Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2906: So cowardly

Facing this kind of rival, Ge Yu didn't dare to be careless, and quickly used all the methods of pressing the bottom of the box, because what Ge Yu had to face was not only the old Gu, but also the realm of pseudo-fairy. Millennium Monkey Demon, these two, no matter which one they were, Ge Yu had no certainty that he could defeat them in his heyday.

Therefore, at this moment, you can only use your full strength, and you can be sure of victory.

When the thousand-year-old monkey demon smashed into the sky with a stick, Ge Yu raised the seven-star sword in his hand, and under the blessing of the ancient demon head and the power of the rainbow light, he slashed directly at the stick.

A huge roar, the sound of sonic boom shook the entire royal city.

The stone slab at Ge Yu's feet became shattered again, spreading towards the surroundings, and the Thousand-Year Monkey Demon was obviously uncomfortable, and was shaken back several steps.

In the face of the Millennium Monkey Demon and the old Gu Po, Ge Yu did not retreat but moved forward, taking advantage of his current strength of the ancient demon head to continue to rise, and it was the time when he was strong, trying to win them in one fell swoop.

It wasn't that Ge Yu was so conceited that he could defeat the two top masters at once, but because he had no way back, so he could only find a way out.

Next, Ge Yu rushed all the way, killing the three sword moves of Qianli, slashing in the direction of both of them one after another.

Under the support of those two powerful forces, the strength of the three sword moves was even stronger. Even the old Gu, who had been standing there and hadn't moved much, had to move her figure to avoid Ge Yu. The majestic momentum of sword energy.

Three swords cut in a row, magnificent, behind the two, the gate of the West Palace was torn apart by Ge Yu's three swords.

At this moment, Ge Yu was full of demonic energy, with an overwhelming momentum.

"Old Gu, don't you want to see how I defeated the Northwest Sword Demon? Today I want you to see the strength of Ge Yu, a zombie." Ge Yu said, moving forward again.

When Ge Yu faced these two masters, Hei Xiaose and Li Zejian behind him also fought with the soldiers of the royal city led by Turhan.

The scene was extremely tragic.

The charge in front is the sacred beast Jai Xuan and the prisoner cow.

The two brothers joined forces to face these ordinary soldiers in the royal city. It was as easy as cutting melons and vegetables. As they rushed all the way, flames spit out. For a while, I didn’t know that few people died in the flames and were burned miserably. Howling, rolling all over the floor.

The rat spirit, the snake demon, and the cat demon old lady were not idle either, rushing into the crowd and killing all around.

Even the old ghosts played a powerful role at this moment, possessing the corpses of the soldiers in the royal city who were beheaded by the big demon, picking up the weapons on the ground, and fighting the living.

When facing many top masters, Ge Yu basically would not use the old ghosts in these spirit gathering towers.

Especially some orthodox Taoist practitioners in China, because they all have the means to restrain ghosts. Although the ghosts in the spirit gathering tower are not low, but Ge Yu does not want to lose any of them. After all, these old ghosts have accompanied him. Old friends for more than 20 years, most of the ghosts were conquered in the Spirit Gathering Pagoda by the Chenyuan real person before they were born.

Although these old ghosts and big monsters showed an indomitable momentum, there were too many soldiers in the royal city, and soldiers continued to gather here.

The opponent uses wheels to fight, and sooner or later they will be consumed.

Hei Xiaose and Li Zejian took advantage of the charge of these old ghosts and big monsters, stepped into them, and started to pounce in Turhan's direction.

Capture the thief first, capture the king first, as long as you get this Turhan, the rest is easy to say.

Li Zejian's divine sword chasing the soul flew around among the crowd, and from time to time, people's heads flew up, blood and light splashed, and the black and small scale measuring ruler also swept a large area.

Seeing that he was about to rush to Turhan, several masters around Turhan suddenly rushed forward. Among them, several elders of the Jialang clan intercepted Li Zejian and Hei Xiaose.

The sound of fighting shook the sky, the king's city was in chaos, and the air was full of blood.

There is not much time left for them, and Princess Wuyan must be taken out as soon as possible, and the next thing will be planned.

Ge Yu rushed all the way to the old Gu Po's side, and the Seven Star Sword shook directly into the old Gu Po's heart.

The old Gu Po's wrinkled old face, her muscles tremble slightly, her lips tremble slightly, and for a while, countless colorful moths floated up from her, swept toward Ge Yu overwhelmingly.

This time, Ge Yu couldn't say why. For this highly poisonous moth, there was no fear in his heart, and he didn't even have the thought to dodge it.

Soon, those moths landed on Ge Yu's body one after another, wrapping it up.

There was a sneer at the corner of the old Gu woman’s mouth, feeling that Ge Yu was still too young, and she didn’t know how powerful these gu worms were. Every moth had its throat sealed by blood. Will be completely paralyzed, and then lose his life.

But what made the old Gu woman shocked was that seeing those colorful moths enveloping Ge Yu, within a moment, those colorful moths fell to the ground in large numbers, some of them turned into a Mission fly ash.

In the next moment, she understood what was going on.

It was all because of the thick black demon energy that filled Ge Yu's body.

Those devilish qi enveloped the colorful moths and constantly swallowed them. In the blink of an eye, the colorful moths were almost dead.

"What a timid thief, I killed the Gu moth I carefully cultivated!" The old Gu was furious, and this time she directly lifted the green walking stick in her hand and smashed it towards Ge Yu.

Ge Yu handed out a sword and fought hard with the old Gu woman a few times, then watched the old Gu woman squat, looking like she was about to hang up at any time, but he was really unambiguous when he started. There is no sign of a disadvantage.

At the same time, the Thousand-Year Monkey Demon followed, one after the other, controlling Ge Yu.

Today's Ge Yu, under the power of urging the ancient demon, is not shy in the face of such a powerful guy as the Millennium Monkey Demon, but the two masters can't resist it.

Especially for the Monkey Demon of Thousand Years, with every stick it hits, it has the power of everything, and Ge Yu's arm is numb.

The indomitable momentum just now came to an abrupt end.

What worries Ge Yu is whether there are any other masters from the Black Dragon faction who have been waiting for the opportunity to clean up themselves.

It is impossible for the Black Dragon faction to have only the two of them here, unless there are any restrictions on the void, only two people can be sent to this mulberry field at a time...

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