Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2961: Someone you can't afford

Hu Gejin, who had already broken his arm, was blown out of Wu Jiuyin's opponent right now.

After all, Hu Gejin was the cultivation base of the Earth Wonderland, not so fragile. After receiving a heavy blow from Ge Yu, he immediately got up and ran toward the soldiers who had fled from the Dacheng clan again.

As long as he entered the crowd and mixed into the soldiers, Wu Jiuyin couldn't deal with him.

However, what he thought was too simple.

Wu Jiuyin is such a master, what kind of master has never encountered it, that is, the inexhaustible Bai Maitreya at the time, can single-handedly follow him with dozens of tricks, a fairy Hu Gejin, Wu Jiuyin does not let go In his eyes, let alone the situation where his cultivation base has greatly increased right now.

Seeing Hu Gejin who was fleeing in a panic, Wu Jiuyin suddenly stopped, his face sank, raised the sword soul in his hand, and shouted: "The flying dragon is in the sky!"

These four words are sonorous and powerful, reverberating in midair.

Hearing these four words yelling out of Wu Jiuyin's mouth, Ge Yu and Zhong Jinliang, who were standing at the gate of Zhaoyue Clan City, were both taken aback.

My God, Wu Jiuyin is planning to use the ultimate ultimate move.

Not to mention anything else, this trick was that the black dragon ancestor could not resist.

The two did not expect that Wu Jiuyin would even perform this trick against an injured Hu Gejin.

Even Sha Qianli, who was standing not far away, couldn't help but grow serious after hearing these four words, and he didn't know what was in his heart.

After Wu Jiuyin shouted these four words, the situation above his head suddenly changed, and the mysterious soul sword in his hand suddenly turned purple brilliance. After a while, a purple aura broke away from the sword soul. Come out, go straight to the sky, angrily.

At the same time, accompanied by a desolate and majestic dragon chant, it resounded throughout the world, shocking the world.

There was suddenly dark clouds above the head and thunder roared.

Then in the clouds, everyone suddenly saw a huge figure that was erratic in it. It was a purple dragon.

A pair of amber eyes exudes endless majesty. When the huge body shimmering with purple light shuttles among the clouds, it stirs the wind and clouds and is magnificent.

For a while, everyone was dumbfounded at this scene.

Especially Hu Gejin, who was in the vortex, almost flew away after seeing the dragon.

Because when Hu Gejin went to see the dragon, the dragon's eyes also looked at him, directly locking his figure.

Flying dragon is in the sky!

This is a trick to kill the earth immortal.

In the next moment, the purple dragon made a deafening dragon roar again, then drilled out of the clouds, and rushed towards Hu Gejin at a very fast speed.

Hu Gejin let out a weird cry in fright, and his body suddenly stopped. The next moment, he slammed the copper hammer in his hand towards the giant dragon who had fallen down.

When the cultivation base reaches the fairyland, they are all dragons and phoenixes among humans, and the outstanding ones among humans, how can they die so willingly.

After Hu Gejin threw the copper hammer away, the magic weapon became bigger and bigger, and finally it was as big as a mountain, and it ran into the purple dragon.

When the purple dragon was about to fly near the huge copper hammer, he suddenly shook his body, swept across with its huge tail, and swept away the incomparably huge copper hammer. It crashed to the ground, and a big hole came out on the ground.

Afterwards, the dragon let out an angry roar, entangled directly at the frightened Hu Gejin, and then soared into the sky again and dived into the clouds.

I saw the dragon shuttle among the clouds, roaring from time to time, and after a minute or two, Hu Gejin fell from the air.

Hu Gejin was seriously injured by the purple dragon. After landing, his body was scarred, and the golden blood in his mouth surged, but he did not die.

Wu Jiuyin held the soul of the sword and walked towards Hu Gejin swayingly, shaking his hands, a majestic purple aura returned from the mid-air to the soul of the sword, and the soul of the sword returned Taken it back.

Two or three meters away from Hu Gejin, Wu Jiuyin stopped and squinted at him.

"I...I'm not convinced...I'm an immortal...I can't be defeated..." Hu Gejin said unwillingly while blood was pouring out of his mouth.

"What about Earth Immortals? Like you, I have killed a few when I was young. There will always be people in this world that you can't afford, such as me, Wu Jiuyin!" Wu Jiuyin said , Suddenly stretched out a hand towards that Hu Gejin.

When his hand stretched out, a terrifying aura exuded from Wu Jiuyin's body, which seemed to come from the terrifying aura of the ancient prehistoric, and instantly enveloped that Hu Gejin.

But with Wu Jiuyin as the center, the weeds on the ground quickly withered, and all the large and small rocks floated up, and then burst one after another, turning into waves of energy, converging towards Wu Jiuyin. This also included that Hu Gejin, who couldn't help but moved towards Wu Jiuyin.

Hu Gejin felt that a catastrophe was imminent, and he was still struggling, trying to stay away from Wu Jiuyin, but his body still moved towards Wu Jiuyin bit by bit.

In the end, his entire body floated in the air, as if Wu Jiuyin was sucked in.

Hu Gejin's neck took the initiative to reach Wu Jiuyin's hands.

Hu Gejin suddenly felt that a lot of spiritual power and cultivation in his body were passing, rushing towards Wu Jiuyin's body.

Looking at that Hu Gejin, he was getting old quickly, and his body was also rapidly shrinking.

His black hair turned white and his face was covered with wrinkles. He looked at Wu Jiuyin in horror, and said with difficulty: " don't want to die... let me go..."

"Now it's too late to say this. You hurt my brother, and I will kill you. My Wu Jiuyin has lived for more than 30 years. There is a scale that can't be touched, and that is hurting my family and friends. , Whoever touches who will die, your cultivation is good, everyone is dead, and your cultivation will naturally disperse, so it's better to give it to me."

With that said, the strength in Wu Jiuyin's hand suddenly increased, and the swallowing power became even stronger.

Hu Gejin couldn't say a word anymore, as the powerful force emptied his body, Hu Gejin finally turned into a white bone, and finally the white bone turned directly into fly ash and disappeared.

Anyone who knows Wu Jiuyin knows that in addition to the Xuantian Sword Art, he has another powerful method, which is the Yin Yang Eight Harmony Boundless Marrow Washing Sutra.

This method can swallow the cultivation of others and turn them into their own.

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