Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 3712: seabed space

Soon, Ge Yu and others also boarded the boat and drove quickly towards the place where the colorful glow appeared more than ten miles away.

The fishing boat was drifting on the sea, like a leaf, swaying in the storm, and in danger of capsizing at any time.

But the people on this ship were all extraordinary. As soon as they got on the ship, they each stood in different positions on the big ship, and each used the method of the thousand-pound drop. Whenever a big wave hit, everyone held down their positions. , so that the big ship would not be capsized by the big waves.

However, it was just strong winds and waves, and there were even more terrifying sky thunders, which struck the sea one after another, as if they were free of charge.

After traveling four or five nautical miles, everyone saw that several ships were hit by lightning, and they were torn apart and flying in all directions.

However, Ge Yu and others were no longer afraid of this thunder. Zhou Yiyang and Bai Zhan raised their magic swords and pointed to the sky.

Whenever thunder struck down, it landed directly on the magic sword in their hands.

This is all because both of them are good at controlling thunder. The magic sword in their hands can swallow the power of real thunder and store it in the magic sword, so that it can be released at any time.

This kind of horrible and bad weather has discouraged many people who used to hunt for treasures. After driving a certain distance, they saw many fishing boats capsized or smashed to pieces by thunder, so they directly changed their direction and headed towards Liumen Island. go in the direction.

Although the five-colored sky-repairing stone is valuable, you only have one life. With so many people trying to rob it, it is better to save your life.

The journey was difficult and dangerous, but for people like Wu Jiuyin, it was a common occurrence. They had seen too many strong winds and waves.

After almost an hour, everyone finally arrived at the place that was emitting colorful light.

When everyone saw that scene, they were all stunned.

But the place where the colorful rays of light emitted turned out to be a huge and rotating whirlpool. The colorful rays of light were emanating from the whirlpool.

When it arrived at this place, the ship began to involuntarily approach the huge whirlpool, as if it had a huge suction force.

And that whirlpool is like the mouth of a huge beast, as if it can swallow everything.

The captain driving the ship turned the power to the maximum, and the machine made a huge roar and began to move away from the huge whirlpool.

After everyone saw this scene, they were stunned for a long time, and no one spoke.

No one knows what is in the huge whirlpool above the sea and what the consequences will be if it goes down, so no one can make an idea.

The captain shouted directly: "Get out of here quickly. The suction of the vortex is getting stronger and stronger. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

Just as he was talking, several fishing boats approaching the whirlpool were instantly absorbed into the eye of the sea and disappeared without a single bubble.

What made Wu Jiuyin and the others even more stunned was that a ship suddenly appeared behind them. Several great monks jumped out of the ship and walked directly on the waves. Instead, they ran towards the huge whirlpool.

Wu Jiuyin took a closer look and found that these great monks were all from Mount Putuo, and the leader was Zen Master Kongcang from Mount Putuo.

Zen Master Karakura had a look of despair on his face. He didn't even have time to reach the center of the whirlpool and was quickly swallowed up by the sea water.

"Holy shit, what should we do? Do we want to go down too?" Hei Xiaose asked everyone.

Then, everyone's eyes turned to Wu Jiuyin.

After pondering for a moment, Wu Jiuyin suddenly said: "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs. Since Zen Master Kongcang has already gone down, let's go down and have a look."

With that said, Wu Jiuyin took the lead and jumped directly onto the water.

Master Yubo couldn't wait any longer. He grabbed Lai Shuguang's hand and jumped into the vast sea.

At this time, the dawn was a little scary. As soon as he landed on the sea, he said loudly: "Master, can I not go... The eyes of the sea look so scary. I don't know if I can come up again..."

"You guy, why are you so greedy for life and fear of death now? Master is here, don't worry." Master Yubo said in a deep voice.

Not long after, everyone also entered the water one after another, all approaching the direction of the sea eye.

After they all jumped off, the captain of the fishing boat increased the power and left the dangerous sea area.

Ge Yu didn't dare to raise his head, so he directly activated the power of the water monkey as soon as he got into the water, and walked slowly on the sea, constantly approaching the huge sea eye.

But as the distance got closer, Ge Yu couldn't control his body even if he used the power of the water monkey. The adsorption power of the sea eye was too great, and the power of nature was so terrifying.

After entering the water, Zhong Jinliang, Hei Xiaose, Zhang Yihan and the others were all close together. Wu Jiuyin and the others were even more magical, but they saw that Wu Jiuyin made a bubble out of thin air out of nowhere, and Wu Jiuyin and the others were even more magical. Jiuyin and the others were in the bubble, suspended above the sea, approaching the eye of the sea.

As soon as everyone got close to the edge of the sea eye, the adsorption force became extremely powerful, and they could not control it at all. Ge Yu felt that the world was spinning for a while, and he was swallowed up by the huge sea eye.

The surroundings were pitch black, and Ge Yu just felt that his body was turning over and over. He had already pushed the power of the water monkey to the extreme, but he still could not control his body.

Rotating and diving towards the bottom of the sea.

I don't know how long this state lasted. With a "bang" sound, Ge Yu's body landed firmly on the ground and rolled several times on the ground before stopping.

Not long after, there were several banging sounds around him, and someone fell down again.

Ge Yu rolled over and quickly stood up. He took out the Seven-Star Sword from his waist to guard against unforeseen dangers.

But when Ge Yu got up, he was surprised to find that he was not in the sea, but on a piece of land. What the **** was going on.

I looked up at the top of my head, which was all gray. Then I took a closer look, and I couldn't help but be shocked. Above my head, there were actually several big fish swimming slowly past.

There seemed to be a barrier above his head, blocking off a large space, and where he was at this time was the blocked space.

"Xiaoyu!" Before Ge Yu could take a closer look at the surroundings, a voice came over. When he looked back, he found Hei Xiaose getting up from the ground, and Zhong Jinliang was beside him.

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