Maou no Hajimekata

Episode 16: Let us sanction the fool-3

A spell.

It's a relic of an era when all the incredible moves that still used demons were called magic.

Called in various names: spells, witchcraft, sorcery, magic, etc., they were drilled and classified by many sorcerers, summed up as one discipline, and given the name of sorcery. And before that, the magic was rejected as user-friendly, muddy, and forgotten.

But among other things, there is something that remains deeply ingrained in the private sector. That's the spell.

It was an extraordinarily inefficient, limiting and user-friendly spell compared to magic, but it remained in the folk, not the magician, for a reason.

It means' sensibly understandable '.

A spell, in a nutshell, is a generic term for "magic using relevance".

The similarities are similar. Those that were the same have connections.

If you want rain, mimic it, water it up, call for rain,

If you want to kill a person, put that other person's nails or hair in the doll and punch the pile in.

Whether or not people who are not magicians do that, they rarely get the effect they want. But people believe that there is power in it, and that collective of believing consciousness lends strength to the magician.

Among them, what is known as the analogous spell is the use of the relationship that 'similarities have similar properties'.

And now.

Experiencing an experience rooted in Oulu's roots: 'irrational compulsion by the master', Spina strengthened her relationship with him.

Teachers and disciples, disciples and teachers. The relationship between the two became obscure, and Spina used it to impose a spell on Oulu.

Inefficient and ineffective spell, but Spinner's accumulated magic power is enormous. Besides, unlike Oulu, who has magic powers externally called dungeon cores, Spina stores all the magic in its body. To its immense amount of magical force pushing, Oul was completely sealed in motion.

"Master... Oh Master... I admire you..."

Spina's figure is grossly distorted, and her figure splits into two parts. Being an intermediate creature between slime and man, she is able to freely cross the figure of man and the mucus-shaped figure. All that or even this way it was possible to divide the body into multiple parts.

Unlike Oulu's shapes, each one is a real spinner, with independent thought and unified will. Spina licks his meat stick lovingly as she strips away Oulu's clothes. At the same time more spinas hold him sweet on Oulu's shoulders and suck his lips.

From the surface of the slime behind her, one spinner after the other appears unwrapped, caressing his body as he restrains the oul. As he saw it, Oulu was surrounded by naked spinners.

Oul's mouth is filled with the tongue of a muddy spinner, and he cannot speak. Oul tried to abandon his shapes and return to his original body, but it didn't come true either. It takes only a little magic to throw away the body. But I sense a move to move magic. No, no, Spina sucks it up.

If the shapes are destroyed, the soul returns to nature and its original body. But Spina won't. Just spend eternal time with Oulu.

"Let's love each other forever... Master"

Spina pushed Oulu down on herself and lowered her hips over one thing.


Delivering Oulu's things in the womb, Spina raises her voice. The feeling is not that of slime, it has absolutely no substitute for her as a human being. The only difference is that she's looking more and more.

"I will serve you, Master."

Spina leans back slightly as she delivers an oul into her own womb. There another spinner entered his face from the side and began to crawl his tongue into the part of the pole where he couldn't get inside the spinner. Yet another spinner slowly licked up the packed bag of that fine, and from left to right, the two spinners sandwiched each of Oul's arms in its chest, carefully crawling their tongues to make their fingertips meat bars, and performed oral sex services.

Oul's mouth was also blocked by the perfect and spina's lips, and his tongue was similarly tangled with Spina's tongue as if serving it in his mouth. The body is supported by yet another spinner's hand and pressed against its chest.

In its heavenly hell, Oul unleashes the sperm without accumulation. The ejaculation should also be perfectly controllable if it were meant to be, but the spinner disrupts the flow of magic and that doesn't come true either.

"Ahhh... Master..."

With a grumpy voice, the spinners sighed in trance at the same time. Though each of the thinking abilities themselves is independent, they can share senses and unite their will. We don't argue with each other, everyone's spinners exist for the sake of being called 'spinners'.

"Always, always... I will be beside your master"

Spina withdrew from the top of the oul and began to clean it with her tongue as she moved her face closer to her groin. The three spinners face each other and serve their penises, arms, feet, chest, everywhere in the body, spinners crawl and purify their tongues.

"I don't just love me, etc. But please, I'll always be with you... beside you, let me stay."

Spina once again delivered the stood Oul's things into her vagina and gave herself up in his chest. As it is, her contours blur, slowly enveloping Oulu's body. The whole body melted and Oulu's consciousness began to shine on the pleasure of literally being united with Spina.

"Stop it, Spina"

The most heard voice slaps that ear. In his fading consciousness, it was his faithful demon of use that appeared in Oul's eyes...... Lil's appearance.

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