Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1806: Three births

The sound is not loud, but it is full of weather.

The eight words "Heaven and earth, ghosts and demons" echoed in the cave endlessly, just like the voice from the nine heavens.

After uttering these eight words, Zhang Yihan threw the Fu Mo Sword in his hand into the air.

Here comes the most wonderful scene.

But seeing that mountain-zhengling magic weapon floated into the air, the power of the moonyin borrowed from the heaven and earth universe mirror unexpectedly shrouded the Fumo Sword.

The sword is awe-inspiring, killing the world.

Two in one life, three in two, and thousands in three!

The Fumo Sword unexpectedly began to split, splitting layers of sword aura, and each layer of sword aura split into several long swords, standing horizontally.

Zhang Yihan was standing on the high courtyard wall, looking down between the heaven and the earth, and outside the courtyard wall, more and more people from the Black Water Saint Ling gathered towards this side, vast and mighty, like ants.

Those who rushed towards Heishui Shengling were all shocked to see this scene.

What's that on top of your head?

When those people saw a sword split into thousands of Qi swords, floating above everyone's heads, they all froze there in shock.

Is this kid crazy, what is he doing?

It seems that such a magnificent atmosphere will be created if an immortal arrives.

Thousands of sword auras stood in the air, making a huge buzzing sound.

Worthy of being the treasure of Wudang, this terrifying power is really frightening.

Not only the people in the Black Water Shengling outside saw such a terrifying sight, Ge Yu and his party also saw it, including Wu Long who was fighting with them.


Unspeakable shock.

This is not to show how high Zhang Yihan's cultivation has reached, but the two magic artifacts themselves contain infinite divine power.

This is to borrow one's own cultivation base to bless the Heaven and Earth Universe Mirror, and the Heaven and Earth Universe Mirror also borrows the power of the moon and the five elements of heaven and earth.

For a time, the Qi swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger, and the Qi field buzzed.

Just as everyone sighed at the magnificence of this sword formation, they saw Zhang Yihan standing on the high courtyard wall, pinched a magic trick again, and pointed at the hundreds of people under the courtyard wall. , Spit out a word gently in his mouth; "Kill!"

One word was spit out, and the thousands of Dao Qi swords suspended in the air immediately turned their directions together, with the tip of the sword facing downward and slightly inclined.

Those people in Heishui Shengling looked out at this moment, even if they were fools, the guy standing on the wall of the courtyard, he made such a battle to deal with them.

The horrified sighs became one after another, and the people began to run around in panic, trying to find a place to hide.

The thousands of sword qi pouring down, even a big Luo Jinxian would be cut into meat.

The people in the Black Water Shengling below just reacted, and Zhang Yihan controlled thousands of swords directly and crashed down towards the crowd below.

That momentum, that battle, there is no one before and after that.

Even Ge Yu and others who had seen many big scenes were shocked by the battle.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yihan, who followed them to Thailand, would have such a big hand.

On this road, Zhang Yihan was mediocre, and there was nothing too dazzling. It turned out that he was holding a big move here.

No wonder Hei Xiaose was so affirmed of Zhang Yihan, and let him go alone to deal with those people in Heishui Shengling.

This kid definitely has this strength.


Thousands of sword qi pouring and writing at the same time, crashing towards the people of the black water Shengling below.

The "Bang Bang Bang" sound of sword energy shook everyone's eardrums, and the tragic howls resounded throughout the world.

The sword qi swept past, the rubble on the ground collapsed and flew, the nearby buildings were swept by the sword qi, the houses collapsed, and there were many people from Heishui Shengling who were too late to dodge. Qi directly nailed to the ground.

The world is terrible, with dead bodies everywhere.

With such a wave of sword energy swept past, at least a hundred people from Heishui Shengling died under the envelope of sword energy.

After releasing this powerful sword aura, Zhang Yihan turned his head and shouted loudly at the people behind him: "Brother Yu, Junior Uncle, hurry up, I can't stand it for long."

It doesn't need to be too long, this sword aura swept through it, and it was completely enough. Those who did not die in Heishui Shengling were probably scared.

What is a big killer, this is the real big killer.

Behind every powerful sect, there is a deep foundation. Among the best sects in the world, there are not a few powerful means of pressing the bottom of the box.

After these attacks, Ge Yu quickly reacted and shouted at Li Zejian and others: "Brother Li, you take your brothers to withdraw first. I will withstand Wulong. I must take good care of Tira and Xiaolu. ."

Ge Yu's two clones dealt with the two purple-robed descendants who had just joined, while Ge Yu's deity dealt with Wulong.

Although it was very laborious, Wu Long couldn't easily kill Ge Yu within twenty or thirty moves. After all, Ge Yu's devilish energy deepened at this time, but there were already weak signs.

Everyone knows that this is the best time to escape here. Once it is missed, it will be difficult to escape.

Zhang Yihan's sword aura struck him, and his spiritual power was consumed enormously. With so many of them fighting a war of attrition, they would sooner or later be wiped out.

The best way now is to be quick and thorough.

Li Zejian and the others were not inked people, and they were directly separated from the battle circle.

"Brother Yu, you have to be careful." Zhong Jinliang greeted him and ran in the direction of the pull.

Over there, Zen Master Mai Peng was fighting with a purple-robed head-down master, while the lift was protecting the child.

Several people rushed to help Zen Master Mai Peng, and put the purple-robed head down master to the ground, then Hei Xiaose picked up Wu Silu, and the group rushed towards the outside.

Standing on the wall of the courtyard, Zhang Yihan trembled slightly, pinched a magic trick again, urging Fu Mo Sword.

The moonyin power on the Heaven and Earth Universe Mirror has been dim, but under the blessing of the Universe Mirror, the Fu Demon Sword has once again blessed the sword energy. It is no longer as magnificent as it was just now. One or two hundred sword energy is still not available. What's the problem.

The people of Heishui Shengling who escaped from the sword aura, after seeing Zhang Yihan's sword aura, thought that it was over, but saw one or two hundred sword auras split on the top of their heads. He was so scared that he found a place to hide again.

Hei Xiaose hugged the child, Li Zejian, Zhong Jinliang, and the blood-stained Zen Master Mai Peng's wings were all around, rushing towards the outside.

After rushing to the outside, the people who were hovering everywhere suddenly felt that they had found an opportunity, so a few people rushed out and blocked them.

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