Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2637: Someone broke in

Zhou Yiyang's face changed, and he looked at Ji Jia Nu and said, "Senior, are you sure that he can cure his illness?"

Through Xiaogang’s translation, Ji Jianu said, “I don’t dare to give you a complete guarantee. The air fighting method between the lower head teachers is a collision of consciousness. When the two fight against each other, they must be injured or die directly. In this situation, his soul was injured and his soul was damaged, so he was insane. The old man had encountered this situation before. It took a lot of effort to repair that person's soul and he could only try his best. , Whether it can succeed, it all depends on his good fortune."

Zhou Yiyang bowed his hand and said with a serious face: "Senior, I will be called Zhou Yiyang next time. He is still a good name in the arena of China. Today I will give you a sentence here. You treated these two people and helped me. Zhou Yiyang is very busy. If Senior Jijianu has a short stirrup and encounters some trouble that can’t be handled, even if you can hello, I can promise you that it will be thousands of miles. If you say anything, I will Yang went through the fire and water, without hesitation.

Ji Jia Nu nodded and said: "The old body is not exactly a frog at the bottom of the well, Heishui Shengling has still heard of it, you guys are the legendary Nine Sunflower Li Bai, you destroy the person of Heishui Shengling, right? ?"

Zhou Yiyang nodded nonchalantly.

"Which is Wu Jiuyin?" Ji Jianu glanced at the crowd.

"My little nine brother did not come, he has other things to do in China." Zhou Yiyang said.

"It's a pity, the old man has heard that Wu Jiuyin's method is extremely powerful, and there is also a nickname called Murderer. I really want to see and see." Ji Jianu said.

"If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely bring a visit to Jijianu." Zhou Yiyang said politely.

"That's it, we are not acquainted with each other. Since we are not enemies, maybe we can still be friends. You have already written down what you just said. If you encounter trouble in the future, don't forget the old man." Ji The slave said with a smile.

Several people also laughed, and the atmosphere suddenly became much more harmonious.

Even the candlelight and skull head full of stomachs didn't look so scary anymore.

Afterwards, Ji Jia Nu waved his hand and ordered a few words with the apprentice behind him, and he would start to repair Zong Qian's damaged soul.

But seeing that his apprentice in white came to the back, took out a few flags, and inserted them in various directions in the room.

A candle was lit under each flag.

The flag is full of earthworm-like runes, and no one can understand what it means.

But this is not important, as long as it can help Zong Qian resolve the situation.

After this matter was dealt with, they had to leave Malaysia overnight.

There was Lin Chuxiong in the front and the Black Demon Cult in the back. They offended the two huge forces in Malaysia at once, and they definitely couldn't stay here any longer.

After the flag was inserted, Ji Ji Nu sat on the opposite side of Zong Qian again, placing one hand on his heavenly spirit, and the other on the black skull. There was a word, and with the sound of her spell, there was no wind blowing in the room, but the flags were still blowing, but the candles lit below did not move the flames.

Everyone can clearly feel the strong aura swelling in the room, Ji Jia Nu is indeed a very powerful master, and his cultivation must be of a very high level in Ghost Wonderland.

With the sound of Jijianu’s spell, the runes on the flags placed around began to flicker with a strange red light. When I went to see Zong Qian again, he suddenly opened his eyes. The eyes became pitch black like ink, and there seemed to be a black aura gleaming in the eyes.

But seeing Ji Jia Nu suddenly shouted, he bit his finger and drew a rune on the center of Zong Qian’s eyebrows. The rune stretched to the neck, and the surrounding dynamism intensified. , And there was a strange noise in Zong Qian's throat, and the whole body trembled, and the flags around him stirred even more.

Involuntarily, the mood of several people became tense.

Whether Zong Qian can return to normal, it depends on this time. If Ji Ji Nu can not be cured, it is estimated that this person will be abolished.

A few people were sitting there, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, but seeing the fine beads of sweat on Jijianu's old face began to roll down, the muscles on his face kept shaking.

Kassan quickly took a handkerchief and gently wiped it on Jicanu's face.

When the kid Kasang came out, everyone thought he was a ghost, and the breath of death exuding from his body made people palpitations. No living person had a feminine aura as strong as him.

Everyone didn't know how long it would take Zong Qian to be cured, they had to wait patiently here.

Ge Yu glanced toward the outside of the yard, but saw that it was already late at night and the moon had hung to the west.

At this moment, there was a sudden rush of footsteps from the direction of the door. Not long after, a person stumbled and ran towards this side. The person was still covered with some poisonous insects. Paida stopped, and after coming in, he threw himself on the ground, babbling in his mouth, as if he was very anxious.

The man's words were not finished, his eyes suddenly burst open, he was lying on the ground, his mouth opened wide, and poisonous insects crawled out of his mouth, and his abdomen also swelled, suddenly making a "bang" With a sound, the whole person burst open.

Fortunately, Ge Yu was prepared in advance and threw out a few yellow paper talisman, condensing a gas barrier in front of everyone, intercepting all the flesh and blood.

Seeing this person's terrifying way of death, everyone was shocked.

Seeing that man died tragically to the ground, Jijianu's big apprentice, that is, the man in white, had a serious expression on his face, and then rushed out of the house, wondering what he was doing.

Zhou Zhouyang looked at Xiaogang beside him and asked, "What did that person say?"

"He...he said that someone broke in. There were a lot of people who came here, very fierce. They came to seek revenge. They killed several of them as soon as they came up. Now they have broken into the second courtyard. "When Xiaogang saw the tragic death of the person just now, his body was trembling slightly, and his words were trembling.

"Today is quite lively, let's go out and have a look." Hei Xiaose said, she took out the measuring ruler and ran outside.

Jijianu who was healing with Zongqian over there was obviously a little excited, and the voice of chanting the mantra was much lower.

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