Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2944: Raise my magic power

Ge Yu jumped up, and struck a sharp sword at the man waving the demon flag.

This sword is called Yijian Kaishan.

A sword that can open mountains and break rivers.

The majestic sword gas turned into a cloud of sword light, tearing the ground through a gap, and rolling away.

So far, the person waving the demon flag didn't stop, his eyes only stayed on Ge Yu for a moment.

The few monsters that just emerged from the black fog were immediately cut in half by the sword qi, and were directly torn in half, with blue blood splattering everywhere.

These monsters didn't know where they came from. Not only were they strange in appearance, even the blood was blue that had never been seen before.

Jian Qi killed a few monsters, but didn't stop, and continued to move towards the guy waving the demon flag.

At this moment, from the person waving the banner of the demon, two people suddenly appeared. To be precise, they were two thousand year old monsters. Among them was the thousand year monkey demon. As soon as it appeared, the thousand year monkey demon lifted up. The iron rod in his hand smashed towards the sword energy that Ge Yu had cut over.

A stick fell down and banged against the sword qi, and made a huge roar. The sword qi was disintegrated by it, but the thousand-year monkey demon also shook his whole body and couldn't help staggering two steps back. .

As Ge Yu had expected before, the man waving the demon flag really had a powerful master wing around him.

It is not so easy to take it down.

Ge Yu just tore a gap from the countless monsters, from both sides of him, countless monsters still rushed towards Zhaoyue City.

There are even some monsters that can fly in the sky. They stretched out their arms and stretched several feet. They flew over the city wall, grabbed people directly, flew high in the sky, and bite off their heads. , Very cruel.

Under the leadership of the female Xilie, Zhaoyue Clan resisted stubbornly.

There is also Zhong Jinliang, standing on the city wall, brandishing the Immortal Slashing Sword, specifically to deal with the monsters that have thick skin and can't die by fire.

His Immortal Slashing Sword is all-powerful and unbreakable. No matter how hard the scales of the monster are, the Slashing Immortal Sword can cut a hole in it, splashing blue blood.

It’s just that there are too many monsters. Although Ge Yu rushed forward and killed a lot of them, as the demon flag kept waving, there was still a steady stream of monsters rushing to the Zhaoyue clan’s city wall. With the fortified walls, these monsters had already rushed in to kill.

It is precisely because of this strong barrier that female Xilie led a group of soldiers of the Zhaoyue clan to fight the enemy bravely.

At the beginning, these Zhaoyue soldiers were full of fear for these ferocious monsters, but as they continued to fight, a large number of monsters were burned to death, stoned to death, and shot by random arrows. They discovered that these monsters It's not as scary as they seem.

After fighting here for a while, Princess Wuyan suddenly rushed to the city with five thousand soldiers and joined the battle sequence.

A trebuchet and a bed crossbow were also erected on the city wall to shoot and kill those monsters at a long distance.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth were killing him, and a strong smell of blood wafted around.

Zhong Jinliang killed more than a dozen monsters in a row, with blue blood all over his body, but seeing the monsters continuously pouring here, he couldn't help but feel pale and powerless.

How can so many monsters be killed?

When he looked in Ge Yu's direction, he found that he could not be found anymore, because there were all monsters in front of him, and Ge Yu and the big demons had already been covered.

Ge Yu just rushed to the guy who was waving the demon flag. He was intercepted by the thousand-year monkey demon and cracked his sword to open the mountain. Then, the thousand-year monkey demon raised the iron rod and turned towards again. Ge Yu smashed past.

After all, it is the Great Demon of Thousand Years, and Ge Yu still struggles to deal with it.

However, the man with the wing guard waving the demon flag is not just a thousand-year monkey demon, but also a goat demon with horns on his head, waving a bone whip in his hand and smashing it towards himself. The forced Ge Yu kept retreating, and various monsters continued to rush forward. If it weren't for the sacred beast Jaixuan and the prisoner cow's wings, Ge Yu couldn't handle it.

Just when Ge Yu was about to be unable to hold it up, planning to release the strength of the broken arm of the ancient demon head, suddenly, there was a thunder and thunder above his head, and the sky and the earth trembled.

The two Thousand-Year Great Monsters who furiously attacked Ge Yu took a few steps back in horror, and looked upwards.

The sky was completely dark at this time, dark clouds above my head, lightning and thunder, and the majestic heavy rain.

The flashing lightning flashes like monster claws, tearing the sky to pieces.

"The ancestor of the Three Qing Dynasty is here, please invite the gods of the heavens, the nine-day profound thunder, and use the sword to draw it..."

A magnificent voice came from the direction of the Zhaoyue Clan's city wall, and the terrifying Qichang drum was endless, the wind was stronger, and the rain was heavier.

Within a few days, this was already Zhou Yiyang's second time to use this great technique of attracting thunder.

The target this time was not a person, but a monster that ran out of another dimension.

But with so many monsters, Zhou Yiyang’s sky thunder has only nine. Can it be killed?

When the monsters saw the vision above their heads, they stopped almost at this moment and looked up at the top of their heads. Those monsters were also full of fear for the thunder and lightning shining with blue light.

The thunder intent that is just reaching the sun has a powerful suppressing effect on any evil thing.

A moment later, there was another earth-shattering roar.

A thick blue electric light fell down directly on Zhou Yiyang's Chinose Bone Sword.

"Xiao Yu, come back quickly..." Zhou Yiyang raised the Chin Kiss Bone Sword in both hands, trembling all over, the thunder light condensed on the body of his sword, as if he couldn't hold it anymore.

Hearing that Ge Yu didn't stay here anymore, he directly greeted the big demons to retreat and rushed towards the Zhaoyue Clan.

What Ge Yu didn't expect was that Ge Yu retreated, and the two big monsters did not catch up, but moved closer to the person waving the demon flag.

"Thousands of demons move together, the world changes colors, kills the world, and raises my magic power!" The man waving the flag of the demon chanted a few words aloud. The monsters that had stopped at this moment seemed to have received some orders. He let out a sky-shaking roar, and once again launched a charge in the direction of the Zhaoyue Clan.

The enchanting flag is facing the fierce wind, the black mist is rolling, and there is no intention to stop, but besides that waving the enchanting flag, there are already six thousand-year-old great monsters...

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