Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1702: Magical Meat Lingzhi

"Is the news reliable this time?" Ge Yu was also a little excited and couldn't wait to ask.

"This time I definitely can't be wrong. The news just reached me, so I hurried over to report to a few grandpas. This time, after repeated confirmations, I dared to talk to a few grandpas about this matter." Fatty Jin was full of expressions. Duoxiao, it looks very festive.

Afterwards, Fatty Jin told Ge Yu and the others the details. It turned out that there was a village called Hongshiya in Sumen. There was an old man in the village who was more than 60 years old. He planted a date tree at home. The tree is twenty or thirty years old, and the jujubes produced every year are big, sweet, and fruitful. Thanks to this jujube tree, it can sell for thousands of dollars every year, but this year is the time to bear jujubes. , But only the leaves were growing, and no results were seen. After a short time, all the leaves of the jujube tree fell out, and the tree was also dead. The old man became a little frustrated, so he found a **** from the house, The jujube tree has been planed.

The plan was incredible. The old man found a big white ball in the pit of the root of the tree, but saw that the "white ball" had two round heads, and it felt like boiled cowhide tendons. The things stuck to his hands were also sticky. The old man had never seen such a monster before, so he called his son who worked in the field. It happened that the old man’s son was a medical student. Hearing his father’s description, he felt The thing his father dug up is likely to be the legendary Tai Sui, so he took his teacher, a professor from the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, to appraise it overnight. The old professor carefully identified it for a long time and confirmed that the white ball is The legendary Tai Sui, commonly known as the treasure like the meat Lingzhi.

The old man dug up the treasure quickly caused a sensation in the entire village, attracting many villagers onlookers, all wanting to see what the legendary thousand-year-old age looks like.

On the night of the excavation, several groups of people went there. They were all big bosses from the county and provincial capitals overnight. Some bid 500,000, and others bid 1 million to buy the old man’s Millennium Tai Sui.

The old professor at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine invited by the old man's son is very researching about the thousand years of Tai Sui.

On the same day, some related academic issues about the Millennium Tai Sui were popularized with father and son.

This wild Tai Sui Ganoderma can survive from ancient times and grow very slowly, but it will always grow. The Tai Sui Ganoderma can reproduce indefinitely in a suitable environment, no matter how old it is, and a catty of Tai Sui can be divided into 100 on average. The serving size is still a thousand servings. Each cut is a living body, and each piece can grow and survive on its own, but the growth rate is very slow. This is the unique characteristic of any life form in nature, and it also has other species. It does not have some characteristics, it will not freeze to death, stored at minus 18 degrees for 50 hours, and still alive after being taken out. In addition, it also has strong antiseptic properties, it will not die, will not die of thirst, will not die, will not die of starvation...

This Tai Sui is recorded in "Shan Hai Jing" and "Compendium of Materia Medica", and there is also a special description of Tai Sui in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica". According to legend, emperors such as Yao, Shun and Yu are over a hundred years old and they have eaten This meat ganoderma.

In ancient times, this Tai Sui was considered the elixir of immortality, according to the "Historical Records." "The Book of the First Emperor of Qin" records: After the unification of the six kingdoms, the emperor of one country heard that there was a kind of immortal medicine in the east. After eating it, he could live forever and become immortal. So in 28th year of Qin, he led the east to search for the immortal medicine. , He came to Langya Town in Ludi and searched for Xu Fu, a very famous alchemist doctor, named him the elixir of immortality, and gave him a lot of manpower and material resources. Xu Fu then led thousands of boys and girls eastward and came to Penglai, Ludi, to find immortal medicine, so Xu Fu built a ship and led three thousand boys and girls across Fusang from Daludi in northern Zhejiang to ancient Yingzhou. , The abbot, which is now the island nation.

It is said that the immortal medicine Qin Shihuang asked Xu Fu to search for was Tai Sui-Meat Lingzhi.

Hearing that this thousand-year Tai Sui was so magical, the father and son even regarded this thousand-year Tai Sui as a baby bump, not to mention bidding for one million, but not willing to sell it for ten million.

Especially the old man felt that he had eaten well, maybe he could really live forever.

I went to several groups of people in succession, and they didn't buy a thousand years old Tai Sui from the father and son pair, and they even got dusty.

The reason why Wan Luozong got the news was because a part of Wan Luozong's forces in northern Jiangsu met with the boss who bought the Millennium Tai Sui, and when he was drinking, he told the person in Wan Luozong about this matter.

And Wan Luozong had been looking for the Millennium Tai Sui recently, so that person did not dare to delay, and immediately reported the incident.

That person from the Wanluo Sect repeatedly confirmed that it was definitely not wrong to say that it was the Millennium Tai Sui.

When the boss went to the old man’s house to buy the Millennium Tai Sui, although he did not buy it, he saw the Millennium Tai Sui and put it in a huge washbasin and soaked it with water. The boss also took a photo with his mobile phone and was The person from Wan Luozong wanted to come over, and that thousand-year-old Tai Sui photo was transferred to Fatty Jin.

Right now, the Fatty Jin took out his cell phone and showed the thousand-year-old Tai Sui photo to everyone.

Everyone saw that in a big washbasin, there was a big white ball, which looked like a tuft of white fat.

Several people have never seen this thing, and don't know if it is a thousand-year-old Tai Sui.

After staring at each other with big eyes, Li Zejian suggested to send this photo to Xue Xiaoqi, let the people of the Xue family look at it, and confirm whether this is a thousand years old.

Just do what he said, and then Fatty Jin forwarded this thousand-year-old Tai Sui photo to Xue Xiaoqi and asked him to hold his hand to see if it was right.

After Xue Xiaoqi received the photo, he didn't dare to confirm it, saying that he asked everyone to wait a while before he went to ask the two elders.

Xue Xiaoqi had never seen this thing either.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Xue Xiaoqi called everyone out of breath, saying that the two elders had confirmed that it was a thousand years old and could start.

When they heard Xue Xiaoqi's words, everyone was even more excited. After searching for a full month and a half, they finally got the news of the Millennium Tai Sui.

But at this moment, everyone is in trouble again. Seeing the appearance of the father and son, they might not sell the thousand-year Tai Sui to them.

Fatty Jin squinted his eyes and said, "It's not easy. Let's pay the courts first and then pay the soldiers first. Ask him if he can sell it. If he refuses to sell it, Wan Luozong has some dirty work, so he will grab the baby directly. That's it."

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