Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1871: Come to save you

When Zen Master Mai Peng was soaked in the blood pool, he once told Ge Yu that the most feared thing in this blood pool was devil energy, and only the power of the devil could eliminate the power in this blood pool.

Now, Ge Yu does not know how to control the release of devil energy, but he has gradually figured out the conditions required for the growth of devil energy. Only when he is exposed to extremely dangerous situations can the devil energy be released. Will radiate from the body.

But now, the tentacles in the blood pool attacked Ge Yu frantically, and those purple-robed descendants on the bank used spears to pierce Ge Yu's body for a few times, and the blood flow was already incessant and precarious.

So at this time, the magic energy from Ge Yu's body steamed out.

When this devilish energy radiated out and spread towards the whole body, Ge Yu gradually felt that the power on his body began to recover immediately, especially those tentacles stuck in his lower body, feeling loose, thinking The feeling of running away from yourself.

The dozens of purple-robed descending masters on the shore also felt the abnormality on Ge Yu's body, and in fear, the spear in his hand stabbed at Ge Yu more frequently.

However, Ge Yu, whose devilish energy was rapidly recovered, was no longer the subject of being slaughtered. His figure flickered in the blood pool, constantly avoiding the pierced spears.

When the devilish energy spread all over the body, the rich devilish energy gathered together and quickly moved towards his lower body.

Not long after, Ge Yu felt that the tentacles inserted in his body could no longer withstand the erosion of this devilish energy, one by one, he broke away from his body, and Ge Yu's figure fluttered, making him more comfortable.

In the end, Ge Yu grabbed Wu Silu, another hand suddenly grabbed a pierced spear, and suddenly pulled, almost pulled one of the purple-robed head-down masters into the blood pool. in.

When another purple-robed head-down master stabbed over, Ge Yu grabbed the spear again, and with the power of the spear pulled Wu Silu, jumped to the edge of the blood pool.

When Ge Yu took Wu Silu to the top of the blood pool, the devilish energy lingering around him became more vigorous. Although Zhong Jinliang and the others in the blood pool were extremely painful, they finally saw hope.

Ge Yu, who jumped on the shore, soon became the target of the siege of those purple-robed head-down masters, and they all came to Ge Yu to besiege.

Not only that, but there were also many people from the Black Water Saint Ling surrounding them.

Although Ge Yu broke free of the blood pool, he still had a child by his side, and he couldn't be an enemy of so many purple robe descendants.

Seeing more and more people approaching, Ge Yu pinched Fajue, and quickly used Soul Divide to help himself withstand part of the pressure for the time being.

Now his magic weapon was still in the torture room, and he couldn't use any powerful methods with his hands empty.

At this moment, an extremely angry voice suddenly came from the huge cauldron: "Trash, it's all a bunch of trash, dozens of masters are surrounded by the blood pool, and even let people run out!"

This voice was from Wu Long, and this guy was also sad enough, and within a few hours of the second retreat, Ge Yu jumped out of the blood pool.

As more and more people came to Ge Yu to kill.

At this moment, there was a sudden call to kill from outside.

The people of Heishui Shengling who were rushing towards Ge Yu were all taken aback and looked behind them. At this moment, suddenly a person covered in blood broke into this place with a stick in his back. A flying knife said with difficulty; "'s not good...A group of people in black broke into here, and they kill anyone if they see it..."

After finishing speaking, the guy who came in to report the news "puffed" and fell to the ground without a sound.

At this time, Ge Yu glanced at that person, and he was immediately happy. There was a flying knife in the back of that person. Ge Yu could not be more familiar with it. It was Zhao Yangui's flying knife, the Great Xia Longque!

It was just such a delay that several people suddenly broke in from the outside, and before Ge Yu could see who was coming in, dozens of flying knives struck him at the same time.

On the spot, seven or eight Hei Shui Sheng Ling's black robe descending masters were stabbed with flying knives and fell to the ground one after another.

It was the small knife Zhao Yangui who shot the flying knife, but even more fierce was the bearded man with a big knife on his shoulder.

This person is the highest worship of the Wanluo Zongxiu base-the Great Sword King Aotian, this person is a top expert who has become famous longer than Wu Jiuyin.

As soon as this person rushed in, he went straight to Ge Yu.

Those purple-robed head descending masters hesitated a little, then separated most of them and rushed towards Wang Aotian.

Wang Aotian yelled angrily and shook his figure. He collided with the first purple-robed head-down master. The big knife in his hand slashed forward, and it dropped ten times with one force, and slashed with the long robe in the opponent's hand. At that time, the spear broke on the spot, and Wang Aotian shot the man out.

"Xiaoyu, we're here to save you." Zhao Yangui drew a pair of knives from his waist, and smashed them forward together with Broadsword Wang Aotian. Behind him was a dozen masters of Wanluozong who covered their faces. The purple robe descending head teacher collided with each other.

I didn't know what was going on outside, there were shouts and killings, the flames were raging, and there was a mess.

When he saw Wang Aotian and Zhao Yangui, Ge Yu couldn't help feeling very excited. He didn't expect Wan Luozong to send someone to rescue them at this time.

Ge Yu hugged Wu Silu, even the most courageous child, at this moment, his face was still in shock.

"Xiao Lu, are you afraid?" Ge Yu looked at him and said.

"Don't be afraid." Wu Silu shook his head, his small face filled with determination, and then he said: "Uncle, save my mother."

Ge Yu responded, clamped Wu Silu around his waist, took advantage of the chaos there, let his two clones wait by his side, rushed to the edge of the blood pool, and shouted at Tira: "Little Sister-in-law, I will pull you up."

Everyone in the blood pool was suffering from torture. Everyone couldn't wait to break free from the blood pool, but at this time, the woman and the child had to be held fast.

Tila quickly stretched out her hand and was pulled by Ge Yu. When the devilish energy spread from Ge Yu's body to Tila, the tentacles that tightly bound Tila's body under the blood pool suddenly separated one by one. After removing her body, it didn't take long for Ge Yu to drag Na Tila from the blood pool.

"A bunch of rubbish, quickly call Mudahan over..." Wu Long was furious, and the whole tripod tripod was shaken.

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