Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1710: Three Swords

Li Zejian's quarrel can't be compared to Hei Xiaose. Among the few people, only Hei Xiaose's mouth hurts the most, and Li Zejian is not good at words, and basically suffers every time he quarrels with Hei Xiaose.

Annoyed Li Zejian, she could only use the flying sword to scare Hei Xiaose, but Hei Xiaose also accepted it as soon as he saw it, and surrendered without shame, faceless and skinless to a certain level.

Ge Yu looked at Hei Xiaose's appearance, and was a little speechless. It's now time. He is still in the mood to joking and laughing with Li Zejian. This is a big matter concerning Zhong Jinliang's life and death. Ryoko would not survive.

Unconsciously, one and a half months passed, and Zhong Jinliang only had one and a half months to live.

It is impossible for them to spend any more time looking for another Thousand-year Tai Sui, and they may not be able to find it anymore. The Thousand-Year Tai Sui is a treasure of heaven and earth that can be met but not sought.

Just when Li Zejian was bickering with Hei Xiaose, Lord Thousand-Handed Buddha over there had already checked the three bodies with Meng Qingshan.

Meng Qingshan walked to Ge Yu and the others, shook his head, and said: "I didn't see anything. All of these people were wounded by swords, and the sword was pierced through wounds. A sword smashed the heart. Besides, there seems to be no other wounds on their bodies, and there is no trace at all."

Hearing what Meng Qingshan said, several people couldn't help being a little bit disappointed. If they really couldn't find any clues, then Tai Sui had completely lost contact here over the past thousand years, and it would be too difficult to find any more.

At this time, the Thousand Hands Buddha also clapped his hands, stood up, and walked towards them.

At this time, Ge Yu glanced at the hand of the Thousand-Year Buddha, couldn't help being a little surprised.

This thousand-handed Buddha is at least seventy or eighty years old. His hair is gray, his back is slightly hunched, and his face is wrinkled, but his hands are very clean and beautiful. Not only are they white, they are also very slender. There are no wrinkles. It feels like Is the hand of a young woman.

The area of'Faculty' in Kyoto means pickpocket. Just now Li Zejian had a face-to-face encounter with Buddha Thousand-Handed Buddha, and the soul-chaser on his body was sent along by the Buddha-Thousand-Handed Buddha. It was enough to see that Buddha Thousand-Handed Buddha was pickpocketing. In this business, it is definitely an ancestor-level person, superbly transformed, and the Excalibur Soul Chaser was stolen, and Li Zejia didn't feel it.

The most important thing for a pickpocket is one pair of hands. That's why the Thousand-Handed Buddha will maintain these hands so beautifully, as if they have no bones.

After the Thousand Hands Buddha walked up to the crowd, he thought for a moment, and said hesitantly: "I have a different opinion."

"Senior, please make it clear." Ge Yu said politely.

"These three people were stabbed to death by swords, but the old man discovered a problem. The width of the wounds left by this sword on the three people is not exactly the same. Some wounds are longer and some are wounds. Narrow, that is, the three of them did not seem to be killed by the same magic sword. This situation can only explain one problem. It was three or more people who came to kill the three of them. , Or maybe, that person possessed three swords at the same time, and killed these three people." Qianshou Buddha analyzed.

Hearing this, several people were shocked. This old man looked carefully enough that he could even tell the size of the wound. This is a place that everyone overlooked, but felt that all three of them were killed by a sword. Dead, there is no doubt about the size of the wound.

"I think the former is more likely. Who do you think will be able to eat and support? At the same time carry three swords, and kill three people with three swords. This is too much trouble, and this Since the three people are called Zhenjiang Sanxiong in northern Jiangsu, the methods must be improvised, at least it is a cultivation base of a few dollars or more? That person fights three masters with one man, kills one with one sword, and then puts away that Change the sword, and then kill another person. This is funny after thinking about it. Either this person is a master, or this person is just kicked by a donkey in his brain. Three different swords killed these three people." Hei Xiaose analyzed.

Hearing Hei Xiaose's analysis, Ge Yu and Li Zejian felt quite reasonable, and couldn't help nodding their heads. Even Meng Qingshan followed up and said flatly: "Yes, I think Heiye's words are very reasonable. "

But the Thousand Hands Buddha maintained a different opinion. He shook his head and said: "Things are not as simple as you think. You still haven't looked carefully enough. In this room, only five of us have come in. Look again. , Three people died on the ground, and the blood shed all over the ground. I have observed just now. There is only one person in this room except for the five of us, and that person probably killed them. The murderer of three people, if there are three or more masters, why is there only one person's footprint?"

Damn, is this old man Holmes? He looked so carefully, and among so many **** footprints, he could still tell the footprints of another person.

At the moment, a few people also looked at the footprints in the room, carefully distinguished, and found that it was really what Buddha Thousand Hands said. In addition to their footprints, there was another person’s footprints, which were relatively large. It should be the footprint of a man.

At the same time, everyone also excluded the footprints of the three people lying on the ground. These three people did not experience too many fights. They were basically killed by the opponent within a few strokes. They all fell to the ground. After that, blood footprints appeared, and naturally the three dead people would not leave any blood footprints.

"I'll go, so to speak, these three people were really killed by the same person, and they killed three people with three swords respectively. Is he full of food and support?" Hei Xiaose wondered.

The Thousand Hands Buddha pondered for a while, and after a full two minutes, he hesitated and said: "This kind of technique is more like a handwriting by one person. Twenty years ago, I saw a person who killed six people. He used six different small swords at the same time, all of which were broken hearts, passing through the chest."

After a pause, Lord Thousand Hands Buddha said with some uncertainty: "If you think about it carefully, I don't think it is possible. This person is a family of spiritual practitioners in Jinling. Tai Sui, care about these people, this Tai Sui sells at most millions and tens of millions, and their family should not lack this little money."

"Old man, who are you suspicious?" Ge Yu said sternly.

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