Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1616: Monitor screen

Seeing Li Haoran waking up, Li Zejian felt a little relieved. In this way, his wife should be waking up soon, as long as his life is still alive.

"You and your sister-in-law went to pick up the Shui Ba, where did they go?" Li Zejian asked suddenly.

These words didn't mean to blame him, it just made him regain his senses and think about why he appeared here and what happened before.

Sure enough, when Li Zejian asked this sentence, Li Haoran was stunned for a while, patted his head vigorously, and said, "Brother Li...I and my sister-in-law did not receive the water baby..."

"What happened to you on the road, can you remember it?" Ge Yu asked.

Li Haoran calmed down and said, "I only remember that I drove my sister-in-law to pick up the water baby. When I was approaching school, I met an old man and stopped the car. After I stopped, I asked the old man what he was doing. The old man told me that his wife had fallen and wanted me to take his wife to the hospital, but he couldn't get a taxi nearby."

"Originally, I didn't want to worry about this nosy, because I was afraid of being wronged by this old man, saying that I hit the old lady, but my sister-in-law was kind, and asked me to take them for a ride. There was a hospital in front of me. It was only two or three kilometers away, and I was on the way to the school to pick up the water baby. I listened to my sister-in-law's instructions and helped the old man support the old lady into the car."

"As soon as I started the car, I felt a chill in the back of my head... The eyes were dark, and I didn't know anything... The old couple must have a problem. They bothered me. Thanks to our kindness to help them... Yes, Sister-in-law...Where did the sister-in-law go?" Li Haoran quickly got up and said in a panic.

"Don't worry, your sister-in-law is here, just like you, but still in a coma." Li Zejian said solemnly.

"Brother Li, I'm sorry...I'm too easy to trust others, and the result...the result..." Li Haoran said with tears in his eyes.

"You are not to blame for this. The enemy is aimed at us. How can we be able to deal with you? The problem now is that Shui Wa'er must have been taken away by the other party. First, find a way to figure out who Shuiwa was taken away. Let's talk about it later." Li Zejian said anxiously.

Now the situation is getting more and more confusing, and Li Haoran and Mrs. Li don’t know much about the situation. They were on the way, they were manipulated and then controlled. As for Shuiwa, they must have not seen each other, but There is no news about Shui Ba at this moment, she must have been taken away.

While the big guy was hesitating what to do, Mrs. Li over there also woke up, also looking blank.

After learning that Shuiwa had been taken away, Mrs. Li cried bitterly, pulling Li Zejian's clothes and saying that she must find a way to save Shuiwa, or she would not be able to live.

Finally settled Madam Li's emotions, Li Zejian greeted everyone back to the villa, walked towards the basement, and then touched the mechanism, opened a secret door, and greeted Madam Li and Li Haoran in.

Ge Yu and the others had stayed here for so long, and they didn't know that there was such a hidden place in Li Zejian's house.

Li Zejian explained that it’s better to be careful when walking around the rivers and lakes. This cellar is a refuge he prepared half a year ago. The outside is a heavy iron gate. With a little cover, the shells may not be able to open, and there are also runes inside. Arrange to prevent ghosts from entering.

After bringing the two of them to this place, Li Zejian repeatedly told Li Haoran: "Haoran, let's go out to find Shuiwa. You and your sister-in-law stay here. Before we come back, please don't go out. Lock the door from the inside and outside. People are hard to open."

"Brother Li, don't worry, I will take good care of my sister-in-law." Li Haoran nodded repeatedly with guilt.

After the two men were settled, everyone closed the heavy iron door, left the basement, and then walked into the courtyard. Li Zejian walked quickly to the front of the car and greeted everyone to get on.

"Where to go, Brother Li?" Ge Yu asked.

"Go to school. The child Shuiwa waits at the school gate as soon as school is over. They must have taken people away from the school gate. I know that school has surveillance at the gate. Who took Shuiwa away? Just look at the monitoring." Li Zejian started the car as he said.

Everyone nodded one after another, then got into the car, kicked the accelerator, and Li Zejian led them all the way toward the school.

It took Li Zejian more than 20 minutes to reach the gate of the school for the original 40 to 50 minutes. The car was really frightening. Several people doubted whether Li Zejian had a driver's license, so they dared to drive like this.

It was not too late at this time. After getting out of the car at 7 or 8 o’clock, Li Zejian took a few people to the school’s security booth and asked the security guard to explain the situation. He said that the child did not go home after school, and he could not contact him now. Can't check the monitoring at the school gate.

Seeing these people behind Li Zejian staring at each other, how dare the security guard take them to the surveillance room and check the surveillance that afternoon.

When it was less than six o'clock in the afternoon, I saw Shuiwa walking out of the school gate with a group of students, and then looked around, as if waiting for someone.

After fast forwarding for a while, I saw a car suddenly stopped at the entrance of the school. It was still a taxi, a little far from the entrance of the school.

When the taxi appeared, the car glass opened, as if someone poked his head out and shouted twice toward Shuiwa.

No sound can be heard in the monitor, only the picture can be seen.

The man yelled to Shuiwa twice, and Shuiwa quickly walked to the side of the taxi, said a few words to the person, and then Shuiwa took the initiative to open the door and got into the car. Just drove away.

The water baby is a car voluntarily, and has no intention of being coerced.

This kid is not young anymore, he is already a young man of sixteen or seventeen, and he has learned a lot of boxing skills from Ge Yu before. It is impossible for ordinary people to take him away forcibly.

The reason for getting into the car like this is definitely being deceived. The child's defensiveness is still very weak.

Seeing this, the three of them couldn't help but wonder. Li Zejian asked the security guard to freeze the picture, then zoomed in to see what the license plate number was. Maybe they could find someone based on this clue.

But when the security guard zoomed in on the image, everyone discovered that the taxi didn't have a license plate, and there was no front or rear license plate.

Li Zejian did not give up, and then asked the security guard to enlarge the picture of the person who greeted Shui'er.

Only after zooming in, the image is still very blurry, and only the face of an adult man can be seen vaguely, about the appearance of his thirties.

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