Maou no Hajimekata

Lesson 17: Let's Draw a Bow to Heaven -3

"The Shadow Virgin.... Back Virgin. True Virgin....... yeah. You can't be funny like a villain. What do you think?"

White. White. Walls, floors, ceilings.

In a white castle painted white from furniture to clothing to everything, Merizand asked.

"... Isn't the Grand Virgin okay?"

The man questioned, this is also white from hair to clothing. The only thing was that both eyes were tinted red.

"Hmm. But what about naming the Grand Virgin after her?

Merizand looked only 5,6 years old, back to back with that calm tone. A loving face on her hair stretched straight to her ankle. She was a beautiful girl as she had grown up Meliá, but her eyes were full of intelligent radiance and her expression was slightly more adult.

"... well, isn't that good to say there's a gap"

The man answered that in such a way that he did not care in the heart.

"Gap... um, shall I call you the Grand Virgin Merizand"

"... sounds like fun"

To a man like that, Merizand raises his eyebrows pickly.

"Don't be silly, it's the first crisis in our country in hundreds of years. Can you enjoy yourself?"

You don't deny saying it sounds like fun, the guy thinks, but he doesn't put it in his mouth.

"Oul the Demon King. I didn't expect you to attack me so soon. I was afraid it was an ambush from the underground."

"Wouldn't it be early if you followed that pit and slaughtered me? I'll come if you want."

To a man who says in a mild tone, Merizand shakes his neck to the side.

"Don't be luxurious, 'immortal'. You are immortal, but not invincible. If you lick it, you'll eat a painful counterattack. He's the one who sent down King Wolfe."

"Well, do you want to call some?


Merizand nodded, pattin 'and fingering.

"Already, I called"

From behind it, six people with white hair still appeared in white clothes.

"Become... 6 people!? Are you going to do everything you can!?

The man, called 'Immortal', opened his eyes and shouted. Put yourself in and 7 people. That's the maximum number of English spirits that Merizand can serve.

"I just told you. The Demon King is not the one to be insulted. One of the Virgins has been killed.... smash with all your might"

Merizand said with a niggling grin. In a long relationship, 'Immortality' knows that's the look on her face when she's furious. She wasn't having fun. He was angry with the slapper.

"'The Knight of Ignorance'"

A man with an odd helmet that has no slit and is completely covered, steps forward and puts up a spear.

"'Jumping Pawn'"

A knight with his whole body wrapped in pure white armor kneels at Merizand.

"'Demon Bullet Archer'"

A lightly dressed man with a bow finally thanks him.

"'Lead Hero'"

A big, unarmed man stands without a trace.

"'Flame-haired princess'"

A little girl raises her sword silently.

"'Dragon Killer'"

A man with a rich mustache builds up his arms slowly.

"And 'immortal'. … above, seven English spirits. Crusade the Demon King with all."

"Three new recruits, huh?... Nice to meet you."

"Immortality" laughs casually. But the English spirits don't respond. That's what the English Spirit is all about. "Immortality", equipped with self, can be considered the exception.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to attack with seven people at once?

As opposed to a thousand enemies, there are seven former heroes, whose strength is comparable to that of a single army, rather than a division. But Merizand shook his neck to the side.

"First, analyze my strength. The enemy is Oul the Demon King, his demons, and soldiers of his kingdom."

Merizand even began to state as he walked around in front of the English spirits with a grasp.

"The force was roughly 10,000 fighters in Figlia, 150,000 soldiers in Grandiera, 5,000 Ravana, 3,000 Alfheim... where you said 20,000 other elephants combined? That said, naturally we can't move all of these soldiers at once. Well, I guess it's good and half to be able to move on offense. In addition, most of them were attacked by demon kings and became part of the country by force. Anyway, its morale isn't high."

'Immortality' replies raw to Merizand, who turns his gaze to confirm. He has no military experience, and has never been involved in a war. To be honest, it didn't pin much.

"If that's all you have, you don't have to call the English Spirit. You can deal with as many as you want in our Saint Knights. but the problem is with the demons under control. I can't predict how many of these types there are. It is also very difficult to march through pits like when you stripped the Virgin. There are no boundaries in the basement."

"Ah... that's so bad"

The story that followed was also understandable in Immortality. Extreme stories, there is even a chance that an enemy will suddenly attack inside this temple in 10,000 units. It is a huge building of considerable size, but the mindset is a building. It's just a little painful to affirm that if it goes to riot, we can certainly protect the Virgin.

"And the most troublesome thing is Oul the Demon King. Careful, cunning, no choice of means for the purpose."

"... That's a phrase I've heard somewhere"

"Right. I think so, too. He is very similar to me."

Honestly affirmed, 'Immortality' corrected his spine.

"I see. Then you really have to do it. It sucks"

"... let's take it as a compliment. The trouble is that he always uses his shapes and the body doesn't show up on the surface. Perhaps the main body is lurking deep into the labyrinth, but this labyrinth is another crook. It's like the ultimate form that's tough to attack and easy to protect."

We're surrounded by mountains, but we're surrounded by walls.

"... I thought you'd be able to attack enough by yourself right now."

Merizand throws a sharp gaze at 'Immortality' who answers relaxed.

"Oh, did you find out? But isn't it?

"Immortality" is literally almost "immortality," as those two names indicate. I won't die scratching my neck. No matter how many enemies there are, it's none of his business. All he had to do was slow down and go kill the Demon King, he thought.

"Crawling deeper pitfalls than you can. Slime to melt everything. Traps that transfer deep into the soil or into lava areas. A powerful curse that completely seals the movement. A kind of magic that affects the spirit. Is there any way I can disable you if I just think about it right now?

"Sorry, I was on track -!

"Immortality" gently turned his foreword and bowed his head. He is immortal but not invincible. But, often forgetting it is a drawback, Merizand says from day to day that his mouth is soothing but it wasn't very fruitful.

"Perhaps some of them are actually set up in the labyrinth. It's not always easy to break through when it comes to the English Spirit. If we lose the English Spirit, we could be front-breaking in the Army versus the Army."


Isn't that too much to think about, because 'immortality' swallows words. I've come a long way to give my husband the impression of a reckless human being any longer. Of course it was too late for that.

"As long as all the forces of the enemy are unknown, prediction is not allowed. We always need to act with the worst in mind."

Understanding what "immortal" means, Merizand said so.

"But you can't even attack the labyrinth alone, because if you wait for the other party to march, you could be attacked directly by the temple, so what do you do? Get the army out of here and attack?

"That's not bad either, but I have a few better hands"

Yes, 'Immortality' had a bad feeling about Merizand with a pranky grin.

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