Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 693: Gang wind tear

Hei Xiaose has a stinky mouth and a bad temper. It's all like this. He's still crying in front of the old dragons and tigers. He didn't say a few words, and he didn't know which old Tao gave him a kick. On, the painful guy lay on the boat and groaned, never daring to groan again.

The three of them were sitting on the boat. They only felt that the boat was going upstream, unable to sense it with the Qi field, and could only let the old ways take it down.

I don’t know how long it took. The boat seemed to have turned a few turns and stopped suddenly, but I heard the old people in front chant a few spells in silence. Even if the three of them were bound by the immortal ropes, they could still Feel the huge fluctuations in the Qi field.

This situation can only explain one problem, that is, before they have reached the gate of Longhu Mountain, those old ways are opening the barrier of Longhu Mountain.

After passing this place, you will truly be in the blessed land of Longhu Mountain. If ordinary people want to find it again, there is no way.

Even if Niuyanghua Li Bai came, if the people of Longhushan didn't let them in, they would be helpless.

In fact, Ge Yu and Hei Xiaose's hearts have always been anxious, after all, the two of them have been fighting this time.

Hei Xiaose wounded several masters in Xiao Xingtang, and Ge Yu was even more cruel, and directly severely wounded Zhishan Zhenren, more serious than the two of them, and couldn’t even go. Those people in Xiao Xing Tang were also severely injured by the powerful consciousness invited by Ge Yu. The rest were severely injured.

The people of Longhushan would not let Li Zejian go. As for Ge Yu himself, they estimated that it would be difficult for them to leave here all.

If you want to let the elders of your mountain gate come, you can only come to the black master, and Ge Yu, the master is missing, maybe it is the real person Longhua, the head of Maoshan who is here to lead.

For things like this, both sides are at fault, and it's hard to tell them clearly, but letting people from the gate of one's own gate lead the people is a shame in itself, and it will inevitably be blamed by Longhushan.

However, the people in Longhushan are also very embarrassed about this matter. The people in the large and small Xingtang were turned over by Ge Yuhei Xiaose. The most powerful master Zhishan in the Xingtang could not move directly. The junior was beaten like this, and there was nowhere to put his face.

After opening the magic circle barrier, the three of them were directly taken in by those from Longhushan.

Ge Yu didn't know what was waiting for him next, but after coming here, his mind became calmer.

What I’m thinking now is how they should deal with Li Zejian for a while. He and Hei Xiaose will certainly not be tossed to death by the people of Longhushan, but Li Zejian is hard to say. He is helpless and alone, even if he is People in Longhushan would die, and no one would give him a head start. He and Hei Xiaose became like this again, and they were hard to protect themselves. Where could they protect Li Zejian.

At the same time, Ge Yu was thinking about another thing, that is, what happened after he passed out.

In my own impression, before he fainted, it seemed that everyone except Yue Qiang had fallen, and Yue Qiang had not been brought to Longhu Mountain. What about his current situation? ?

Ge Yu couldn't help but feel a little frightened, even Yue Qiang couldn't stop these people in the punishment halls of all sizes, and things might get more troublesome.

There is one more thing in Ge Yu's heart. When he used the Maoshan God Fighting Technique by himself that day, the powerful person who was invited to realize what is sacred is not a powerful ghost repair, or a wisp of a certain god. Can Nian, otherwise, wouldn't be so strong, besieged by so many Dragon Tiger Mountain masters, and finally wounded the Supreme Good Real Person like that.

Before that powerful consciousness left him, I once said to myself that if I want to thank him, I should go and give him incense. This sentence is quite meaningful. People have helped me so much. If If I was able to get out of this Dragon Tiger Mountain, I still have to find a way to thank him.

Being held by the people of Longhushan, after walking for a long time, Ge Yu was a bit unable to hold it. His injuries were too serious, so he should lie in bed to cultivate, and now he had to be taken by the portrait of Longhushan. He walked forward as if he was driving a duck, and he moved with a deep foot and a shallow foot, and almost fell to the ground several times.

Since starting to practice, Ge Yu felt that this was the most embarrassing time, and he turned out to be someone else's prisoner.

After leaving, those talents stopped. Now Ge Yu doesn't know where he is, but this place is bitterly cold, and there are howling cold winds everywhere, ghosts crying and howling wolves.

Before he understood what was going on, Ge Yu was pushed by someone, and then it seemed as if he had been put in a cage, with cold iron fences everywhere.

Then the black headgear on Ge Yu's head was opened, and the iron fence was closed again.

Ge Yu blinked his eyes for a long time before adapting to the light inside, and realized that he was really packed in an iron cage.

Not only that, but Hei Xiaose was also not far away from her, and she looked like her, trapped by the iron cage.

After being locked up in the iron cage, there were several Taoist priests from Longhushan nearby. I don’t know what mechanism was touched. The iron cage containing Ge Yu rose slowly towards the sky, and suddenly rose more than ten meters high. local.

At this time, Ge Yu realized that he and Hei Xiaose were not only placed in the iron cage, but also hung on the side of a cliff halfway up the mountain.

I don’t know what it is here. The surrounding wind is full of lingering wind, and it is still the kind of wind that can tear people's souls. The two people who were hung on the cliff halfway up the mountain were blown by the surrounding wind. The bitter cold caused them to shiver involuntarily.

The cold and cold two people can still bear it, but the pain of the wind tearing the soul is unbearable, all the time, every minute, every second, you can feel the pain of the soul being whipped and torn, and not everyone can bear it. of.

If two people are not bound by the immortal ropes, they can still use their spiritual power to resist the stubborn wind, but they can't now, they can only carry them hard.

This torture is comparable to any painful criminal law in this world, and even more painful than Ling Chi.

Ling Chi is just physical pain, far from the pain of the soul being torn.

This kind of pain will only cause a certain amount of devastation to the soul, but the effect is that people can't survive, and they can't die. It is really intolerable.

Ge Yu was only blown by the cold gang wind for a moment, and then he broke out in cold sweat, soaking all his clothes.

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