Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1687: Get out of me!

The big-headed fish monster sneered hehe, and pulled out a few things that resembled immortal ropes from his body, and walked slowly towards Hei Xiaose and them.

When he walked to Hei Xiaose's side, the big-headed fish monster gave him a triumphant look. The small eyes on the huge head were filled with a triumphant smile: "Boy, didn't you just say you want to make a chopped fish head? Is it? It's a pity that you can't eat this fish head with chopped pepper, but I can taste the taste of your flesh."

As he said, the big-headed fish monster also stretched out a tasted tongue and licked his lips. The tongue was so long that it almost licked the entire face once, emitting an unpleasant stench.

Hei Xiaose was awe-inspiring, but she gave a cold snort and turned her head.

Soon, the big head fish monster tied Hei Xiaose and Zhao Yangui to Wuhuada with immortal ropes, even He Yao didn't let it go, they tied them all together.

At this moment, Hei Xiaose and Zhao Yangui are completely ashamed.

Resistance is death, and not resisting is a dead end.

As soon as Hei Xiaose was **** here, the big-headed fish monster kicked Hei Xiaose violently, staggering and almost falling to the ground.

"Aren't you crazy? I've seen you not pleasing to your eyes a long time ago. See how arrogant you are now?" the big-headed fish monster said harshly.

"Let you be crazy now, when I get the chance, you must stew it." Hei Xiaose said gloomily.

"Death is imminent, and your mouth is stiff. It won't take long before you will become a zombie. It shouldn't be a problem to refining into a corpse depending on your cultivation skills." The big-headed fish monster was not angry. Just sneered.

Seeing everyone tied up, Wang Tao immediately raised the knife, and his gaze at Ge Yu became gloomy again. He turned his head and said to Nanjiang Yin Po, "Master, this little mess made me like this. People are not ghosts or ghosts. Today, I finally caught the opportunity for revenge. I will chop him off with a single blow!"

"What's the hurry, people are already in our hands anyway, and we can do whatever we want, but I think this kid's cultivation has improved a lot in the past year or so. My senior sister is better than refining zombies. I am a lot taller. According to this kid's cultivation base, it is estimated that he can be directly refined into a corpse king. The higher the cultivation level, the higher the level of the refined zombie. Just now I was shocked by this kid. A corpse king can only use him as a substitute." Nanjiang Yin Po said lightly.

"He has been poisoned by the eight zombie poisons of the old body. It is the corpse poison extracted from eight top-grade zombies and refined into the corpse poison. Only the old body can untie this corpse poison. In another hour, this kid is going to be transformed into a corpse, and after refining, it is indeed possible to become a corpse king, and once the corpse king is successfully refined, he will still be a very high-level corpse king, far better than me. These corpse kings are much more powerful." A gratified smile appeared at the corner of the blind old woman's mouth.

Suddenly felt that all the zombies added up were not as good as refining Ge Yu alone.

"Congratulations, Senior Sister Hexi, there will be another top-quality zombie in the future." The Nanjiang Yin Po said flatly.

"I said, Junior Sister, the group of people you provoke are all hardships. Not to mention Wan Luozong, it is the Nine Sun Flower Li Bai. We definitely can't afford to offend them. We will accept them all today. In a few days We are going to change places, this place must not stay, this is a good thing you have caused." The blind old woman said a little displeased.

"Sister, we are all handed over by a master. I have no relatives, sister, and there is only you in this world. When I am in trouble, sister, who is willing to help me without asking you? Love me, our affection is still there now." Nanjiang Yinma said emotionally.

"You are embarrassed to mention that you are not at ease in learning arts with Master, and you have not learned much. You have caused a lot of troubles in the arena. There used to be a master to clean up the mess for you, but now the master is no longer, but It’s my turn to be a senior sister again. Senior sister, I have stayed here for decades. I have been calmly and devotedly studying the way of corpse refining. This time you, the zombies refined in half your life will be damaged. It's more than half, really a prodigal." The blind old woman became more and more angry.

"Sister, these little boys are my biggest enemies. Now they are finally taking care of me. I have also solved a big confession. It’s not like this. In recent years, I have not gone anywhere, so I will follow you to refine zombies. , Junior Sister, I have compensated you a little bit. Besides, Junior Sister, I can also learn more methods from you."

After a pause, Nanjiang Yin Po said again: "Besides, Senior Sister, you are not at a loss this time. Except for this kid who can refine a top-grade corpse king, the rest of the people are very good in cultivation. Turning out good zombies out of it can be regarded as a little to make up for Senior Sister."

Then Wang Tao heard that he would not kill Ge Yu, but to transform it into a zombie. The boss was unhappy, but he didn't dare to say anything. These two were his elders.

Hei Xiaose looked at Ge Yu lying on the ground, feeling very tangled in her heart.

This situation is a bit wrong. In the past, when it came to life and death, the powerful consciousness in Ge Yu's body would regain control, regain control of his body, and kill the Quartet.

At this moment, Ge Yu was hit by a very serious corpse poison, and the corpse was about to change. There was no movement at all.

Even if that powerful consciousness can't come out, there is still infinite magic power in Ge Yu's body that the ancient demon head left behind and turned into a broken arm. There is no sign of recovery at this moment. Could it be that those things in his body are useless? Up.

Hei Xiaose's only sustenance now is to look forward to the emergence of that powerful consciousness in Ge Yu's body so as to save them, or else they will probably be refined into zombies.

Hei Xiaose felt infinite sadness in her heart when she thought that she would soon become such a walking dead without thinking.

However, Ge Yu, who was lying on the ground, was completely unconscious at this time. The eight zombie poisons spread rapidly in his body, flowed through the eight channels of the odd meridian, and quickly spread throughout his body.

His whole body was scorching hot, as if he was about to melt his own body, and when the corpse poison was about to spread to his body and his heart veins, there was a sudden cold breath in Ge Yu's dantian, which instantly surged. Here, a faint black breath began to emanate from his body.

"Trash... quickly get up for Lao Tzu! Just these pickled goods can hurt you like this. You don't deserve to be my cauldron at all. Get out of here!"

An angry voice yelled in Ge Yu's ear!

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