Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1838: Lao Tzu's Site

Chen Guang walked along this road, feeling anxious in his heart. After all, what they were facing was the leader of the Wa State Army, who was also a murderous demon. When he walked to the door of the villa, his body became slightly involuntary. Tremble.

Ge Yu and the others followed Chen Guang, all of them calm. Seeing Chen Guang like this, Ge Yu stretched out a hand and patted him on the shoulder to signal him to feel relieved.

After looking back at Ge Yu and others, Chen Guang's heart relaxed a little, and he led everyone to continue walking towards the villa.

As soon as he walked into the villa, a dull tiger roar came from right in front of him. Chen Guang had just stabilized his mind, and his whole body trembled again in shock.

Because Chen Guang saw from behind the middle-aged man sitting on the chair, a fierce tiger suddenly came out, without any restraint, and went straight to the front of the middle-aged man, lying on the ground, a pair of tiger eyes hooked. He looked over at everyone.

Several people were slightly surprised when they saw the gorgeous tiger. Soon, Ge Yu patted Chen Guang on the shoulder again and motioned him to move forward.

Not long after, a group of people walked in front of the middle-aged man in military uniform and stopped about three to four meters away.

The middle-aged man in military uniform looked like he was about forty or fifty years old, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, hooked nose, a face of fortitude and cruelty, and a strong murderous look on his body, giving people a sense of anger The feeling of prestige is quite a majestic style.

The middle-aged man sitting in that chair must be the general Banla they were looking for this time, the leader of the Burmese Wa State Army.

At this time, the corner of the general Banla's mouth was slightly tilted, and he looked at Chen Guang and Ge Yu and his party.

"General Banla, next is a small person in charge of Huaxia Wanluozong in Thailand. He has been ordered by the butler of Jin Da, and brought people to you today. I hope General Banla can help and **** these people back safely. Huaxia, Wanluozong will naturally not treat General Banla badly." Chen Guangda said boldly.

General Banla twitched at the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile.

At this time, Ge Yu found that beside General Banla, there were two masters, both in their fifties, one in black and the other in white, with tattoos on their faces. Mantra, and the auras emanating from these two people are not the same. One is full of yin, but the other has the aura of Dharma. Needless to say, they are naturally two very powerful masters.

These two people also looked at Ge Yu and the others at the same time, but several people shielded their breath, and the other party couldn't feel anything. Even if they could feel something, they couldn't feel the strong breath.

Therefore, the two of them just glanced at Ge Yu and the others in general, and then looked away. Among them, the black-clothed master still showed a trace of contempt on his face.

General Banla reached out and touched the head of the tiger lying at his feet, smiled and looked at Chen Guangdao: "It's easy to say, this general will definitely help with the affairs of Wanluo Zongjin's housekeeper."

With that said, General Banla waved his hand suddenly, and the soldiers standing on both sides of the hall suddenly raised their guns and aimed them at Ge Yu.

Immediately, there was a sound of flicking the bolt of a gun.

Ge Yu and others were all taken aback, touching their hands to their waists, Chen Guang was even more shocked, raised his hands, and said in panic: "General Banla, you...what are you doing, Jin Da Didn’t the butler have discussed with you, why treat us like this?"

General Banla stretched out his hand, and a beautiful woman in Burmese dress walked out beside him. He handed a cigar to General Banla. After lighting it, General Banla took a sharp breath and exhaled a thick cloud of smoke. , Then said with a smile: "Chen Guang, right? Are the people behind you offended Wu Long and Mudahan of Heishui Shengling so that this general escorted you back to China?"

Chen Guang was stunned for a moment. He didn't know how to answer at the moment, and the cold sweat on his forehead came out.

He didn't know how the butler Jin had discussed with General Banla, did he say that Ge Yu and the others needed Banla **** for any reason.

Just when Chen Guang was a little overwhelmed, Ge Yu took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Yes, we have offended Heishui Shengling, and we need General Banla to **** us back. Isn't these things the butler of King Jin? Didn't you talk to General Banla?"

"The cunning fat fat guy just told this general that I would send you to the southern part of China, but he didn't tell this general that you provoke Heishui Shengling. You must also know how Heishui Shengling is in Southeast Asia. This kind of existence, if this general offends Heishui Shengling because of you, it will be very difficult."

After a pause, General Banla smiled gloomily again: "This general heard that Heishui Shengling is looking for a few of you in Southeast Asia now, and now a person's head is worth 30 million baht... "

With that said, General Banla pointed to Ge Yu and the others, and counted them one by one: "One, two, three, four... five, six, seven, counting that little one, there are seven people in total, three seven twenty one. This is 210 million baht. The money is enough for this general to buy a lot of guns. This general is short of money. You said that you just delivered it to your door. It's really a great thing. ."

"General Banla, we, Wan Luozong, have always had business dealings with your Wa state army. We have been cooperating for so many years. This time, the butler of King Jin may bring you a lot of benefits. "Chen Guang said excitedly.

"Haha... Lao Tzu's site, naturally what I said is what I said, why, do you have an opinion?" General Banla's face sank, the colorful tiger lying on the ground suddenly got up and roared at Chen Guang. Suddenly, Chen Guang staggered back and was held back by Ge Yu.

The few people had no words, and looked at each other. They didn’t know what the general Banla was doing. Hei Xiaose blinked with Ge Yu and asked him if he wanted to do it. Nima, it’s really impossible. General La's den was also demolished.

Ge Yu shook his head slightly and signaled everyone not to act rashly.

In Ge Yu's opinion, Fatty Jin has always been very reliable in doing things, and there is no possibility of deviation.

Everyone had to be patient and wait for the next development of the matter, but they were all ready to take action at any time.

General Banla put out the cigar, smiled and looked at Ge Yu and the others, and suddenly said: "This general is really curious, how did you guys turn the Heishui Shengling upside down..."

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