Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1654: There is another family

When the car reached a mountain col, there was no way to go. Zhao Yangui didn't know where he found a hand-painted step. While watching the trend of the mountains, he was muttering something in his mouth. Look like.

At this time, the man named Yuan Yao had hidden the car in a small wood, and the rest of the road could only be walked on two feet.

The altitude of this place is quite high. Before coming to this place, the temperature was almost 37-80 degrees, but after coming to this forest, the temperature dropped suddenly, and it felt a bit chilly.

Zhao Yangui looked back at a few people and said in a deep voice: "Follow me and you will reach Baisigou before dark. We will settle down there tonight."

Ge Yu nodded, expressing that he had no opinion, and it was easy to go out with Zhao Yan.

Afterwards, the group followed Zhao Yangui and continued to move forward, while He Yao and Yuan Jiao led the way.

This little couple has a very fast body, clearing the way for everyone. Hei Xiaose followed them all the way to this place, still a little confused, taking advantage of the little couple walking far away, she quietly asked Ge Yu behind. What was the situation of those two people? Ge Yu explained the reason why they were sent by Wanluozongjin's butler.

Hei Xiaose understood that it turned out to be an intern who ran to Wanluozong. I don’t know what the methods are. The things our brothers do are extremely dangerous every time. These two young people have lost their lives. Be responsible for.

Talking all the way, everyone began to walk towards the depths of the dense forest. The scenery on this road is beautiful, the rolling mountains are like small islands in the green ocean, the water is rippling, and the flowers on the meadow are like brocades, like the carpet falling from the sky. Among the flowers, the clouds are under your feet, and you can see many unknown birds and plants, which are particularly pleasing to the eye.

It is said here that Emperor Shun was also the place where the emperor Shun went to farm, and the shuttle from mountain lakes to mulberry fields also originated from this. The beauty is so beautiful, it is really chaotic flowers that gradually become charming.

Being deep in such a beautiful scenery made several people forget the danger of this trip, and they didn't feel bored while admiring them all the way.

Only that Zhao Yangui, holding a broken map in his hand, walking and stopping, rarely speaks, feeling that since he came here, he has maintained a nervous look.

This is still a long way away from Baisigou. It’s still one thing to find that Nanjiang Yinma. Even if you can’t find Nanjiang Yinma, everyone will just come and play, anyway. There is nothing wrong.

After walking on the rugged mountain road for two or three hours, everyone found a place to rest. He Yao and Yuan Jiao went out, caught some game, cleaned it by the river, and cooked it directly. Eat it.

During the period, Zhong Jinliang also took out two bottles of good wine from the folding fan. Several people drank them, but Zhao Yangui did not drink, saying that drinking too much wine would affect his judgment.

After being satiated, the group set off again.

Finally, just when it got dark, the group came to a small mountain village hidden in the jungle. This village was called Baisigou.

When there was still some distance away from the village, there was a group of monkeys frolicking and jumping around.

This group of macaques is not afraid of people at all, and will take the initiative to block in front of people when they see people coming by, and ask people for food.

There were a lot of monkeys, and the constant twittering blocked the way of everyone. Zhong Jinliang had to take out some food from the folding fan and distribute it to the macaques who were in the way. He could only pass through these monkeys after paying the money for the road. Came to Baisigou.

The houses in Baisigou are very dilapidated. They are all buildings hundreds of years ago. They are hidden in the mountains and look a little abrupt.

Several people stood at the entrance of the village, looking towards the inside of the village. Baisigou, which was shrouded in the night, looked a little gloomy, and it didn't feel like there was any smell of fireworks.

"Is there no one in this village?" Zhong Jinliang turned his head and looked at everyone, and said with some confusion.

"There must be someone. I heard from Mr. Yin and Yang who encountered Heisha before that there are still some lonely old people in Baisigou, but there are not many people, at most there are seven or eight." Zhao Yangui said in a deep voice.

Ge Yu took a deep breath and looked at the dark village. He always felt a little uncomfortable. He said, "Let's go, go in and see, I will stay here tonight, and I will look for that Nanjiang Yinma tomorrow. Not later."

While talking, the group took a step forward and walked towards the village.

As soon as I entered, I saw that the village was full of collapsed houses, overgrown with weeds, and most of the courtyards were a bleak and bleak scenery.

The village is very quiet, but occasionally a few dog barks can be heard, sometimes mixed with other strange sounds.

I don’t know how many years no one has set foot in this village. Even the aisles in the village have been partially buried by weeds, and it feels like a deserted one.

During the period, everyone also saw a few monkeys jumping around in the village, grinning at a few people from afar.

Zhao Yangui looked at He Yao and Yuan Jiao behind him, and said, "You go to the village and look carefully to see if there are anyone."

After the two were ordered, their figures flickered and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Just looking at the physiques of the two people, the cultivation level must not be wrong, and it is impossible for Zhao Yangui to bring the two Mao children who don't understand anything to death.

After all, Nanjiang Yinma is not a good role to deal with, and everything here is unknown.

At this moment, not long after the four people set foot in the village, Hei Xiaose saw a millstone next to her, and sat on her ass, stretched her hand to the top of the millstone, looked at the dust on her fingers, and said, "This millstone hasn’t been for a long time. People use it, and it doesn’t feel like a place where people are there. Could something have happened these days?"

"This is hard to say, let's wait until the two of them come back." Ge Yu said.

A few people were chatting around this millpan. For about five minutes, the young couple He Yao and Yuan Jiao turned back and returned to Zhao Yan: "Brother Zhao, there is a family in the west of the village with fire. We two acted separately just now, and we made a quick turn around the village, and there was only one family left."

"Didn't it mean there are seven or eight people? Why is there still a family?" Hei Xiaose asked in confusion.

"Someone is better than no one. Let's just ask in the past." Ge Yu said, motioning the couple to lead the way.

The two walked quickly, and a few followed them. After a few minutes of walking, everyone came to the door of a dilapidated courtyard. There was a faint light flashing in the house, which made it even more gloomy.

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