Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1763: Desperate

Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose have not been with Ge Yu for a day or two, and they know what he is going to do with a wink.

The moment Ge Yu did it, the rest of the people also did it together, and with a very quick technique, all those who planned to tie them up were subdued.

The white clothes of those spider webs didn't know how strong Ge Yu and the others were, and absolutely never thought of it. With so many people pointing their guns at their heads, they dared to resist.

When Ge Yu and the others started their hands, there was a sound of flicking the bolt from the other side.

There were also those white clothes with cobwebs, and they pounced at Ge Yu at the same time.

"Don't move, go one step further, the big deal is we will die!" Li Zejian shouted angrily.

Several people are very smart. When they pinched the necks of those people, their bodies were subconsciously shorter, blocking their heads, and subconsciously moving closer to Ge Yu. The big guys were horns at each other.

Ge Yu pressed his hand, his face turned blue in the white clothes of the spider web he had pinched, and his tongue was spit out, as if he would die at any time.

The Bible study still cherishes his wings very much. With a wave of his hand, the soldiers with guns and those with spider webs immediately stopped, and said gloomily: "Everyone, you offended our spider webs in Thailand, really Do you think you can leave this land safely?"

"I'm sorry, we don't want to follow you to drink tea. You know that these people we killed were from Heishui Shengling, but you still insist on taking us away. I'm afraid there is no good intentions? We just want to leave safely. Here, I don't want to be an enemy of you, and I don't want to have anything to do with the people of your spider web. Please let us leave, let us not violate the river." Hei Xiaolu said.

"Your friends from China may have misunderstood. After all, so many people died here. In addition to the people of Heishui Shengling, there are some other people who died here. If you don’t say anything, I’ll let you go. , I’m just a routine, take you back to do an investigation, if it really has nothing to do with you, I will naturally let you go.” The tone of the person called the Bible study eased a little.

"We won't follow you anyway, get out of the way!" Hei Xiaose angered again.

"You try to move, the people who attacked our cobwebs here, I will make sure that you can't leave this village alive!" The book was angry.

While they were talking, several people had already reached Ge Yu's side, stretched out their hands one after another, and grabbed Ge Yu's arm. Some of them couldn't catch Ge Yu, so they grabbed the next person.

In an instant, Ge Yu urged the Earth Escape Technique, and the Qi field rolled over.

The Bible study seemed to be aware of something, and he cried out badly, and then shot his hands in the air, trying to block the aura.

Ge Yu felt the hindrance, but he still urged the Earth Escape Technique, and at the same time, everyone pushed the person in his hand forward.

Before those people were completely separated from them, Ge Yu took the four people and instantly moved to a place a hundred meters away.

As soon as he stepped out of here, there was a burst of intensive gunshots over there, clattering, endlessly.

When Ge Yu looked back, he found that the Bible Study had been chasing them with the white clothes of the spider web.

"Hurry up!"

Ge Yu yelled, and once again urged the earth escape technique, urging the method of the earth escape technique to the extreme. There were more than a dozen ups and downs in an instant, and he was already three or five miles away from the village, far away. Leave those cobwebs behind.

As soon as he stopped, Ge Yu gasped heavily, his clothes were soaked, coughed twice, and vomited a mouthful of blood foam.

The Bible study blocked the Qichang just now, which caused great obstacles. Ge Yu desperately tried his best to urge Earth Escape to forcibly block the Qichang away. With four people, he instantly moved to one hundred meters away. local.

Ge Yu took so many people at once, and it was already very difficult. He had to break through the blockade of Qichang, and he must have suffered some internal injuries.

After pulling such a long distance from the other party, Ge Yu was finally able to breathe. After stopping, he immediately sat on the ground, his face pale. "Xiaoyu, are you okay?" Li Zejian asked with concern.

Ge Yu waved his hand, and said weakly, "It's just a little bit off, just take a rest."

"I have to go. I feel that the man named Bible Study in Cobweb has a very high level of cultivation, and he will probably catch up soon." Hei Xiaose said.

"Go, I'll take Brother Yu." Zhong Jinliang walked over, pulled Ge Yu up, and put Ge Yu's arm on his shoulder.

Everyone finally escaped from the village, and saw a group of white shadows quickly approaching here.

The opponent can sense their position through the fluctuations in the Qi field, and it is the most normal thing to chase them back.

Everyone didn't dare to delay. Last time they escaped by fluke, but this time they fell into their hands and couldn't escape.

Immediately, everyone continued to run for their lives, and as they ran, Hei Xiaose said, "I said we are unfamiliar with this place. Where are we going?"

Ge Yu was rushed by Zhong Jinliang, and after thinking about it carefully, he said, "Run to a crowded place, and head towards the small town."

Although everyone didn't know what Ge Yu meant, they still followed his instructions.

Zhong Jinliang urged Xianluan to step forward, leading Ge Yu all the way, and Hei Xiaose and Li Zejian's light skills were also good, and they followed closely behind.

A group of five people rushed towards the place with the strongest light. The place with the most light is naturally the place with the most people.

After more than half an hour, the chasing soldiers behind him were completely thrown away.

The group of people slowed down and found a place with many people's eyes. They were all sweating profusely, which attracted the attention of many people.

Seeing so many people watching them, Ge Yu immediately waved his hand, walked a certain distance forward, found a small alley with an exit, and got in.

After gasping for a while, and confirming that no one would catch up, Hei Xiaose said, "Damn, it's so exciting. Let's talk to the officials of the Thai side. I have also formed Liangzi. This is really desperate. It is difficult to return to China, right? The big guy has an idea, what should I do next?"

Everyone stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, all a little at a loss. They had just arrived in Thailand and so many things happened.

At the critical moment, Ge Yu was calmer. He suddenly said: "Contact Fatty Jin. They have power distribution throughout Southeast Asia. I have heard him say before that he can only ask Wan Luozong for help at this time."

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