Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1726: Let him get out

Lord Thousand-Handed Buddha hid himself among the densely foliaged trees, and even urged the method of clavicle surgery, curled himself up into a ball, holding the thousand-year Tai Sui, squatting there motionless.

Song Yuanqing glanced at the tree, and quickly moved to another place.

At this time, a long-haired man next to Song Yuanqing suddenly whispered: "Patriarch, it seems that the two little thieves don’t know what the Thousand Year Tai Sui is. They shouldn’t find it in such a hidden place. Tai Sui may have been stolen by others."

"Go ahead and seal the house completely. Song Mansion will go up and down, and I will find every place. Even if it's digging three feet, the person who stole the Tai Sui for a thousand years will be found." Song Yuanqing was somewhat Said viciously.

The long-haired man responded with a beckoning, and the people surrounding the yard suddenly scattered. Then the whole Jinling Song family suddenly became lively, and many people were walking back and forth.

Song Yuanqing's face was pale, he glanced around again, his eyes were very dark, and finally walked quickly in the direction of the secret room just now.

The Thousand-Handed Buddha squatting on the tree was depressed. If it weren't for the two little thieves, he would have escaped by now.

If I want to leave now, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out for a while.

The entire Song family compound is full of practitioners walking back and forth. As long as there is a slight change on one's side, they will definitely find it soon.

And the two little thief and the gardener were beaten up violently. At first they shouted very violently. There has been no movement at the moment, but with the sullen temper of Song Yuanqing, these people are probably not What will end.

Looking up at the night, the sky will soon be bright after a long time. If you can't get out before dawn, you will completely expose your figure, and then fall into the hands of Song Yuanqing, and the end will be miserable.

Poor myself, the famous Thousand-Handed Buddha, who was so embarrassed because of two little gangsters, is unique.

It makes sense to often stand by the river without wet shoes.

Seeing the entire Song family looking for his whereabouts, Lord Qianshou sighed in his heart, thinking about how to get out of his mind.

Suddenly, Master Qianshou had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly thought of Ge Yu and others who were waiting for him outside.

Now that I can't go out, why not let them make a little noise outside to attract the attention of the Jinling Song family, so that I can get away.

Thinking of this, Qianshou Buddha took out his cell phone and sent a text message to Ge Yu: "I got something in my hands. I was trapped in the Song's house. Emergency rescue."

After sending this text message, Lord Thousand Hands Buddha sat in the tree and waited patiently.

After a while, I received a reply: "I know, we figured out a way, you took the opportunity to escape."

Seeing this reply, Buddha Thousand Hands was relieved a lot, took a deep breath, and continued to wait patiently.

And Ge Yu and others who received the text message of Buddha Thousand Hands, were nesting in a car not far from Song's home in Jinling, waiting for Buddha Thousand Hands.

When the Buddha of Thousand Hands just left, he said that he would be able to return in half an hour, but an hour has passed, and the big guy was a little worried before he came back.

After seeing the text message he sent back, several people couldn't help but stunned.

The Thousand Hands Buddha had already succeeded, but the man was trapped in the Song's house in Jinling.

"You must think of a way to get him out." Hei Xiaose said as soon as she came up.

"I think it's better for us to stay away now. We just went to Jinling Song's house during the day. If someone finds us here, the other party will definitely suspect that it was our hands and feet. Trouble." Meng Qingshan said worriedly.

"You guy, people are doing things for us. Something happened, but your kid wants to run away. Is there such a betrayal of friends?" Hei Xiaose glared at Meng Qingshan.

"Hei Ye, we need time to talk about loyalty. We are now in the territory of the Song Family in Jinling. Just a few of us. Can they be their opponents? A strong dragon can hardly suppress a snake." Meng Qingshan said depressed.

"Fuck your mother, this is obviously the site of the world's first sect. A Jinling Song family is a bird." Hei Xiaose is really hot.

"Okay, okay, don't make a noise, people must be saved, I will find a way." In the voice, Ge Yu had already sent a text message to Buddha Qianshou to signal his relief.

Putting away the phone, just about to say something, but suddenly a group of four or five people ran towards them from the front.

Brisk footsteps, walking like the wind, you look like a good hand.

After seeing these people coming, several people hurriedly hid in the back row, vacating the driving seat and the co-pilot.

Fortunately, there is a thick sunscreen film on the glass of this car, which makes it possible to see the outside clearly from the inside, but it is difficult to see the inside from the outside.

Moreover, in this place, not only was Ge Yu and his car parked, there were many private cars on both sides of the road.

Those people must be from the Song family of Jinling, and they were ordered by Song Yuanqing to come and look for the trace of Buddha Thousand Hands.

When they walked near these parked vehicles, they stopped involuntarily. The five people made two calls, searching from the left side while searching from the right side.

All of them slumped their breath and squatted motionless in the back seat.

Someone seemed to have noticed something abnormal, and his entire face was stuck on the car glass and looked inside.

Helplessly, the sunscreen film is too thick, and you can't see the inside. The man knocked on the car glass a few times and said depressed: "There should be no one, let's look for it in front of you. ."

With that, a group of people walked quickly and quickly moved towards the distance.

After they left, Li Zejian took a deep breath and said, "It seems that Lord Thousand-Handed Buddha is really exposed, but from the current situation, the people of Jinling Song Family didn't find him for a while, and the sky saw him quickly. It's on, we have to do it quickly."

"Masters, you really want to do it..." Meng Qingshan said a little uneasy.

"Shut up, you!" Hei Xiaose glared at the kid, and suddenly he dared not speak any more.

If you really left the Thousand Hands Buddha and run away, you won't have the face to see Wu Jiuyin in the future.

After pondering for a moment, Ge Yu quickly made a decision. He opened a gap in the car window and slapped the Spirit Gathering Pagoda. Several old ghosts and a chubby hedgehog were released, telling them to go to Jinling Song's house. There was some movement, so that the Thousand-Handed Buddha could get out. As for the few of them, they didn't move and waited for the Thousand-Handed Buddha to come.

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