Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 3017: Investigation and monitoring

Ge Yu was flustered, mainly because Ge Yu hadn't figured out what trick Zhong Jinliang and Lai Shuguang had in the end, so he couldn't wake up, and he was bleeding.

Just now I tried to use various means to see what happened to them, but I didn't see why.

When did they make the move?

Could it be that Cui Zhengkui's female apprentice quietly planted it?

Many questions came to mind, which made Ge Yu feel confused.

Calm down. Calm down. You must calm down. Ge Yu kept telling himself, but his heart was still beating a bit, really worried that the two of them would suddenly die.

Perhaps it was because Ge Yu had given them two pills to take the pill. At this moment, there was no more bleeding in the seven orifices of the two of them, but the pulse was still beating fiercely, and the whole body was hot, as if they had been soaked in hot water.

How could it be like this.

Aunt Feng on the side saw Ge Yu's panic, and said: "Master, don't worry, think about how to solve it. Don't you have a friend here? I also made an appointment with him to go to Shengya Palace, he Maybe know what they are like."

A word to wake up the dreamer.

Aunt Feng’s reminder reminded Ge Yu of An Jae-yeon very quickly. He is a top expert in Goryeo and a native of the country. Ge Yu does not understand certain practices of Goryeo. An Jae-yeon must know why. Find a solution.

Thinking of this, Ge Yu didn't care whether it was sooner or later, so he directly dialed An Zaiyuan.

He must be resting right now. The phone rang and no one answered it. It wasn't until Ge Yu made the second call that An Zaiyuan's somewhat impatient voice came over there: "Ge Yu, Didn’t you say that you will go to the Ascending Cliff Palace in a few days? Why did you suddenly make a phone call this evening?"

"Senior An, things are more urgent, I can only disturb you, my two brothers, you have also met, one is Zhong Jinliang, the other is called Shuguang, they have been tricked, and they are not awake at the moment, and they are bleeding. I can't wake them up, I think they will be life-threatening. They can only call and ask you to see if there is any solution on your side." Ge Yu said anxiously.

"This... when did it happen?" An Zaiyuan panicked when he heard it, and said in a deep tone.

"Just now, in less than ten minutes, I had a strange dream. In the dream, there was a woman with one eye. She couldn't see the facial features, but she felt very beautiful. She called my name in the dream. When I was about to agree, I was woken up by Aunt Feng. I think they might have the same dreams as me. The trick in this talent, Senior An, do you know what a witchcraft is?" Ge Yu Hurriedly said.

"This... I haven't heard of it. There is such a strange technique that can enter the dream of the three of you at the same time?" An Zaiyuan said.

"Senior An, why don't you come here, let's discuss the countermeasures together, life is a matter of life, I have no knowledgeable friends here except you." Ge Yu said.

"Alright, I am leaving now, where are you?" An Zaiyuan said with a serious face.

Ge Yu reported the name of the five-star hotel where they were located. It should be very easy to find.

"Okay, you are waiting at the hotel. Don’t go out before I arrive. It’s not good if they make a mistake. By the way, you can ask the hotel’s security staff to check and monitor to see if anyone is checking in. We walked to the door of our hotel room. First, make sure if someone has done anything to you. When is the trick in the middle, I guess it will arrive at noon. Can you wait?" An Zaiyuan said.

"Yes... they couldn't last long in this situation, but I gave them a hanging medicine. They should not die in two or three days." Ge Yu said.

"Well, you do what I said. Let's see the situation first before talking. I'll leave now." An Zaiyuan said and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ge Yu got up and took a deep breath, then found the phone and went to the hotel attendant.

But as soon as the phone got through, Ge Yu was confused. He didn't understand Korean and didn't understand English at all.

Isn't this over?

I would have learned one more foreign language.

Ge Yu yelled to the waiter in Chinese for a long time on the phone. It was simply a mistake. He had to hang up.

But what Ge Yu didn't expect was that after about four or five minutes, footsteps came from the door, and then there was a knock on the door. Ge Yu walked vigilantly towards the door, looked out through the cat's eyes, and found that it was a hotel waiter.

Right now, Ge Yu opened the door, and just as he was about to say something, the waiter said in somewhat unstandard Chinese: "Sir, was it your call just now? Can I help you?"

When Ge Yu heard this, he was overjoyed, thinking that it was a five-star hotel, and the service was very attentive. A waiter who could speak Chinese was arranged.

Ge Yu did not let him into the house, but said to the waiter: "Hello, I made the call. Tonight, I always hear someone walking around the door of my room, going back and forth many times. Can you help? I adjust the surveillance to see who is walking around the door of my room. I suspect that he might be against me."

"Sir, do you need to call the police?" the waiter said again.

"No, you just need to check the surveillance for me. Tonight, see if anyone stayed at the door of my room." Ge Yu said.

"Okay sir, wait a minute, I'll go to the monitoring room to collect surveillance video for you, and I will notify you when there is news." The waiter said very politely.

After that, Ge Yu closed the door and returned to the house again, first moving the two of them to the bed.

Ge Yu walked a few steps back and forth in the room, wondering if there were any unclean things in the room, such as the method of disgust in Luban's technique, which seemed to have this effect.

Right now, Ge Yu took the compass out of his body and started to use the compass to locate and see if there was anything unclean in the house. Every room walked around one by one. He didn't let the corners go, but he still got nothing. .

Are they not recruiting in the hotel?

Ge Yu sat down and began to think about what happened today. When he got off the plane, he followed the dawn to eat. During the period, no one was relieved. When he was dancing with him at night, he was surrounded by two beautiful women from Korea. Maybe the problem lies with them, because it was on that occasion that I met the female apprentice of Cui Zhengkui.

Maybe it was Cui Zhengkui's angry apprentice who bought the beauties of Korea.

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