Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1782: Will stay alive

A group of five people all came to the opposite side of the cliff.

Li Zejian and Zhong Jinliang arrived for a while, and seeing Ge Yu also arrived with Black Xiaose and Zhang Yihan, Li Zejian, who was hiding in the dark, quickly waved towards them, beckoning the three of them to rush over.

The three of them glanced around and hid in a haystack beside the cliff.

Li Zejian immediately said: "In this house are Song En's subordinates, among them are those who participated in the hunt for Tira, and they were all Tira's subordinates before. We heard them just now."

Ge Yu responded and squatted there and listened carefully for a while. There were noisy voices in the room, and a smell of wine wafted out, which immediately made everyone feel a little hungry. After chasing all the way, there was no time to eat. .

Not long, but I heard someone in the room say: "I said how many brothers. I really didn’t expect that Sister Thira, who has been in Pattaya for so many years, would end up like this. Just a few days ago, Sister Thira A sneeze with your head in Pattaya can scare several people to death, and in a blink of an eye you become a prisoner. It's really pitiful..."

"Why, your kid is starting to feel sorry for Sister Lifting?" someone joked.

"Hehe... whoever follows Sister Tila's head doesn't think too much about it, nothing else, Sister Tila's head is really beautiful, and it really falls into the hands of Song En now. It's probably nothing. Good end."

"Hey, I don't know if Song En is tired of playing, will it be our brothers' turn to try something new. In the past few years, I have been thinking about it... It's a pity."

A group of people in the room were talking those unbearable words, and the Ge Yu people who listened to them were a little angry, and they wished to rush in and kill the people in the room.

These people used to follow Big Sister Tila before, but now she is in trouble with Tila, but they have helped them to be abused and fell into trouble. People's minds can actually be smashed to this point, which is a bit outrageous.

Zhong Jinliang was a little bit ready to move, and was stopped by Ge Yu. It was not time to start, so it was important to save people first.

Immediately afterwards, Ge Yu looked towards a house next to this house, and saw that there were crowds of people inside, and the shadows of the lights were shaking. There should be many people.

Right now, Ge Yu pointed towards the room and signaled everyone to pass.

Ge Yu grabbed Zhang Yihan's and Hei Xiaose's arms, and once again flashed to the house.

Zhong Jinliang took Li Zejian directly, and a Xianluan stepped past.

There were also many people in this room, at least seven or eight listening to the movement.

Ge Yu waved his hand and motioned everyone to find a place to hide. He quietly walked over, and went to the window to take a look, and found that there were really seven or eight people in this house, sitting on a long table. , All of them were wearing black robes, and some of them were still wounded. They were bandaging each other. While bandaging, they cursed loudly at the great monks of the Reclining Buddha Temple, saying that if it wasn't for them, I won't hurt myself like this.

Before Ge Yu could see these people clearly, he heard Zhong Jinliang, who was not far behind him, learned a bird call towards him. When he looked back, both Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose waved at him.

Ge Yu immediately squatted into the grass.

"Someone is coming... I have seen them all." Zhong Jinliang pointed towards a place in the cliff aisle.

Ge Yu looked in the direction Zhong Jinliang was pointing, and he really saw a guy in a black robe with a lunch box in his hand. He was walking towards the rooms of the black-clothed lower-headed masters. It was estimated that he was here to deliver food. .

These black-clothed lower-headed masters followed Song En and the gang to hunt and kill Tiras. There were originally a dozen of them, but when they were at the Wat Pho, they were killed by the great monks a lot, and they were left. Several people.

On the contrary, the seven or eight red-robed descendant masters who went with Song En, all of them were killed by Master Mai Peng. Once they came to this place, they were arranged to heal their injuries here. Dining.

Seeing the black-robed man who was constantly approaching here to deliver food, Ge Yu thought a lot of thoughts, and suddenly had an idea, and said in a low voice: "I will take down the food delivery person in a while and go in and take the The black robe descended head teacher cleaned up a few people, and the big guy acted on occasion."

Li Zejian and the others quickly understood what Ge Yu meant, and each nodded, and Hei Xiaose said, "You be careful."

Ge Yu responded, and continued to wait for the guy who delivered the food to approach. When he saw that man walked to the middle of the aisle between the two houses, Ge Yu took a deep breath and instantly activated the Earth Escape Technique. He flashed behind the black-robed man.

The black-robed man suddenly shuddered all over. Since he was living in this place, he must be a cultivator. He immediately felt that something was not quite right. He quickly looked back, but his head hadn't had time to turn, Ge Yu A slap was slapped on the back of his head, and the guy fell soft when he fell.

Ge Yu held him with his arm, and at the same time took the lunch box with his hand, and took the lunch box with others, and hid himself in the place where he was just now.

The guy who delivered the food was obviously at a normal level, or else he wouldn't be able to do this kind of work of delivering food to others, and Ge Yu would get it right away.

Besides, Ge Yu took off the clothes from the black-robed man and replaced it on himself. After finishing the cleaning, Ge Yu grabbed the man's arm and threw it directly down the cliff.

The people of Heishui Shengling, no one has a few lives in his hand, killing them is to walk for the sky.

Ge Yu, who put on a black water sacred ling outfit, picked up the lunch box, and whispered to the other people: "After a minute, all the big guys will enter the house, and I will keep alive."

Several people nodded, Ge Yu carried the lunch box and walked to the aisle, and walked towards the room of the seven or eight black robe descendants.

Before entering the door, Ge Yu also found that there was a hat behind the black robe, and he took it directly, and then knocked on the door.

"Come in." A voice came from the room.

Ge Yu pushed open the door and walked in with the lunch box, keeping his head down as much as possible to prevent them from seeing his face clearly.

Those people did not pay attention to Ge Yu, and were still talking about the Reclining Buddha Temple. Ge Yu put the lunch box on the table and brought out the food in the lunch box one by one...

When he was about to look at it, Ge Yu stretched out his hand and took out a large handful of white medicine. When he raised his head, he looked at the people sitting on the table, and immediately sprinkled the medicine on those people.

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