Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2969: Save the patriarch

One of the fox demon didn't care about the two people who fell to the ground. Instead, he shook his body, rolled up the long sleeves in his hand, and got the flag they dropped on the ground into his hands, but he saw the fox demon. After getting the flag, he shook his hand and lit the flag, which soon burned into a mass of ashes.

These two flags are the most important thing to maintain the magic circle. After the flag is destroyed, the magic circle condensed by the power of the earth evil suddenly and quickly disintegrates, and the criss-crossing silk threads disappear in the blink of an eye.

The magic circle was approaching just now, and almost strang the three of them.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the formation broke.

The Hedgehog Fat Girl and the Mouse Spirit had wounds on their bodies. Ge Yu released them just now to let them intercept Elder Yuqi and another master.

The two big monsters had few tricks with the two elders, and they were defeated quickly and rushed towards Ge Yu.

Ge Yu patted the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, and took the two big monsters back, and at the same time released two sacred beasts, and ran into the two elders.

Regardless of them, Ge Yu swept his eyes and looked in the direction of the screen, but saw that Turhan glanced towards Ge Yu and the others, and then under the wings of four or five Jialang generals, Walk quickly behind the screen.

"Kill Turhan." Ge Yu greeted, and soon chased after him.

Zhou Yiyang and Zhong Jinliang did not delay either, and they chased after Ge Yu.

A few masters of the Jialang tribe tried to stop the three of them. Ge Yu was not in love with the fight, and directly bypassed them in twos or twos, and continued to run towards Turhan's escape.

When I walked to the back of the screen and took a look, I realized that there was a back door in the hall, and the four or five masters fleeing directly behind Turhan with their wings.

After Ge Yu and the three of them chased out, there was already a mess in the hall. Several big monsters and the two beautiful fox monsters released by Zhou Yiyang were talking to the elders of the Jialang tribe. Fight.

And a large number of soldiers from the Royal City who were notified have already been integrated into the hall.

One by one, fully armed, armed with swords, bows and crossbows, murderous.

It’s just that as soon as some of the people in front entered the door, the prisoner's cattle spewed out the first flame. This flame was at least hit by hundreds of people. One by one, they fell to the ground screaming and tumbling around. The flames from the prisoner's cow were ignited.

Although the main hall is not small, there are not many people who can rush in. For a while, these big monsters will not be in great danger.

Ge Yu wanted to take Na Turhan in the shortest time.

The three of them chased out the back door of the main hall, and found that there was also a small square, right in front of them, there was also a black and heavy soldiers of the Jialang clan rushing over to meet Turhan.

Turhan fled hurriedly while looking back at Ge Yu and the others.

The panic on his face has alleviated a lot, because if he ran a few dozen meters further, he would be joined by a large number of reinforcements coming to meet him.

But Turhan did not expect that when he was about to mix with those reinforcements, Ge Yu suddenly urged the Earth Escape Technique, and in a flash, he came to Turhan's front.

It happened to be between the reinforcements and Turhan.

Turhan turned his head, but saw Ge Yu appear in front of him, he was taken aback and stopped.

And after Ge Yu flashed past, he immediately swung a sword in the direction of the reinforcements. This sword was called Oolong Swing Tail. A terrifying sword aura slashed across the past, like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. Dozens of people were cut off and fell into a pool of blood, crying.

People who are beheaded don't die so quickly. Some people can persist for more than ten minutes, and they will lose their lives when the blood dries out.

Therefore, those people screamed very horribly, and some of them lay on the ground with their hands, wailing and crawling.

After the sword was cut out, Ge Yu raised the Seven Star Sword, pointed it at the reinforcements, and said loudly, "If you are not afraid of death, just come!"

After this loud shout, the Jialang soldiers, who were originally a little timid, stopped one by one, and some of them involuntarily stepped back.

After that, Ge Yu slowly turned around and looked at Turhan, who was guarded by several masters' wings, and said in a deep voice, "Is it me, or are you going to catch it by yourself?"

"Ge Yu, don't be too confident. Now you are in the royal city of Jialang City. Do you really think you can kill me?" Turhan drew a golden machete from his body and lay it horizontally. In front of myself.

"Come over and try to know if I can kill you." Ge Yu turned and pointed his sword at Turhan.

At this time, Zhou Yiyang and Zhong Jinliang also rushed over, and without a word, they killed Na Turhan directly.

The masters around Turhan immediately stopped the two of them.

Na Turhan shouted violently, holding the golden scimitar in his hand, and greeted Ge Yu.

Turhan’s cultivation is good, but there is still a gap with Ge Yu. His sword skills are sharp, and his moves are all directed towards Ge Yu’s vitals. Ge Yu has used the Seven-Star Sword with him a few times, and he is still easy to deal with. of.

Seeing Turhan falling into the wind, the soldiers of the Jialang tribe who had been frightened quickly reacted.

I don't know which one shouted: "Help the patriarch."

Immediately, one or two thousand soldiers from the Imperial City rushed towards Ge Yu at the same time.

Ge Yu wanted to take Turhan as soon as possible, but didn't want to kill these Jialang soldiers.

At the moment, he patted the Spirit Gathering Tower again and released all the old ghosts to fight the reinforcements.

In one shot, hundreds of auras of various colors flew out from the spirit gathering tower at the same time, directly facing the reinforcements, the group of people running in the front, I don’t know what is going on. They all stopped one by one, and their bodies trembled slightly, and they were easily controlled by those old ghosts.

Don’t look at the number of these old ghosts compared with the Jialang clan’s reinforcements, but these old ghosts are all very high-minded. The key is that they don’t have to worry about each other’s swords when they are attached to those Jialang clan soldiers. , Only offensive but not defensive, even if the body is hacked and killed, it will soon float to another person and regain control of that body.

With the support of these old ghosts, Ge Yu doesn't need to care about the reinforcements. He has only one purpose, which is to resolve Turhan as soon as possible and end the dispute as soon as possible.

Turhan, who had passed Ge Yu with few moves, was so different in strength that Ge Yu scratched his shoulder with a sword, and then kicked it out with a heartfelt heart.

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