Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1674: Xunxianlu

The big-headed fish monster thought that after Ge Yu had used him, he would kill him, so he walked cautiously along the way and made a look of willingness to suffer. In fact, he has always had evil intentions and wanted to take them out. People were once again swept away.

However, Ge Yu was not what the big-headed fish monster thought. He originally wanted to give it a chance. As long as he found Aunt Feng, he would be sealed in the Spirit Gathering Pagoda and slowly wear away its wildness. Later, he will prove the truth. Not impossible.

But this big-headed fish monster was seeking his own way, and completely annoyed Ge Yu.

The big-headed fish monster turned and fled. The power of the magic array was fierce, and it was completely activated. In the magic array, the wind covered the surface, and the fierce swords scattered from all directions. The three were immediately trapped by the swords. I am afraid it will be difficult to get out for a while.

Hei Xiaose waved the green rainbow sword in her hand, and cursed in the air, "This **** fish head monster is so horrible, I've seen him unpleasant, so I should have killed it in the first place. Chopped pepper fish head to eat, will not end up in such a situation."

"Brother Hei, don't complain, it's not to save Aunt Feng, let's find a way to get out first." Zhong Jinliang said loudly while blocking the swords that were shot out.

The gang swords came one by one, getting denser and denser, and they didn't give people any chance to breathe. Now they were taken by the big-headed fish monster to the most dangerous place of the magic circle. It seemed that it was a dead end. a feeling of.

Ge Yu wanted to take out the gossip mirror, look for the location of the eye, and see if he could break the magic circle. There was no chance. A little negligence would be torn apart by the gang sword. It was really dangerous and inexplicable. .

The scary thing is that this is just the beginning. This Gang Sword has become more and more fierce, and the surrounding Qi Fields are surging more and more intensely. At first, it was Gang Sword. After a while, the size of Gang Sword became much larger. , Is also more dense, sweeping towards them in pieces.

No way, if this continues, a few of them will undoubtedly die.

Thinking of this, Ge Yu took out twenty or thirty pieces of yellow paper talisman from his body, and while using his sword to resist the dense gang sword that was hitting continuously, he threw those yellow paper talisman away together.

After the yellow paper talisman was thrown out, it immediately turned into several qi barriers, blocking them in front of everyone, and resisting all the lingering swords.

However, those qi barriers couldn't last long, and as the qi sword struck one after another, the qi barriers shattered one after another.

Taking advantage of this short time, Ge Yu took out the compass on his body and quickly turned it over. There was a bronze mirror behind. Ge Yu bit his **** and drew a talisman on the bronze mirror. The talisman suddenly turned into There was a golden light, and it moved towards the surroundings.

Jin Mang passed through the heavy white tumbling fog, exploring where the array of eyes was. However, the surrounding wind was too strong, and the white fog was impenetrable at all, and there was nothing more than ten meters away. Arrived.

This magic formation is really fierce, even the Maoshan Sacred Artifact is a bit helpless.

And the few gas barriers that Ge Yu had condensed just now had already shattered for the most part, and after another wave, they probably wouldn't be able to hold it.

Just when several people were at a loss to do anything, suddenly a voice came not far away: "Master Yu, Master Hei...Where are you?"

This was the voice of Zhao Yangui. Several people suddenly became excited. Zhong Jinliang shouted: "Brother Zhao, we are here..."

While talking, I saw three figures quickly approaching here. As the three of them continued to move towards this side, the power of the magic circle sword seemed to be much smaller, waiting for the three of them to walk next to them. At the time, those dense swords suddenly loosened, and finally disappeared suddenly, and the tumbling field around them was not as violent as before.

At this time, Ge Yu looked intently, but saw that Yuan Jiao held a palm-sized incense burner in her hand, and black smoke slowly rose from the incense burner.

At this time, the qi barrier that Ge Yu had condensed before was also completely broken and disappeared invisible.

"Master Yu, what's going on, what about the big-headed fish monster?" Zhao Yangui glanced around and asked with some anxiety.

"It ran away. It shook us a while ago and brought us to the center of the circle. It wanted to strangle us all, why did you come here?" Ge Yu said nervously.

"We were originally outside to let the wind out, but suddenly felt the huge fluctuations in the qi field, and there was no sign of stopping at all. On the contrary, it became more and more intense, so we thought that something might have happened, so I came in to see you. Something has happened." Zhao Yan returned to his heart.

"That **** big-headed fish monster, always thinking about calculating us, fell into the hands of Hei Ye again, absolutely not to talk nonsense with him, just cut it with a sword!" Hei Xiaose cursed.

At this time, Ge Yu's gaze fell on the censer in Yuan Jiao's hand, and curiously asked, "Brother Yangui, what magical artifact is this girl holding? It is so good, stopping all the countless swords. Living……"

"The magical tool that Sister Yuan Jiao holds in her hands is called the Xunxian Lu. It is a magical implement handed down from their Yuan family. This object can interfere with the Qichang and disrupt the power of the five elements of heaven and earth. What is ignited in the incense burner is the bones of real dragons, only real dragons. After passing through the cauldron with countless runes, the qi will have such a magical power. This time I brought Yuan Jiao and He Yao over, because I was worried about what magic circle would be encountered. I didn’t expect to send it. It works." Zhao Yangui explained.

The three nodded their heads. For a long time, the three of them felt that He Yao and Yuan Jiao lacked a lot of experience in the arena and their cultivation bases were not very high. Although it can't be said to be cumbersome, it is not very useful. Here, the three of them had a completely wrong idea. Since Zhao Yangui brought them here, he naturally has his reason. He will never bring two people who eat for nothing to come and take risks with them. Whenever they come out, it is not a life-killing activity.

"Can this Xunxian furnace take us out?" Hei Xiaose couldn't help asking.

"It should be possible...Where the smoke from this Xianxian furnace floats, it proves where the eye is. Only when the power of the five elements of heaven and earth condenses will it affect the incense burner." Yuan Jiao was a little embarrassed. Said.

"This girl is okay, come out with us more in the future, we have another layer of protection, let us break the magic seal formation first, and see if Hei Ye will not kill the big-headed fish monster!" Hei Xiaose hated it. Said.

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