Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1867: Two major offerings

As the daughter of Mukdahan, Pasha's words are still very useful. The head-down masters stopped their movements and looked at Wulong one after another.

Wu Long still wants to sell his face to Pasha. He smiled slightly and didn't say much. Instead, he turned to look at Mudahan and said, "Brother, today is the day of my Wulong retreat. I'll leave it to you to take care of it. Last time I was in retreat, I was destroyed by these guys. All my previous efforts fell short. I don't want something similar to happen again. I can only trouble my brother."

Mudahan smiled slightly and said: "It's easy to talk and talk, you just have to retreat. Let us father and daughter here to ensure that one person is indispensable."

As he said, Na Wulong saluted Mudahan again, and the spear in his hand was thrown in the direction of the cauldron first, and then his figure shook, stepping on the three legs of the huge cauldron and turning over directly. In the huge cauldron, sat down cross-legged.

Here Wu Long just sat down, and on the cauldron, there is a large cauldron. A dozen people in Heishui Shengling pulled a huge iron chain, put them down little by little, and gave Wulong to Completely enclosed in that huge three-legged cauldron.

After everything was finished, the entire magic circle immediately started to spin.

The red liquid in the blood pool began to swell endlessly, and the blood qi in the blood pool began to evaporate, condensed into scarlet blood qi, and gathered in the direction of the cauldron.

The runes on the ground flowed, and the runes on the Three Ancestor Cauldron flickered.

When the Three Ancestor Cauldron began to operate, the surrounding area began to surging, and the tentacles in the blood pool began to violently toss, and began to absorb the cultivation base of everyone, and gathered in the direction of the three-legged cauldron. Away.

However, in this way, Ge Yu and others in the blood pool will only suffer even more pain. Several people can't help but start humming miserably. The tentacles seem to be constantly burrowing into their bodies. This kind of urge to rush towards the shore.

But at this moment, everyone is doing their utmost to hold Wu Silu aloft, preventing his body from falling into the blood pool. This kind of pain is even more unimaginable.

Therefore, everyone can only pass the children to each other in the blood pool to slightly relieve the pain.

It's just that there are still tentacles coming out of the blood pool, staring at the child above his head.

Mudahan looked at these people in the blood pool with a sneer at the corners of his mouth, and said: "It's really a group of young people who do not live or die. There are really not many people in Southeast Asia who dare to offend our Heishui Shengling. They also You don't need to think about it, just relying on a few of them, how to compete with my huge Black Water Saint Ling, this is seeking a dead end."

Pasha, who was on the side, looked at Ge Yu, who gritted her teeth and insisted. Xiu Mei frowned slightly, but her face was cold and frosty. She didn't say a word. He seemed to not want to stay here any longer, and turned directly towards Go in the other direction.

Mudahan glanced at his daughter's back, and said to the purple-robed head-down masters on the side: "Keep an eye on it. If anything happens, let us know in time."

Those people from Heishui Shengling saluted Mudahan together and sent him away.


It didn't take long for Ge Yu and others to be put into the blood pool just now.

On the mountain opposite Blackwater Saint Ling Wulong's Lair, a group of people gathered. Most of these people were wearing black night clothes and covered their faces. There were forty or fifty people, their eyes gloomy looking at the cloud-filled opposite. Mountain.

On the halfway of the mountain opposite more than two hundred meters, there was a faint gleam of fire.

"The opposite is Heishui Shengling's Wulong's old lair?" A big bearded man, looking at a scary knife on his shoulder, burly like a bear standing up, squinted his eyes to the opposite one. Mountain.

"According to the information provided above, you can't be wrong. Ye Ye and the others must have been captured alive by the people of the Holy Water Saint Ling and brought to this ghost place." said a man in his thirties with a firm face. His face looked a little anxious.

"Two big offerings, don't wait, let's go quickly, brothers can't wait." A thin man in a black night clothes urged.

"Hurry up, don’t figure out the situation, you can’t act recklessly, if people are not saved, we will be in trouble if we break into it. This is the most powerful organization in Southeast Asia, Heishui Shengling, and they all give me a little bit of heart. "The big bearded man turned his head and glared at the man.

The man laughed with him quickly and stepped back.

This group of people is the big sword Wang Aotian and Xiaodao Zhao Yangui who are in charge of receiving Ge Yu in Southern China by Wan Luozong.

Originally at the agreed time, Ge Yu and the others set off from the Wa State Army and reached the Sino-Myanmar border in about five days, but after the agreed time, the people on Wanluozong did not wait for Ge Yu and the others. When I came back, I couldn't help feeling anxious, so Wan Luozong sent a few excellent masters of light-weight skills into Myanmar to check it out. Only after I went in did I know that things were broken.

Because the spies of the Wanluo Sect found a large corpse in the jungle. Those corpses were from the Wa State Army and from the Blackwater Holy Ling. Many of the corpses were eaten by wild animals, and the corpses had already been eaten by wild animals. With signs of corruption, it is clear that there has been a war here before.

After seeing such a scene, the spies quickly turned back and reported the situation to Wang Aotian and Zhao Yangui.

This matter is not trivial. The two immediately explained the situation to Fat Jin above. Even if Fatty Jin decided to let King Aotian and Xiaodao Zhao Yangui bring four to five million Luozong masters to sneak into the hinterland of Southeast Asia, Ge Yu and his party were rescued.

Fatty Jin had to do this, not to mention that Fatty Jin had a good relationship with Ge Yu and the others. There was a deeper reason that Wu Jiuyin was the majority shareholder of this Wan Luozong.

If Wu Jiuyin and the others knew that Wan Luozong couldn't save him, they would definitely not be able to eat.

Fatty Jin was also bitter, but Ge Yu solemnly confessed to him before that this matter could not be told to Wu Jiuyin and the others, only Wan Luozong would come forward by himself and do his best to rescue Ge Yu and the others.

At the same time, Fatty Jin also notified the Wa State Army’s Banla of this matter, letting him know that the Wa State Army who escorted Ge Yu and them had been beheaded by the Blackwater Saint Ling. Zong's efforts are here, and his general Banla will avenge grievances.

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