Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2937: Green Snake

Thousand-year Gu and the gu butterfly released by the old Gu Po have rushed into the crowd of soldiers of the Jialang tribe led by Turhan. Two powerful Gu worms are fighting each other, and the poison released is huge. Soldiers of the Jialang tribe. Falling down in pieces, the soldiers of the Jialang tribe who were frightened suddenly turned into a pot of porridge and fled in all directions.

When Na Turhan saw that many of his men and horses died at once, he suddenly yelled anxiously and asked the old Gu woman to lead the Gu butterfly out of the crowd, but the old Gu woman didn't even hear her, and moved directly. Walked in the direction of Zhou Yiyang.

The old Gu was not only superb in the art of Gu Poison, but his cultivation level was also unpredictable. When the two Gus were fighting, the old Gu wanted to directly take down Zhou Yiyang.

She also saw that the Thousand-Year Gu is extraordinary, maybe her Gu butterfly is not the opponent of the fat insect.

All zombies will be connected to the host's life, whether it is the worm or the host itself, no matter which one is injured or dead, the other party will be implicated.

The old Gu is very scheming, thinking that if Zhou Yang is taken down, his Gu worm will be greatly damaged, and then his Gu butterfly can swallow that Gu worm. So, oneself The path of Gu butterfly is bound to advance by leaps and bounds.

Therefore, the old Gu Po was a little impatient to start Zhou Yiyang.

However, the old Gu had no idea. In fact, Thousand-Year Gu is an independent individual. He doesn't know how many years he has lived. No matter what happens to Zhou Yiyang, it will not have any impact on it.

Zhou Yiyang still stood there and didn't move. When the old Gu Po was four or five meters away from Zhou Yiyang, her figure suddenly accelerated, and the turquoise crutches in her hand smashed towards Zhou Yiyang’s forehead. Falling.

At this time, Zhou Yiyang suddenly made a move and sacrificed the Chi Kissing Bone Sword in his hand. After shaking his figure, he greeted the old Gu.

When the two quickly fought against each other, Zhou Yiyang had already flashed the blue electric current excited by the Chinose Bone Sword. When the green walking stick in the old Gu woman's hand collided with the Chinose Bone Sword, suddenly It feels bad.

The blue current on the Chin Kiss Bone Sword could be transmitted to the old Gu Po through the crutch, making the old Gu suddenly feel numb all over her body, and her speed and strength were greatly affected at the same time. Suddenly, he was almost killed by the Chi Kissing Bone Sword.

The old Gu naturally knew who the person in front of her was, but Zhou Yiyang, the number two figure in the Nine Sun Flower Li Bai. That day, Zhou Yang used the nine-day profound thunder to scare away the 50,000 elite soldiers of the Dacheng clan. He also saw the earth-shattering sound with his own eyes, because that day he followed Turhan's 30,000 troops stationed in the direction of the Zhaoyue Clan's Xicheng. When he saw the terrifying scene, the old Gu was also inexplicably shocked.

Feel the terrifying power possessed by this young man.

But after all, she is the King of Gu who became famous in China decades ago, and she has cultivated to reach the sky, especially the technique of Gu poison, no one in China can match her.

Naturally, the young man Zhou Yiyang would not be in his eyes.

What's more important is that Zhou Yiyang just used the great technique of attracting thunder a few days ago, and his spiritual power was over-exhausted. Naturally, he can no longer use such a method today.

Therefore, the old Gu Po felt that he had the confidence to challenge Zhou Yiyang.

I felt that he had consumed so much spiritual power that day, he was naturally not his opponent today.

However, she did not expect that both Nine Sun Flower Li Bai and Yuhan Xiaoliang Sword, they are equipped with Xue family medicine pill, especially the pill for quick recovery of spiritual power, they must be indispensable. The pill, he continued to practice, and he had already recovered seven or eight.

To deal with this old Gu, there is no need to use this great technique of attracting thunder, it is a bit of a sledgehammer.

A person who refines Gu Poison will not have a high level of cultivation. The most relied upon is the Gu Poison technique on his body. When fighting Zhou Yiyang, the old Gu woman constantly released various poisons, and sometimes even sprayed them. Some poison powder came out.

Zhou Yiyang didn't dodge or fear the old Gu Po's methods.

It’s all because that Thousand-Year Gu stayed in Zhou Yiyang’s body all the year round, which made Zhou Yiyang’s body very immune to ordinary Gu poison techniques. As long as it was not the old witch’s natal Gu Butterfly, Zhou Yiyang would do it himself. All the little tricks of the old Gu Po were fearless.

After dozens of tricks in a row, the old Gu was helpless with Zhou Yiyang, exhausted all kinds of methods, and was almost killed by Zhou Yiyang's Chinose Bone Sword several times.

The old Gu was also very puzzled, why didn't the young man in front of him react to the poison he released?

If I changed to another person, I would have died dozens of times.

Panicked, the old Gu lady sprinkled a handful of poison powder again, and then she shook her body, stepped back more than ten meters, and panted violently.

Zhou Zhouyang carried the Chinose Bone Sword that was shining with blue electric current, and did not chase it, but said slightly sarcastically, "Why don't the old people fight anymore? Is it because you are getting older and your body is dysfunctional? At this age, you shouldn’t come out to harm the rivers and lakes anymore. It’s better to go home early and take care of them. This rivers and lakes are no longer suitable for you."

"Ignorant child, when the old man was rushing through the rivers and lakes, your father hadn't been born yet, do you really think that the old man can't cure you?!" Old Gu Po said angrily.

"If you have any means, just show it." Zhou Yiyang said.

Next, the old Gu Po used the method that made Zhou Yiyang's smile disappear quickly.

Even standing on the top of the tower, Ge Yu couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

But seeing that the old Gu woman suddenly threw the green crutch in her hand away, the crutch became bigger and bigger as soon as it flew out, and at the same time, the old Gu was also muttering words.

After the green crutch fell to the ground, a cloud of poisonous green mist was immediately lifted up, drifting around.

All the weeds on the ground withered suddenly.

When the green poisonous fog dissipated, Zhou Zhouyang saw that a green python that was more than ten feet long appeared in front of him. There was also a protrusion on the head of the python, like a head. The horns are average.

But that corner doesn't look obvious.

At this moment, Zhou Yiyang knew that the magic weapon used by the old Gu was turned out to be a living creature or a snake demon.

And this snake demon is not simple, horns are about to grow on its head, there is a sign of flooding.

Zhou Zhouyang took a close look at the giant snake. Its head was flat and triangular, which was obviously a poisonous snake.

Generally speaking, pythons are mostly snakes, and Zhou Yiyang is the first time he has seen a poisonous snake become a demon, and it is about to turn into a flood.

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