Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2926: Chaos retreat

The mighty sky, the thunderbolt.

Zhou Yiyang finally urged the great technique of attracting thunder, and the first sky thunder fell.

Standing on the city wall of the Zhaoyue clan, standing high, looking far away, you can see Wurihan not far away at a glance.

He is too conspicuous.

Like many stars arching over the moon, standing out from a group of chickens, they are protected by a large piece of master's wings, and the clothing of those people is very different from the soldiers of the Dacheng tribe on the side. The armors on their bodies are very luxurious, and they are made of special materials.

Catch the thief first and catch the king, it is always the truth for them to fight the enemy.

As long as Urihan, the patriarch of the Dacheng clan is dealt with, these Dacheng clan soldiers will inevitably be panicked and demoralized.

The next thing will be easy.

The Dacheng Clan without a leader, although there are many in number, it is also a scattered, mob crowd.

Maybe, relying on the 10,000 soldiers and horses of the Zhaoyue Clan, it is still unknown that a battle that can win more with less can come.

After the first sky thunder fell, those people of the Dacheng clan were very scared. Ge Yu and Zhou Yiyang were originally riding on the beast, Jai Xuan, and they had already shocked the Dacheng clan soldiers. To inspire, it is to scare those people to cry father and mother.

The fall of the first sky thunder is only a beginning, and the remaining eight sky thunders will follow one after another, and one after another will be violent.

This is the power of the great thunder technique burst out, the power of thunder magic that the earth immortals are also afraid of.

Among the dark clouds was another dazzling lightning, which tore through the black clouds, dropped from the sky, and landed directly on the Chinnis Sword in Zhou Yiyang's hand.

Zhou Yiyang's gaze once again looked in the direction of Na Wurihan, his expression solemn.

The immortal Hu Gejin may be able to intercept these nine profound thunders, but he will inevitably be severely damaged, and his cultivation base will fall sharply.

Or maybe it was directly killed by the nine-day profound thunder.

But at this moment, the purpose of attracting the sky thunder is not just to kill that Hu Gejin, but more importantly, to defeat the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses of the Dacheng clan, so Zhou Yiyang really has to think about the nine sky thunders, where should they be split .

Suddenly, Zhou Yiyang decided to slay that Wurihan first.

"Boom" A larger lightning struck down towards the direction where Wurihan was.

At this time, the immortal Hu Gejin had already rushed to the vicinity of Wurihan, held the two copper hammers in his hands again, and jumped into the air, giving the huge thunder light to life. After taking it, it was so, the countless large and small blue electric currents separated from the Lei Mang still spread to the surroundings.

Many people surrounded by Wurihan suffered. Many people were hit by the electric current separated by the sky thunder and fell to the ground. The horses couldn't stand the power of this terrifying thunder and screamed everywhere. Running around and bumping, the 10,000 iron knights of the Dacheng clan over there turned into a pot of porridge.

Although the next sky thunder, Hu Gejin's face was not good-looking, and there was a thunderous thunder on the pair of copper hammers, which made Hu Gejin's hair stand upright.

The third sky thunder continued to fall.

This time it fell directly into the ten thousand cavalry.

A huge roar happened to fall in the center of the cavalry. For a time, flesh and blood flew across, the dust was flying, and the thick electric current rushed everywhere.

With such a dense crowd, a sky thunder fell, and there were only three to five hundred casualties.

Although not many people die, the psychological pressure on these Dacheng soldiers is too great, because no one knows where the next sky thunder will fall, and who will be the next group of dead people?

In particular, this sky thunder was very clever. It happened to be in the middle of the cavalry. The horses were frightened and all turned into wild horses that went crazy. The soldiers riding on the horses were knocked down a lot, and then they were The horses that went crazy trampled to death, countless.

What's more terrifying is that the frightened horses are completely out of control at the moment. Even if the horse whip was slammed on the horse's back, blood stains were drawn out. The horse refused to stop, neighing, and went crazy. Clash in the crowd.

More than 10,000 excellent horses went crazy together, the scene was simply too spectacular.

I have only heard of Wanma Galloping. Many of these people are eye-opening, and they are still crazy.

The horses of the cavalry rushed towards the camp of the infantry, and the scared infantry scattered and fled, and those who couldn't dodge were obscured by the blood of the horse's hoof.

Sadly, Zhou Yiyang's sky thunders only fell three times, and there are six more violent sky thunders ready to go.

Next, the soldiers of the Zhaoyue clan looked at the chaotic group of soldiers of the Dacheng clan from a distance, and they were stunned one by one, and even more shocked by Zhou Yiyang's thunder-inducing technique.

God, this is terrible.

Afterwards, Zhou Yiyang blasted down the remaining six sky thunders one by one.

There was no trace of the thunder-falling spot. It was completely driven by Zhou Zhouyang's mind, and he would fall wherever he wanted to fall. When pointed by the sword's edge, the thunder fell over that day.

There were more than 50,000 soldiers and horses of the Dacheng tribe, and they were messed up by these sky thunders. The soldiers and horses collided with each other and wailed everywhere, and the soldiers trampled to death by those horses were countless.

The horses are crazy, and the people are crazy...The soldiers of the Dacheng tribe screamed and ran around in horror.

In the beginning, Zhou Zhouyang wanted to kill the patriarch of the Dacheng tribe, Urihan, but this situation became chaotic, and the Urihan was also engulfed by the chaotic crowd. I didn’t know where he was smashed into the Dacheng tribe. The soldiers quickly fled in the opposite direction of the Zhaoyue Clan, but in front of the Zhaoyue Clan’s city wall, they left countless bodies and wounded. They stretched for four or five miles, and they could still be seen being trampled on. Dead Dacheng soldiers.

There were also those old ghosts that Ge Yu released from the Spirit Gathering Pagoda. He did not give up chasing and killing them. He chased them all the way for more than a dozen miles before being brought back by Ge Yu.

If you run farther, the Spirit Gathering Tower should not be able to sense it.

The people of the Dacheng clan retreated quickly. After seeing those people retreating, the gates of the Zhaoyue clan's city opened wide, and three thousand soldiers and horses rushed out immediately and began to clean up the mess.

The leader was a patriarch of the Zhaoyue clan, who ordered people to chop off the head of the corpse of the Dacheng clan soldier, and set up a few Jingguans near the gate of the Zhaoyue clan.

Although Ge Yu felt that this was a bit cruel, he didn't say anything to stop it. Only in this way can he deter those Dacheng people and have a certain deterrent effect on Turhan in the west of the city.

Zhou Zhouyang blasted out nine heavenly thunders one after another, expending a lot of spiritual power. Seeing the Dacheng people retreating, he couldn't help but breathe out and took the magic sword.

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