Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2956: It's not money

Hearing Professor Liu's words, Ge Yu's heart sank immediately.

Sha Qianli does have this rule, as long as the price is right, even his old man can kill him.

The real reason for establishing this rule is not entirely for the money, but to kill Qianli to set some difficulty for the people who look for him. The person to be killed must be a cultivator, and the cultivation level is extremely high. Killing thousands of miles will have a sense of accomplishment for those who kill thousands of miles. Originally, killing thousands of miles is to use war to support war. The stronger the master you encounter, the faster his cultivation will improve.

Professor Liu, who is wiser than a demon, immediately caught the key to killing Qianli, who knew that killing Qianli would not break the rules he had established.

Sure enough, Sha Qianli smiled coldly and suddenly said, "How much do you want to pay?"

"Hahaha...Killing the seniors, everything is up to you, as long as you speak, our Black Dragon faction can afford it." Professor Liu smiled proudly.

Ge Yu's heart sank to the bottom, thinking that killing thousands of miles would not be for money. He really killed himself, right?

In order to kill Qianli's temperament, it is really possible to do everything.

Suddenly, Ge Yu had an idea and looked at Professor Liu and said, "Kill the old man, you killed Professor Liu for me. You owed me two heads before. You owed me a life for killing Professor Liu. ."

Professor Liu was too threatening to Ge Yu. This person was resourceful, insidious and cunning. He almost killed himself after several arrangements. This time it was even more miserable. If it weren't for killing thousands of miles to arrive in time, it would be sooner or later that they were caught in a pot. Things.

If Killing Thousand Miles can kill Professor Liu, it will definitely solve a big confession. In this way, the Black Dragon faction will have no Kotou generals, which is a very beneficial thing for all of them.

Sha Qianli smiled slightly, revealed a mouthful of white teeth, and said to Professor Liu: "Sorry, you are late for an appointment. The old man must come first, then come first. The old man owed Ge Yu three heads before, which is not more than the account. After killing you, the old man repaid a debt of favor."

Professor Liu didn't expect Ge Yu to have this hand, his face changed suddenly, and he said unwillingly: "How much money Ge Yu pays to kill the old man, I am ten times more than you, as long as you kill him today, you will be honored. on."

"It's not about money. The gentleman promises, it's hard to chase horses, Professor Liu, you have to take good care of your head, the old man has to do it."

As he spoke, Sha Qianli suddenly moved, his body faltered for a while, the sword suddenly moved, and went straight to Professor Liu.

When Sha Qianli rushed to Professor Liu, he also left a sentence with Ge Yu: "Boy, stand there and don't move. An old friend of you will come over soon."

With this hands-on, the Qi field was surging, and the murderous aura displayed in the body of Killing Qianli was rich and chilling.

Professor Liu's face pale in fright, and he took a few steps back quickly.

At the moment, those big monsters and Hu Gejin greeted them in the direction of Killing Thousand Miles.

Killing a thousand miles up is a trick of his housekeeping skill, three axe, which is his three best sword moves.

A sword pierced the mountain and slashed straight out. This sword swung out, with a force that was several times stronger than Ge Yu, and rolled up the waves on the flat ground, with a sword bleeding all over the ground.

A dazzling sword light cut the ground with a crack that was more than ten feet long and smashed straight towards Professor Liu's direction.

Those thousands of years of great monsters blocked in front of Professor Liu, and all the magical weapons were dispatched together, and the sword that could kill a thousand miles was intercepted.

The figure of the great demon for thousands of years was shocked, and each stepped back.

Then came the second move, slamming the tail and beheading the past.

A sword to open the mountain is to cut vertically, the target is very concentrated, but the oolong tail is flat cut, covering a huge area. Ge Yu looked at from a distance, and a brilliant Guanghua road streamer generally pushed forward horizontally. The big demon hadn't got a firm foothold, the second move to kill Qianli came.

This time, Hu Gejin made the first battle. One of his arms was cut off. Now he only holds the copper hammer in one hand, but it does not hinder the display of his cultivation base in Wonderland.

The copper hammer quickly swung toward the sword, directly hitting on the sword aura, making a huge roar, and Hu Gejin was directly shaken back seven or eight meters away.

But Sha Qianli stood motionless.

Although they are all cultivation bases of the Earth Fairyland, there is also a power gap between the Earth Fairy and the Earth Fairy. Obviously, killing a thousand miles is higher than Hu Gejin.

Hu Gejin's expression also changed drastically under this competition. He had cut off his arm just now, thinking that he was a sneak attack by killing thousands of miles, which is not really a skill.

It seems that his strength is really far above himself.

After Yijian shook Hu Gejin back, he moved a thousand miles and moved directly in the direction of Professor Liu.

The indomitable momentum displayed by Killing Thousand Miles is indeed scary. Although there are several thousand years of great demon in front of him, and the immortal Hu Gejin in front of him, Professor Liu still does not dare to ask for it. The few masters around him have already lifted it. The dream returned to the sedan chair and evacuated towards the rear with Professor Liu.

But Killing Thousand Miles was instantly surrounded by those thousands of years of great monsters, and they fought fiercely.

In the whole world, it is estimated that only Sha Qianli dare to face so many thousand-year-old great monsters at the same time. Although Ge Yu dared to face so many thousand-year-old great monsters at the same time, it was because he had to kill Qianli but was different. He had the confidence to win the battle.

The arrival of Sha Qianli resolved Ge Yu's urgent need.

Ge Yu dragged his tired body and looked around. His eyes quickly fell on Zhong Jinliang, who was lying on the ground not far away. He seemed to have passed out, and he had returned to a normal appearance.

Immediately, Ge Yu walked towards Zhong Jinliang swayingly and turned him over, who was lying on the ground, only to see the blood falling from the corner of his mouth.

Just now he carried the multiple hammers of Hu Gejin and was beaten by the great demon for thousands of years. Fortunately, he was in a state of stiffening, otherwise Zhong Jinliang would have been divided by a chaotic knife.

Ge Yu didn't dare to delay, he quickly took out the pill from his body, and took a few pills for Zhong Jinliang.

He also swallowed a few pills to restore spiritual power, otherwise it would be difficult to walk.

When killing thousands of miles to deal with those masters, Ge Yu suddenly saw the Dacheng tribe not far away once again launched a fierce attack, Ge Yu left behind the divine beasts and prisoners, as well as the aconite ghost tree. ...Under this wave of charges, it was obvious that he couldn't resist it, and he began to withdraw towards Ge Yu.

It was the elders of the Dacheng tribe who took the lead again, all of them above the ghost fairyland.

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