Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1512: Roe Deer Club

Ge Yu and the others have never been disappointed as soon as the Nine Turns Scraping Bone Pill was taken out. So far, no one can last three minutes.

When they were at Xue’s drugstore before, they heard Xue Xiaoqi say that once the effect of this Nine Turns Scraping Gu Pill is on, it is a hundred times more painful than a woman giving birth, as if there are thousands of ants in the body. Pain like eating bones.

Since experiencing the power of this pill, all three of them have asked for a lot from Xue Xiaoqi and put them on them in case of emergency.

It's just a waste to deal with these three boys.

In less than half a minute, these three people couldn't hold on at all. They knelt on the ground repeatedly begging for mercy, shouting for mercy, and let Hei Xiaose stop quickly.

Hei Xiaose took out a piece of animal bone exuding a strange scent from her body, put it under their nose and smelled it, and the medicinal effect of the Nine Turns Scraping Gu Pill was suppressed.

At this moment, the three of them were sweating like syrup, and after the effect of the medicine was unwound, all of them slumped to the ground, gasping for breath.

The pain just now was so unbearable to look back, and I felt terrible even thinking about it.

"Now should I know how to say it?" Hei Xiaose squatted on the ground and looked at the three humans.

"I said...don't torture us...or just give us a good time." said one of the guys.

"Which of you three is Deng Gaoqi?" Hei Xiaose asked again.

"None of the three of us... Master Qi is not here, he is on Xiangkou, and we are all his subordinates..." the man replied.

Hearing this person's answer, Hei Xiaoshui's face sank, as if he had captured some information, and he said in a deep voice, "Who are you guys anyway?"

"We belong to the Roe Deer Association of Sichuan Province, and Master Qi is our incense master. These things are ordered by Master Qi..." the man said again.

Hearing this, Hei Xiaose's not-so-white face suddenly became completely black.

He took a breath, turned his head to look at Ge Yu, and then said to Zhong Jinliang: "Liangzi, you look at them first, I will say a few words to Xiaoyu."

As he said, Hei Xiaose pulled Ge Yu away a bit, and said solemnly: "My uncle, it's so unlucky, we ran into someone from the Roe Deer Club."

Hei Xiaose is the old rivers and lakes. She has been traveling down the mountain since she was a teenager. She knows a lot more than Ge Yu. Ge Yu really doesn’t know much about this roe deer club, but she seems to have heard from Master before. Can not remember.

"Is there any problem Black Brother?" Ge Yu asked.

"Of course there is a problem, otherwise I won't bring you here to speak." Hei Xiaose sighed: "Do you know that in the late Qing Dynasty, many anti-Qing and Ming organizations emerged, and some There are various gangs that fish in troubled waters. The most famous Bailian Sect was the predecessor of Yiguan Dao. It was created by Bai Maitre and ruled the nineteenth century..."

"Brother Hei, what are you telling me about, I know all of these, the rudder of that pass was destroyed by Brother Xiaojiu." Ge Yu said.

"Don't worry, kid, I haven't finished yet. In addition to the most ferocious white lotus cult at the time, there were other big gangs, such as the Heaven and Earth Society, the Triad Society, the Small Sword Society, the Brotherhood Society, and this Brother Roe will meet."

"Brother Roe Deer Society is the most powerful underground hidden force in Sichuan Province. There are countless cultivators. Speaking of which, the strength of Brother Roe Deer Society is not necessarily much worse than Blood Spirit Cult. However, Brother Roe Deer Society has always been low-key. Things are smooth and stable, rarely endangering the rivers and lakes. There is a general altar at the top, five flags at the bottom, five halls, five counties, and masters like clouds. With such strength, if we offend, I am afraid it will be very troublesome." Said crampedly.

"Then Black Brother, what do you mean?" Ge Yu said.

"I mean this time we only save people, don't kill people, and we can't commit the death of those who met with Brother Roe. We already have a lot of enemies. If we get into the big trouble of Brother Roe Deer Association, we will probably do it with a few of us. Uncertain." Hei Xiaose suggested.

"Don't worry about his background, if you do such a thing, you have to clean up, and you can't get used to his bad problems." Ge Yu said unconvinced.

"Yes, I didn't say this to you." Hei Xiaose rolled her eyes.

"I'll just ask you, what kind of roe deer brother would dare to provoke Niuyanghua Li Bai?" Ge Yu said again.

Hei Xiaose thought about it carefully, and then said: "This... shouldn't you dare, Nine Sun Flower Li Bai's big name, I have lost every level, especially Xiao Jiu, who is too cruel, if it is not a vengeance. , Who dares to offend these masters."

"That's not enough, I'm afraid what they are doing, we are not unsupported." With that, Ge Yu walked toward the three roe deer club guys again.

Hei Xiaose nodded, and said to herself: "What Xiaoyu said seems reasonable."

A few people gathered together again, and Ge Yu looked at the person who had just spoken: "Did you take the girl named Zhuzhu away?"

The few people glanced at each other and nodded each.

"Where is she now?" Ge Yu asked again.

"It's on a dark spot in our fragrance..." the man replied.

"Let's go, take us to find someone." Ge Yu waved his hand.

Immediately, a few people escorted the three roe deer brothers to leave here, found the van parked on the side of the road, and drove according to the place they said.

One of the members of the Roe Deer Club was in charge of driving the car, while the other two were numbed with the black color, and collapsed in the back seat.

The driving time of the car was not long, half an hour later, they took a few of them to a deserted factory in the western suburbs.

The man who drove turned around and said to Ge Yu and the others: "Here... the girl you mentioned is being held in a room in the northwest corner of the factory..."

Ge Yu nodded, and then asked: "How many girls are held in your place, can you tell me what you did to take these girls into captivity here?"

"About ten or so... Master Qi uses these girls to make money... forcing them to do that kind of business to maintain the operation of our fragrance..."

Hearing that Ge Yu raised his brow, he slapped the man on the back of the head and knocked him out.

Immediately, the three people parked the car in an inconspicuous place, and let Zhong Xiaoyun wait in the car. By the way, looking at the three of them, Ge Yu was not relieved that Zhong Xiaoyun was alone in the car, and he was fattened from the tower of spirit gathering. The girl was released and let Zhong Xiaoyun hold her to protect her thoroughness.

The presence of this five-hundred-year Taoist demon can ensure that Zhong Xiaoyun is foolproof.

Afterwards, the three of them walked quietly towards the dilapidated factory.

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