Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1652: Fate with savage

It's been a while since I returned to Jiangcheng. After a few days of peace and stability, the brothers are going to set off again. This time the person who is dealing with is Nanjiang Yin Po, their old enemy.

Nanjiang Yinpo is a big villain with the same name as Beiming Guishu, and both of them were offended by Ge Yu. The Beiming Guishu had died in the true dragon lair, but this Nanjiang Yinma has always been Ge Yu and the others. The confidants of several people are deeply troubled.

I think at the beginning, in order to refine the zombies, he almost killed an entire village. This thought was too vicious. If this person is not eliminated, not only will there be endless troubles, but also how many innocent people will die. In her hands.

What makes Zhong Jinliang a little depressed is that there is still no news of Chen Yu.

After another two days in Jiangcheng, Zhao Yan returned.

Not only did he come by himself, but he also brought a couple.

As soon as he arrived in Jiangcheng City, Zhao Yangui called Ge Yu, and Ge Yu told Zhao Yangui the location of the Gulan Community and asked him to take a taxi to the Gulan Community.

Afterwards, Ge Yu greeted Zhong Jinliang and waited at the gate of Gulan Community.

Not long after they had just walked to the Gulan Community, Zhao Yangui took the two of them and got out of a taxi at the gate of the Gulan Community.

Although Ge Yu and Zhao Yangui are old acquaintances, they have known each other two or three years ago, and they are very familiar with each other, but Zhao Yangui is the cold temperament, even if an old friend has not seen him for a long time, it is difficult to see that he can squeeze a smile. Weiwei went up as a greeting, but the two people who followed Zhao Yangui were very polite and bowed their hands to Ge Yu and Zhong Jinliang.

This gate is not a place to talk, Ge Yu greeted the three of them to move towards their rented house.

After entering the room and sitting down, Zhao Yangui seemed to relax a little.

This kid seems to be nervous all the time.

After seated, Zhao Yangui introduced to Ge Yu the two men he had brought.

The male is He Yao, and the female is Yuan Jiao.

This is still a couple.

However, after introducing the names of these two people, Zhao Yangui said nothing and sat there quietly.

But this couple is very talkative.

Through their self-introductions, Ge Yu and Zhong Jinliang learned some details about these two people. The couple are from Sichuan Province, and each are descendants of a family of spiritual practitioners in Sichuan Province.

They arrived in Wanluozong more than a year ago, and the reason why these two people came to Wanluozong is very interesting.

Not to make money, but to follow the experience of Wanluo Sect and improve his cultivation by the way.

Although they were born in a cultivating family, they did not have much contact with people on the rivers and lakes. In addition, they had very little actual combat experience. They knew Wanluozong for a long time, and knew that Wanluozong would often help. Practitioners from all walks of life deal with some complicated things, and they will also encounter various problems. It happened that the elders in He Yao’s family had some friendship with the Fatty Jin of Wanluozong, so they greeted Fatty Jin, and the couple The couple sent to Wan Luozong to experience.

How smart is Fatty Jin? This couple came to do business with Wan Luozong, not for money, but there are still two capable men. Why not do this?

It is simply a beautiful thing falling from the sky.

Thinking about it now, Ge Yu secretly regretted that he gave too much money, and Ge Yu paid the three fat guys.

The couple are about the same age, about twenty-five and sixty years old. Yuan Yao is tall, thin, and a big, sunny boy. Ge Yu felt it in the field and found that this kid’s cultivation skills Not low.

The other girl named Yuan Jiao, with a ponytail and a slender figure, smiled. There are two nice little dimples. This couple looks very affectionate. This time, following Zhao Yan's return, it was completely the order of the housekeeper Jin. People with such a cold personality like Zhao Yangui generally don't take the initiative to bring people out.

Through the conversation, Ge Yu also learned that the man named He Yao is good at using swords, while Yuan Jiao is good at using swords. The swords are very powerful.

The couple also knew Ge Yu and the others' names for a long time, and they admired them for a long time, so they were very kind to Ge Yu.

After the big guy finished his courtesy, Zhao Yangui, who had not spoken much, began to talk to everyone about the place called Baisigou.

Baisigou is also known as the source of macaques. This place has all kinds of wonderful mountains and beautiful waters, dense forests, and canyons. The terrain is steep and the environment is very beautiful. There are more than signed wild macaques in that place, and it is also a wild animal giant salamander. The habitat is the so-called baby fish.

There are many legends about this place. The reason why it is called Baisigou is because of the strange things happening in this place hundreds of years ago. It is said that the newlyweds in Jinchang City woke up with a man holding a savage, surrounded by caves, and the mother savage. It was Mao, smirking at the newlywed man. The man sneaked away while the female savage went out for food. After this happened several times, the locals became more mindful and arranged the time for marriage. The afternoon.

Ge Yu wanted to laugh when he mentioned this savage, because Ge Yu remembered the little black color. The last time he was in Shennongjia, he was snatched away by a group of female savages. The blessing of Qi people is very enviable.

Zhong Jinliang couldn't help but smile and said, "This matter must be greeted Brother Hei. He has a relationship with the savage, and maybe he will be robbed by a few female savages."

Although the couple next to him didn’t know what it meant, they laughed, but Zhao Yangui said with a solemn expression: "These legends seem to be fictional, but they are not all fabricated. There must be some basis for it. All this is to make everyone pay attention to the dangers that may be hidden in Baisigou."

Zhao Yangui has always been very rigorous in doing things, and when looking for him to do things, he usually investigates the situation there before doing things, which will save Ge Yu and the others a lot of trouble.

Later, Zhao Yangui introduced to everyone that the place was called Baisigou instead of Yerengou. There is also a legend about this place. In ancient times, there were many stones in Baisigou, colorful and very beautiful. It was called Shenshiling before. , Empress Nuwa patched up the sky, came to this place and found the colorful sacred stone, and later it was divided into heaven and earth.

The sacred stone can be settled down in the deep mountains. Since the loss of the sacred stone, the hundreds of demons have been rampant, and the people are not living, one day an old Taoist riding a black tiger came to help the people, build temples, catch the demons and kill the demons. Named, in order to commemorate the old Taoist priest, the Black Tiger Temple was built in Baisigou.

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