Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2950: You do not understand

Zhong Jinliang couldn't wait to cut the Thousand-Year Rabbit Demon to pieces. Although he had a good skin, he was a snake-hearted. If it weren't for her, perhaps Chen Yu would not die.

However, the Thousand-Year Rabbit Demon didn't completely care about Chen Yu, otherwise it wouldn't explain so much to Zhong Jinliang.

The Thousand-Year Rabbit Demon is also involuntarily, after all, this chess piece Chen Yu is not something it can control.

Although its status in the Black Dragon School is not low, there are many people above it. Not to mention the Black Dragon ancestor, it is Professor Liu's words, it also dares not disobey.

The Thousand-Year Rabbit Demon also knew about Chen Yu's use as a bait, but it didn't expect Chen Yu to be killed by Zhao Minglu, and it still used that cruel method.

Therefore, in this matter, the Thousand-Year Rabbit Monster is also a little guilty.

As Zhong Jinliang said, after all, it was a mentoring and apprenticeship. If there is no half-heartedness, it is impossible.

Dao is different and does not seek each other, although there is some guilt in his heart, the Thousand-Year Rabbit Monster will not show mercy to Zhong Jinliang's men.

Under a fierce attack, the Thousand-Year Rabbit Demon has been evasive, and his face has become more and more cold. When Zhong Jinliang's Slashing Immortal Sword slashed over again, the Thousand-Year Rabbit Demon dodged flexibly.

At this time, I don’t know where a flying claw came from. The flying claws were covered with sharp barbs. A hook was placed on Zhong Jinliang’s shoulder. Between pulling and pulling, Zhong Jinliang was pulled away. Incidentally, he tore off a piece of flesh on his shoulder.

"Sister Tu'er, what are you talking about with this kid? I'm not going to solve him soon, and quickly break through the Zhaoyue clan, so we can leave this ghost place as soon as possible to avoid extra branches."

The speaker is another great demon with a thousand years of age, his head is full of red hair, his face is feminine, and he looks more neutral, and he can’t distinguish between men and women. The red hair is like a cockscomb, standing tall and holding it in his hands. Two flying claws, it went to the city of Zhaoyue just now, killed people with flying claws, and leaned over with one claw, took the other's heart, and grabbed a hole in the heart. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people died.

Seeing that the Thousand-Year Rabbit Demon couldn't attack for a long time, he came to help.

Zhong Jinliang was pulled out, rolled to the ground, and quickly turned over from the ground, feeling a sharp pain in his shoulder, fiery pain.

I looked back, but saw a tearing wound on my shoulder, and bones were exposed. If it hadn’t been for the feeling that there was a difference behind me just now, and I had subconsciously avoided it, the flying claw should have taken my back. There is still life here.

Just looking at it, Zhong Jinliang recognized that this should also be a thousand-year-old great demon. The six great demon just now protected the person who used the demon banner, and this person was one of the six thousand-year great demon.

The Thousand-Year Rabbit Demon is already very difficult for Zhong Jinliang. At this moment, there is another Thousand-Year Big Demon, how can it be dealt with.

Regardless of the severe pain from his shoulder, Zhong Jinliang once again clenched the Immortal Sword in his hand and glared.

With one person, Ge Yu dealt with the four thousand-year-old big monster and the earth fairy Hu Gejin, and he only dealt with two. What was that?

The big deal is death, the city is broken, and everyone will be buried with him.

Since Ge Yu can bear such a great pressure, then he can only grit his teeth.

Thinking of this, Zhong Jinliang swallowed his heart, roared and rushed again, and fought against the two thousand-year-old monsters.

But sometimes, it is not the spirit of not being afraid of death that can be defeated. The disparity in strength between them is really too great.

As soon as they rushed up here, the two Thousand-Year Great Monsters rushed towards Zhong Jinliang at the same time. The Thousand-Year Rabbit Demon used a fast sword and intercepted Zhong Jinliang’s Slashing Immortal Sword. Taking this opportunity, that should be a Thousand-Year Chicken The demon guy flew out of his claws, and at the same time caught Zhong Jinliang's vitals.

Although Zhong Jinliang was already trying his best to avoid him, the flying claws inevitably scratched off a few pieces of meat. Every time the flying claws landed on his body, bones were basically visible in the wound.

With just a few tricks, Zhong Jinliang became a blood gourd with injuries all over his body.

The chicken demon was cruel for those thousand years. Seeing Zhong Jinliang's appearance, he felt a little playful. Seeing Zhong Jinliang who was injured once again got up, he couldn't help but sneered: "Boy, you are so What are you doing so desperately? This is Sang Yu, the life and death of the little Zhaoyue clan, what does it have to do with you, why do you want to guard it hard?"

Holding the sword, Zhong Jinliang's body was already trembling. He looked at the Thousand-Year Chicken Demon, smiled and said, "I want to protect something, you don’t understand. Although you are a Thousand-Year Demon, you are not really real in the final analysis. Humans, how do you understand human feelings?"

Hearing this slightly ridiculous language, the chicken demon couldn't help but burn with anger.

Human beings are the spirit of all things, and the cultivation of monsters will eventually transform into the appearance of human beings, but you must know that a demon is the appearance of a demon as an adult, and it may take hundreds or even thousands of years.

Monsters are hostile to most people.

Because they think this is unfair, why human beings are born to be the length of all things? It takes one or two hundred years for an animal to develop its intelligence and possess human thinking. It will take hundreds of years to become like a human being.

So the most taboo thing about monsters is to hear people say they are inferior to humans.

After the thousand-year chicken demon was furious, the flying claws in his hand reached out again, wrapped around Zhong Jinliang's legs, and then flung it away.

His body flew up in the air, slammed into the wall, and then slid down.

Zhong Jinliang, who slid down again, spat out a big mouthful of blood, and tried hard to reach out and grab the Sword Immortal Sword. He wanted to stand up again, but after a few hard work, he couldn't get up.

The divine sense of Zhong Kui's ancestor on his body had already escaped from Zhong Jinliang's body before then.

The Thousand-Year Rabbit Demon frowned when he saw Zhong Jinliang like this, and said, "Kill him now, don't torture him anymore."

"Sister Tu'er, do you feel bad about this kid? Is it because he is Chen Yu's concubine, or because you are attracted to this kid?" The chicken demon joked that thousand years.

"Hurry up and stop talking nonsense." The Thousand-Year Rabbit Demon said very unhappy.

The Thousand-Year Chicken Demon stopped talking, put away the flying claws, wrapped it around his waist, and walked in the direction of Zhong Jinliang.

But when it came to Zhong Jinliang's side, it was suddenly startled.

At this time, Zhong Jinliang changed his appearance, the bleeding wound had healed quickly, and a mass of white corpses emerged from his body.

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