Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2640: Melee

The Zijin Bowl opened the way, with an indomitable aura, turning and blasting towards the crowd of the Black Demon Cult. Those red-robed descendant masters should be very powerful among the Black Demon Cult, estimated to be in the Daoist of China. Among them, it should be similar to a figure of the elder level.

When the flower monk’s purple golden bowl slammed into those people, the red-robed head-down masters showed a slightly surprised look on their faces, but they still didn’t back down one step. Several red-robed head-down masters joined forces and reached out. Both palms patted the Zijin bowl at the same time.

Accompanied by a roar, the purple golden bowl flew back, but the red-robed head-down masters also stepped back a few steps each, wearing a red robe with vigorous phoenix drums, unloading the powerful impact brought by the purple golden bowl. When they came down, where they had stepped on, the slabs shattered.

The head of Wutai Mountain, the reincarnated flower monk, is naturally not to be underestimated, but this trick has made the people of the Black Demon Cult a little jealous. It seems that these people are not as easy to deal with as they thought.

While those red-robed descendants were impacted by the purple golden bowl, Zhou Zhouyang and Bai Zhan shot at almost the same time. The swords in the two hands flashed with thunder, and their bodies were like ghosts and charms. The purple bowl just flew out. The two came to the front of the red robe descending head teachers.

They had just endured the impact of the Zijin Bowl, and it was just when they were relieved that the two arrived.

These two are old friends, who have cooperated with each other for more than ten years, so it goes without saying that the degree of tacit understanding is natural.

The two are not too greedy, and work together to deal with the foremost leader.

The head descending master was shocked, they came too fast, and quickly raised the long sword in their hand to resist. First, the white dragon sword of the fire essence slashed on the opponent's long sword at once. The head-down master in the red robe just felt his whole body numb, and his whole body had been charged with electricity.

It is between these electric lights and flints, Zhou Yiyang’s magic sword crossed the river like a long dragon, a sword pierced out, just past the opponent’s defense, and pierced the opponent’s heart. After stirring, he lowered the red robe. The head teacher's heart was broken into pieces.

With a successful move, the two of them touched their toes on the ground and retreated together seven or eight meters. Before the opponent had time to counterattack, the two had already evacuated.

The head-down master who was beheaded by Zhou Yiyang was at least a master at the level of ghosts and immortals, but under the combined action of the two, he took the other's life, and gave the other a disarming force as soon as he came up.

Under such circumstances, Ajernon was also frightened, as expected to be the character who swept the Black Water Holy Spirit, this strength was really powerful.

However, Ajnon did not appear to be afraid. Instead, he became more and more angry. With a wave of his hand, he greeted the others to continue the onslaught.

There are many people on the other side, and the masters are like clouds. They are the people of the Black Demon Cult who are there. I am afraid that there are not one or two hundred people. Those ordinary black robe descending masters are the red and purple robe descending masters. There were more than thirty, immediately dispersed, an average of four or five in a wave, and when they went up, they scattered all of them and besieged them individually.

Looking at this scene, the people of the Black Demon Cult are determined to keep the lives of several of them here.

It was Ge Yu and Hei Xiaose who were treated in the same way. Each of them was under the siege of four or five masters of the Black Demon Cult.

That's all, the Black Demon Cult has more than a hundred masters who are also taking care of them, all kinds of poisons and poison powders are swayed around and hit them.

It is worthwhile to make the big guys thankful that there are many decorations in the yard of the slaves. The black beetles flying out of the big tank are flying all over the sky, and dozens of corpses have joined the battle group at the beginning, which relieved them a little. Some pressure.

No one had encountered this scene for a long time.

Especially Jiuyanghua Li Bai and the others, after becoming famous, they rarely encounter such a bad fight again, because of their reputation, how can anyone dare to touch the fame of these big players.

It's just that now they are falling into the Pingyang, and they are surrounded by people from the Black Demon Cult in this exotic Malaysia.

In this way, it aroused the blood of several of them even more, and the long-lost feeling of wandering on the edge of life and death returned.

Especially Zhou Yiyang and the others, they didn't have too much fear in their hearts. They just felt that the blood that had become somewhat cold was boiling again.

Kill kill kill!

Several people were trapped in it, and various magical instruments came in.

And when Zhou Yiyang fought against those red-robed head-down masters, Thousand-Year Gu had already flown out and hovered over this courtyard, defending them against the poison or powder that the head-down masters spilled. Wherever the Thousand-Year Gu flew, large swaths of poisonous insects fell on the ground, not even the black beetles.

There is no way, the poison of Thousand-Year Gu is too violent, the King of Ten Thousand Gus, since it appeared, no poisonous insect in this world has been its opponent.

Ajnon quickly noticed the Millennium Gu hovering in the air, and he couldn't help but brows. When he shot his chest, a spirit drop flew out, heading in the direction of the Millennium Gu.

After that, a few more purple-robed head descendants also released their spirit descendants, and together they besieged Thousand-Year Gu.

There were seven or eight spirit descendants flying in the air for a while, surrounding the Millennium Gu.

The spirit drop released by those descendants is also varied, with white moths, black three-headed insects that can fly, and wasps with huge poisonous needles... flying up and down around the Millennium Gu, all wanting Thousand-year Gu is dead.

Thousand-year Gu has not known how many years he has survived, he is already spiritual, his body flexibly hovering among several spirit descendants, it doesn't feel so dangerous, but a feeling of ease.

Everyone is surrounded by at least three descendants in red or purple robes.

Hei Xiaose didn't dare to hold it big, and directly waved the measuring ruler in his hand, and greeted him who was besieging him.

At the same time, a patch of red mustache circling around Hei Xiaose's body, defending him against the poisonous insects flying towards him.

The power of the measuring ruler is too great. It is like a mountain overturning and roaring between swings, and the few headed masters who force him can't get close to his body for a while, and some black-robed headed masters who want to take the opportunity to sneak attack dodge. Not in time, being shot by that measuring ruler, all muscles broke and fractured and died on the spot.

The most amazing thing is the soul chasing sword of Li Zejian. Since it was re-forged by the Sword King, the power of the soul chasing sword has increased a lot. It is faster and sharper, and it walks quickly through the crowd. Among them, wherever he went, many black robe descending masters were beheaded, which was frightening.

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