Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1620: Fight in the water

Ge Yu and the others stayed in Guangdong Province for more than a month, and there was nothing in the Tianyuan Palace. Several people thought they were afraid. However, the three parties were quietly gathering together and prepared to give them some ruthlessness. , To catch a few of them.

The elder and son of Yinghua Trail may not be so powerful, but the strength of the Dark Demon Sect and the Jinmen Zhao family secret hall should not be underestimated.

Among the three groups of people, only the elder and son of Yinghua Trail may be deceived. They don't even know what the price will be for joining the two parties.

Originally, the feud between Yinghua Xiaodaochang and Ge Yu was not deep. They usually did this kind of thing, but they were simply repaired and would not cost their lives, but they joined forces with the Black Demon Cult and the Jingmen Zhao Family. Frame them, then the meaning is completely different, you must kill them all.

It is not the first time that the Zhao Family of Jingmen and Ge Yu have played against them. The Zhao Family of Jingmen already has a preliminary understanding of how strong their strength is.

Many of Ge Yu's thoughts passed by while in the water.

Why should Shuiwa be put on a small boat in the middle of the lake... The purpose is very simple, they want to kill Ge Yu and the others separately.

A few of them unite together, cooperate with each other, and are very lethal, but separated and besieged by many masters, the situation is different.

This time the master sent by the Zhao Family in Jingmen, Ge Yu had already felt that they were very strong, and their strength was not weaker than the apprentices who killed Qianli, and there were still people whose strength could surpass those who had good cultivation skills.

Especially the two people hiding in that small boat, and the two people who were with Shui Wa, violently slashed and slashed, so that Ge Yu could immediately notice the strength of each other.

If it were not for complete certainty, the people from the Zhao Family's hidden hall in Jingmen would not come out to confront them directly at this time.

It seems that after Zhao Minglu's grandson returned, he told Zhao Minglu about the humiliation of a few of them, which caused the killing.

I just don’t know, the people of the Black Demon Cult were invited by Zhao Minglu, and that was invited by the elder brother and son of Yinghua Trail...

Many thoughts flashed through Ge Yu's mind. At this time, it was still important to save his life.

Ge Yu was smashed into the water by a double knife on top of his head. Under his body, there were more than 20 Peking Opera masks floating quickly from the bottom of the water. Everyone was holding a bright short knife in his hand. Those Peking Opera masks were simultaneously Appearing in front of Ge Yu, watching it all night, it was indeed quite frightening.

Ge Yu's body was sinking, the people underneath were floating up, and the two masters who had faced Fu Ge Yu from above also jumped into the water at the same time and swam quickly toward Ge Yu.

The two people who stayed on the boat to ambush themselves also wear Peking Opera facial makeup, but Ge Yu looked familiar when he saw their figures.

One is fat and one is thin.

The last time they went to Jingmen to look for Chen Yu, Chen Yu failed to assassinate Zhao Minglu. At that time, Zhao Minglu took two people to chase Chen Yu.

At that time, I heard people say that there are two masters in the dark hall of the Zhao family in Jingmen, one is Chao Han and the other is Lu Dong. They don't know how much you are more than the Tang Qi they met back then.

The one who wanted to take the shot just now should be the top master of the hidden hall of the Zhao family in Jingmen.

This time Zhao Minglu seemed to be really angry, and even these two were sent out.

In the middle of the lake, being besieged by so many people from the Zhao family in Jingmen felt like a dead end, but for Ge Yu, it was completely different.

The Jingmen Zhao family still did not fully understand Ge Yu's details, and did not know that Ge Yu possessed the power of a water monkey.

When the people on both sides surrounded and suppressed Ge Yu at the same time, they saw Ge Yu who was sinking, suddenly hovering in the water, and quickly swam towards one side.

Ge Yu's figure quickly dazzled people in the water, and he rushed more than ten meters away in an instant, making the people of the Zhao family in Jingmen dumbfounded.

After escaping more than ten meters, Ge Yu stopped, holding the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword, floating in the water, motionless, as if frozen.

The people from the hidden hall of the Zhao family in Jingmen gathered together, and more than 20 hideous Peking opera masks looked unusually horrified in the water.

Ge Yu was waiting for them, and those from Jingmen Zhao's family immediately dispatched again and swam towards Ge Yu again together.

When these people were about to approach Ge Yu, Ge Yu's body suddenly sank quickly again.

Those people didn't even think about it, and sank with Ge Yu.

Don't look at this lake too much, but the depth is good. The center of the lake is thirty to forty meters deep, and Ge Yu is very satisfied.

Those people chased Ge Yu all the way to the bottom of the lake. At this time, Ge Yu suddenly pinched Fajue, and the whole lake seemed to boil.

Under the impetus of the water monkey power, the water plants at the bottom of the lake grew crazily and entangled the people in the dark hall of the Zhao family in Jingmen.

Then, from all directions, all kinds of fish, big and small, were coming towards them.

Those fish seemed to be crazy, no matter what fish, big fish or small fish, they all ran into those people desperately.

The people in the hidden hall of the Zhao family in Jinmen have never seen such a horrible scene. Those dancing water plants quickly entangled their bodies, and they were all in a hurry, waving the knife in their hands to cut the water plants. At this time, crazy Schools of fish ran into them again, and others surrounded them. Some of the fishes had teeth, and they kept chewing on them.

Not to mention those people chasing Ge Yu, they can't handle it.

After stabilizing these people, Ge Yu's first thought was to save Shuiwa.

Immediately patted the Spirit Gathering Pagoda and released a big demon, it was the snake demon, who quickly turned into a giant python, walked through the water, and quickly floated towards the surface of the water.

The snake demon was sent by Ge Yu to rescue Shuiwa, but at this time there was a sullen smile on the two Ge Yu.

The Zhao family in Jingmen, we are not going to trouble you, but you come to clean up us. Today, the new hatred and the old hate are counted together, and none of these people in the Zhao family secret hall in Jingmen want to leave alive.

Thinking like this, Ge Yu's figure fluttered quickly in the water, swimming quickly towards the group of people besieged by water plants and fish.

In the water, Ge Yu was much faster than the fish, and in a blink of an eye he swam to the side of a Beijing opera mask, and pierced him with a sword.

The man was constantly waving the sword in his hand to drive away the fish. Ge Yu suddenly appeared beside him. The sword directly pierced the man’s heart. After struggling twice in the water, he lost his life. He didn't even see how Ge Yu moved his hands.

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