Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1507: Xiaoyun, save me!

Years ago, Ge Yu lived in Zhong Jinliang's house for a period of time. Zhong Xiaoyun was also at that time, so he knew Zhong Xiaoyun better.

Zhong Xiaoyun is not very beautiful, but she is very delicate and well-behaved, especially her cooking skills, which makes Ge Yu a little lingering and has a good match with Su Manqing's cooking skills.

When the three of them were about to leave here, Ge Yu suddenly swept his eyes and saw Zhong Xiaoyun's figure on a small road.

At this time, she looked a little lonely, walking alone on a path in the campus, walking in a hurry.

"Liangzi, isn't that your sister Xiaoyun?" Ge Yu pointed towards Zhong Xiaoyun.

Zhong Jinliang looked over there and found that it was really his sister. After waiting for a long time, he finally saw someone and was a little excited, so he walked a few steps forward and shouted: "Xiaoyun!"

Zhong Xiaoyun was walking with his head down. He suddenly heard Zhong Jinliang's voice and raised his head suddenly. He found that it was his own brother. Suddenly he felt a little surprised and delighted. The two accelerated their pace and walked towards each other. Ge Yu and Hei Xiaose soon followed.

But when Zhong Jinliang walked to Zhong Xiaoyun's side, she suddenly saw that there was something wrong with Zhong Xiaoyun, and her face was a little red, and it seemed to be swollen...

Without waiting for Zhong Jinliang to ask, Zhong Xiaoyun said: "Brother, why are you here? Why didn't you say hello to me before you came?"

"I want to give you a surprise, but when I came to your school to call you, your phone turned off. What's the matter?" Zhong Jinliang asked.

"I...I broke my phone just" Zhong Xiaoyun said hesitatingly.

"I went to your class just now to look for you, and heard from your classmates that you went out to find someone...who did you look for?" Zhong Jinliang asked again.

"No... I didn't find anyone..." Zhong Xiaoyun looked a little flustered.

At this time, Zhong Jinliang had already seen that his sister was a little abnormal, so he looked solemn and said in a deep voice, "Xiaoyun, your complexion doesn't look very good. It seems that you have just cried for a while. Are you wronged? , Tell me, I will give you a head start."

Zhong Jinliang couldn't understand his sister better, after all, they had been together for many years.

Never thought that when Zhong Jinliang asked such a question, Zhong Xiaoyun actually sobbed quietly, crying very sadly, and said after a long time: "Brother, my girlfriend is gone...uuu..."

Hearing Zhong Xiaoyun's words, everyone knew that this matter might not be clear in a few words.

So, several people brought Zhong Xiaoyun to a quiet part of the school, found a chair and sat down, and let Zhong Xiaoyun speak slowly.

This matter is not very complicated.

Zhong Xiaoyun has a girlfriend named Yang Xiaozhu, nicknamed Zhuzhu, and she is from the same hometown, both of whom were admitted to Sichuan University from the same place, and they were also in a dormitory.

In the past year or so in college, the two of them have been with each other day and night, and they have a very close relationship. They often go to classes and meals together, and go to evening study together...

But just before the winter vacation last year, Zhuzhu talked about a boyfriend. This boyfriend is not a student of Sichuan University, but a small **** outside the school. Zhong Xiaoyun does not know the specific name, but someone who knows him Everyone called him to Brother Bin. Until now, Zhong Xiaoyun didn't know how Zhuzhu met this Brother Bin.

This little **** opened a billiards hall, not far from Sichuan University.

When Zhong Xiaoyun was with Zhuzhu, she also met her boyfriend, who was tall and thin, with long hair, but he looked a little sullen and out of business.

Zhong Xiaoyun had a bad impression of this kind of boy outside of school, so he told Zhuzhu that it was best not to be with him. After all, he didn't know much about it, and that brother Bin didn't look like a good person.

It was because of Zhong Xiaoyun's persuasion that there was a gap between her and Zhuzhu, and she began to gradually alienate Zhong Xiaoyun.

It is said that the woman in love is a fool, and I don't know what tactics Brother Bin used. He was so fascinated by Zhuzhu. Every day when school is over, Brother Bin would come to pick up Zhuzhu and then come back very late.

Just a week ago, Zhuzhu suddenly disappeared. Zhuzhu’s parents came to school and even reported to the police. Police officers also found the brother Bin and checked Zhuzhu’s whereabouts, but the brother Bin insisted on Zhuzhu. Zhu Zhu may have joined some MLM, and he has not seen Zhu Zhu for several days.

Since there was no evidence, it was also confirmed that Brother Bin was not with Zhuzhu that day, so Brother Bin was released.

But three days ago, Zhong Xiaoyun suddenly received a text message with only four words: "Xiaoyun, help me!"

As soon as he saw this text message, Zhong Xiaoyun felt that the text message must have been sent to him by Zhuzhu, but when she called the phone number that sent the text message, she found that the phone had been turned off, and after trying many times, it failed to get through. .

The more Zhong Xiaoyun thought about it, the more something went wrong. He felt that Zhuzhu’s disappearance must be related to Brother Bin. So after school this afternoon, Zhong Xiaoyun went to see Brother Bin. He just wanted to ask whether Brother Bin knew about Zhuzhu’s whereabouts. Brother Bin not only ignored her, but also beat Zhong Xiaoyun with a big ear scraper, yelled at her for being insane, kicked her body, and the phone was smashed to pieces, turned off, and drove her out of the pool hall.

Zhong Xiaoyun felt sad when he thought that Zhuzhu was in deep water at the moment, and remembered that the two of them had such a good relationship before, staying together every day, but he couldn't save her...

After coming out of Brother Bin’s billiard room, Zhong Xiaoyun, who was depressed, returned to the school slowly. She was sad, and met Zhong Jinliang and Ge Yu who came to visit him.

Hearing what Zhong Xiaoyun said, Zhong Jinliang was already angry and gritted his teeth.

And Ge Yu and Hei Xiaose looked at each other, feeling that there must be a problem with Brother Bin that Zhong Xiaoyun said.

"Where is this brother Bin? I dare to do something to my sister and see if I don't interrupt his leg!" Zhong Jinliang said with red eyes.

"Brother... don't worry about this. There are a lot of people with Brother Bin. It doesn't work if you go. This matter is also not good for me. I went to him without understanding the situation, so he was beaten..." Seeing Zhong Jinliang's red eyes about to kill, Zhong Xiaoyun suddenly became a little frightened, and quickly persuaded him.

"Sister Xiaoyun, don't worry, you just need to tell us where that brother Bin is. There will be nothing wrong with me." Ge Yu said calmly to Zhong Xiaoyun.

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