wine was emitted from the person on the recliner.

Hearing Wang Dabao’s voice, the man on the reclining chair quickly opened his eyes. He was drunk and drunk. He sat up straight and looked at Wang Dabao, "My nephew is here. Oh... just because your kid is thinking about your uncle, come here and find a place to sit down."

The uncle greeted them enthusiastically, and stood up dangling from the couch by the way.

When he stretched out his hand, Ge Yu found that even his hands were growing yellow hair.

This situation is a bit strange. According to the general reversion phenomenon, the hair on the body is all black. How can this person grow yellow hair?

His uncle asked a few people to sit, but the room was messy and there was no room to sit down.

"Uncle, let's just stand. Are you better? I brought two friends, both of whom have real skills, to help you take a look at your body." Wang Dabao said again.

"Hey... I think it's not going to be better, or it's still like that... I don't know if something provokes me to make me look like this person and ghost..." His uncle said as he stretched out his hand I scratched my body and made a "creak" sound, and hair fell off from time to time.

Looking through the light, Ge Yu found that there were many scabies and scars in the place where his elder uncle scratched under the yellow hair, and some places were rotten and pus, looking very sick.

At this time, Ge Yu also opened his heavenly eyes and looked at his uncle, and found that there were some conditions. His uncle was covered with a faint yin, but it was so small that he couldn't see anything for a while.

At this time, Wang Dabao looked at Ge Yu, and said politely: "Brother Yu, you are a person with great abilities. Quickly help my uncle to see if he is wicked?"

Ge Yu took a step forward and stared at his uncle carefully, then asked: "Are you hairy all over your body?"

His uncle nodded and said, "It's not... a few months ago, this body started to grow hair. Except for the eyes, palms and soles, it was covered with hair, and it was very itchy. No matter how you scratch it, it doesn't work. I don’t know how many times I shaved this hair, but after a long time, new ones grew again, and then I didn’t bother to shave anymore...not to mention, this winter, I got hair on my body. It also saves clothes, but it's very warm..."

Ge Yu and Zhong Jinliang were speechless at once, and they were all tossed like this, even so happy. This old man's mentality is good enough. If he changes to another person, who can accept such a thing?

After a pause, Ge Yu immediately asked: "When did the hair on your body begin to grow?"

"Three months ago... I remember that just a few days after New Year's Day, my body began to grow hair. At first, it didn’t hurt or itchy, so it didn’t matter. But after a week, the hair became worse. It grew longer and itchy all over my body. No matter how much I scratched it didn’t work, I thought of a way, which is to drink alcohol. After being drunk, I don’t feel pain or itching anymore... But after waking up, The same it's itching again..." As he said, his uncle began to scratch again. With that uncomfortable look, all the people who watched felt itchy, and couldn't help but want to scratch it twice.

"Then on New Year's Day, have you ever been to a place with a heavy sullen vibe, such as a cemetery, a mass grave...or have done anything disrespectful to ghosts and gods? These may provoke unclean things. "Ge Yu said again.

"No... definitely not... What I do every day is picking up the rags, and then sending them to the waste collection station, wandering around a few neighborhoods, and not going anywhere..." His uncle said decisively.

"Then... I hope you can tell us the truth, so that we can find the crux of the problem, otherwise we can't save you." Zhong Jinliang said on the side.

"This is my own life-saving thing. I am sure I will tell you everything, but I have never done anything. I went to many hospitals and saw many experts, and they couldn't help it..." His uncle was very Said helplessly.

This is the first time that Ge Yu has encountered this situation. He could clearly feel a faint yin enveloping his uncle, but he couldn't find the key to the problem, and his uncle's appearance was obviously not To be honest, this matter is even more impossible to proceed.

"Brother Yu... Look at my uncle's situation..." Wang Dabao looked at Ge Yu expectantly.

Ge Yu shook his head and said, "I have never encountered this. He is indeed surrounded by yin, but it is not very strong. There is a good saying, there is no love without a reason, and there is no love without a reason. Hate, your uncle must have provoke something unclean that caused him to become like this. Let him think about it, and tell me when he thinks about it, then I can prescribe the right medicine."

"I really haven't done anything bad..." His uncle suddenly became anxious.

Ge Yu didn't want to argue with him either, so he directly greeted Zhong Jinliang and said, "Let's go... let's go out and go around."

At this time, Wang Dabao and his aunt suddenly walked in, and said in a weird manner: "Dabao, don't bring anyone to the house in the future. He has no choice but to see how many doctors in major hospitals can do it. You bring two young people. As the saying goes, it’s a good saying, there’s no hair on your mouth, you’re not fast, and you have a snack. Now there are many scammers, don’t be fooled."

Ge Yu and Zhong Jinliang's expressions sank when they said this, and they came over to help him with the matter, and they were regarded as liars.

Wang Dabao suddenly looked a little embarrassed, and said to his aunt: "Aunt...They are all my colleagues. They have been working together for several years, and they are still trustworthy."

"Your colleague has such a great ability, and you still work as a security guard? Your kid is getting more and more uncomfortable." His aunt snorted coldly.

Ge Yu didn't want to argue with this woman either, and took Zhong Jinliang directly out of the house, Wang Dabao followed and walked out with a sullen expression, and said apologetically: "Excuse me, Brother aunt is like this. I don’t have a good temper, so take care of you..."

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