Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2648: Kasan is gone

Jijianu died just like that.

The one who died was not heroic. He practiced the head-down technique all his life, and finally died on it.

Most people who practice evil methods will not end well.

A head-down master like Jijianu is still a more upright evil practice, helping others to surrender, giving them medical treatment, and charging part of the treatment fee.

But it is impossible for the lower head teacher to have clean hands and feet.

It can be seen from the layout of her yard that there are dozens of large tanks, each of which contains a corpse that has been refined into a corpse. These may be the enemies of Jijianu, or they may be innocent. People, in short, die at the hands of Jijianu, people are doing it, the sky is watching, the cycle of cause and effect, and the retribution is unhappy.

Such a method of death may be considered a kind of death for Ji Jia Nu, at least not much pain.

The group of people sat in the old horse's cart and once again changed their place to stay. This time it was a fishing village quite far from Kuala Lumpur, so that everyone could leave Malaysia and return to the borders of China.

Now, they are making a mess in Malaysia, not only the grievances with the Black Demon Cult, but also Lin Chuxiong and the Yonghu team.

Either party is not easy to deal with.

Now Lao Ma has started to contact Wan Luozong, and quickly send these masters away. In case he leaks, Wan Luozong's stronghold in Malaysia will be gone.

Lao Ma was really frightened by these masters. They really dared to do anything. It was enough to pick the largest Yunding Casino in Malaysia. The people of the Black Demon Cult were also tough and unambiguous.

If it weren't for the members of the Brave Tigers to come in time, it is estimated that the people of the Black Demon Cult would have all been reimbursed in Jijianu's courtyard.

The nine-sun flower Li Bai and Yuhan Xiaoliangjian rumored in China's rivers and lakes are definitely not vain names.

Back to the place where the group was staying, Kasang kept holding her grandma's body and refused to let it go, crying into tears.

When I saw this kid for the first time, he was so wicked that he didn't look like a crying kid. Now he can't stop crying.

It can be seen that the child's affection for Jijianu is really deep.

The apprentice of Jijianu also followed Kassan. He did not cry, but kept his eyes red and stood there without speaking.

When fighting against the Black Demon Cult, this person broke an arm, and the wound was bleeding all the time, and he had not had time to deal with it.

It may be due to excessive blood loss, his face was a little pale.

Ge Yu reminded him in the past and asked him if he needed a bandage, but the man shook his head. He took out some powder from his body and spilled it on the wound. When the powder met the blood on the wound, it immediately melted. I made countless tiny bugs, surging constantly in the wound. After a while, the bugs stopped moving, and the wound began to fuse, and no more blood flowed out.

This picture is so sour and refreshing. Ge Yu's scalp is numb, but the other party seems to be nothing.

Everyone had a good persuasion before Kasang put down Ji Ji's Nu's body, Ge Yu threw out a yellow paper talisman, burned Ji Ji's Nu's body, and then put the ashes in a jar.

Li Banxian said that he would help Ji Ji Ji Nu find a place with good feng shui to bury him, but Ji Ji Nu’s apprentice Barron said no. He wanted to scatter Master’s ashes into the sea. Barron said, this is her master. As I said before, after she died, she had to do this. When she was alive, she killed many people and raised poisonous insects for a lifetime. After she died, she would give her body to the fish in the sea to eat.

Since this is the case, everyone is not easy to say anything, so let them go.

Before dawn, the two men were taken by the old horse, found a fishing boat, took them to the sea, and scattered the ashes.

Lao Ma over there has already contacted a merchant ship, and intends to let a group of people take the merchant ship back to the surface of China when it gets dark tomorrow.

I definitely can't leave tonight, time is too short, and there is no suitable merchant ship coming over.

It just so happens that everyone is exhausted physically and mentally, and can take care of it for a day.

After the ashes were scattered, Kazan and Barron returned.

In the house, everyone sat together. Zhou Yiyang looked at Kasang and said with a serious face: "Kasang, your grandma entrusted you to us before she died. I still have some properties on Treasure Island. Do you want to follow me back to Treasure Island. That place is my site. I can guarantee your safety. No one will hurt you. As for you, you can do whatever you want in the future, but one thing is that you can’t use the head drop technique to harm people. ."

Kasang raised his head and looked at Zhou Yiyang, his face suddenly became savage, showing a mouthful of black teeth, and said something to Zhou Yiyang.

Everyone couldn't understand. Xiao just wanted to translate, but Barron said at this time: "Little Junior Brother said he wanted to avenge his grandma and killed Ajnon."

Barron is the big apprentice of Jijianu, who often receives people from all over the place, so he still knows the language of Huaxia.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions darkened. Zhou Yiyang immediately said: "You can get revenge. No matter who encounters this situation, he will think of revenge. Your grandma won't just die like this. She treats us. Hmm, and the Black Demon Cult has a lot of grudges with us, but now is not the time to take revenge. We are short of a person here, our best friend, and when he comes back, I promise to take you to the Black Demon Cult. Lao Lao, avenge your grandma."

After a pause, Zhou Zhouyang said again: "Also, your current cultivation base is not good enough. Go back and practice it. After two or three years, when you grow up, at least you have the ability to protect yourself. Let's talk about revenge. kind?"

Kasan's face flushed with excitement, and he waved his fist and said a few more words.

Barron's face also sank, and he said, "Little Junior Brother said he was going to kill Ajnon himself."

Zhou Yiyang smiled slightly and said: "Okay, we will keep Ajnon's life for you then, how about letting you end it by yourself?"

Barron translated it, but Kassan just kept his eyes red and did not speak.

Next, Zhou Zhouyang asked Kasang if he wanted to go back to Treasure Island with him, but the kid didn't say anything.

Li Banxian persuaded him a few words, saying that he had just died with his closest relatives, and he must be in a bad mood. It would not be too late to wait until his mood stabilized tomorrow.

Zhou Yiyang nodded, and stopped begging, and then everyone dispersed, each looking for a place to sleep.

However, at noon the next day, when the old horse greeted everyone for a meal, Barron rushed over and told everyone a very bad news that Jijianu's grandson Kassan was gone.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

This kid won't go to Ajnon for revenge, right?

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