Maou Reijou no Kyouiku Gakari

Episode 31: Cages and Captured Elves

"I'll do the three in the center. Give me a signal, two left and two right."

Instruct him to do so and immediately scatter the elves to the left and right.

And when the four of them confirm that they have reached a predetermined position, they set their sights on the recruits who are thriving by speaking ill of their superiors without being alert to their surroundings.

Take in the magic vegetables. Create magical images.

Two Flying (Fuga Duo) Lightning Arrows (-Fulgur Sagitta).

To keep your health as warm as possible, unleash the least amount of magic you can defeat with one blow toward two of the three people in the center.

At the same time, he jumps out with so much momentum that he overtakes the magic he unleashes, penetrating towards his enemies.



A lightning arrow that had been unleashed ahead of time struck directly at the two soldiers who were unsecured, as planned.

Taking that direct hit from the defenseless state, the two peeled their white eyes and fainted on the spot.

"Become...! Hey! What's up!

The one remaining man suddenly looked alternately at the two fallen companions before rising up in a panic.

But that gaze still hasn't captured who we are, the enemy.

Kick hard on the ground with only your leg strength in front of you to preserve your magic.

And pack the distance from one of the remaining big wolves at once.

"Enemy!? Who the hell are you?

The man's gaze finally captured my appearance. And that hand accompanies the pattern of the sword.

But it's too late.

Slap a knee blow toward Mizo as he controls his sword-drawing hand.

Hands are good. Perfectly in.


I can hear a bitter word leaking from that mouth up close.

And Todome's palm bottom toward the side head of the peel, which was stuffy and lowered to just the right position.

Now without speaking, only the sound of a man's body falling to the ground sounded.

Upon immediate confirmation of the situation on the left and right, the elves had just finished processing the remaining soldiers, one at a time, as planned.

"A boulder. Now later..."

Isna, who has confirmed that everyone has fallen, is rushing towards us.

"Oh, I'll check the cage. Before the new guy gets here."

There is still a good chance that there are other enemies.

We just need to help Sun get out of here before it gets here.

With that in mind, stand in front of the nearest cage.

When I looked at the cloth covering the cube, there was a disturbing sticker written only 'Disposal'.

I put my hands on the cloth with a bad feeling in my chest about what that means on this occasion.

And took it all away at once.


At the same time as removing the cloth, there is an intense stench that I have never smelled before. I don't think so, and I get a nausea that's going to come up because of what's in my stomach.

And what I continued to recognize was a shitty sight that made me want to turn away from the faces that jumped into my sight.

In the cage lie the elves of several women who looked miserable without power.

All eyes wide open and breathless with an expression of hatred directed at someone who is not me.

I can clearly see from that scratchy body and the body that is not wrapped in clothing that something else has been done that I don't want to imagine in this place.

"Terrible... why, like this..."

Isna, who seems to have the same feeling as me, leaked as she covered her mouth with her hands in front of that sight that was hard to exhaust on her brush tongue.

"Lord Frey, there are still breathers over here..."

I hear one of the elves who was looking into another cage say so and head to the spot.

In the cage there was indeed the figure of an elf of a child less than ten years of age barely connecting and stopping his life.

"Even these kids...... Looks like we're gonna have to break the key."

It's possible one of the guys I just defeated has it, but I don't have time to look for it for long.

Fortunately, it was not so hard to break it from the outside because it was not so strong a lock.

Use your sword to destroy the lock, then open the door with the sticky paper that says' for shipment '.

And we find those who are still breathing among the elves packed in small cages.

"Are these people from the inside?

That's what I ask one of the elves as they continue their rescue.

"No, you're a face I've never seen inside... These are the smaller communities that live in these woods."

"I see..."

If it was true that the people inside were missing, it would have been possible to detect that something was going on for a long time.

I mean, these guys are coming for it knowing that there are elves in this forest who live in a small number of units without having any ties to the big community...

As we continued to rescue them further as we traced their thoughts, we were able to find five living elves, young and old.

If those who were already dead add up, more than ten elves will be caught by these guys.

I thought there were other people caught besides Sun, but I didn't think this was the only number.

In addition, if anyone has already been transported somewhere, the reality may be even larger.

As I think about it as I prepare to bring out the elves I helped, I can't help but recall the story I heard about Rosé this morning.

The Demon Nation today is nothing but livestock captured in a fence.

I thought the word was some sort of analogy. But what we have in front of us in reality now is a sight where that is only a fact as the word goes.

To the humans...... the elves captured at their fingertips were about to be transported somewhere, as if they were cattle or pigs.

I don't know how long this has been going on or what they're doing this for.

But this nasty reality was just enough to make me think that all of the words that Rosé spoke this morning seemed incredible were true.

"Is that all after..."

Head to the cage, which is only one last thing left behind.

We haven't found what Sun looks like yet.

Maybe it wasn't here. Or maybe they already took him somewhere.

Stand in front of the last cage with a bad feeling.

Put your hands on a cloth with sticky paper that says' rare (mixed blood) 'covered in it.


Next door his eyes are closed hard as Isna prays for both hands.

And I got rid of the cloth all at once.

External light plunges into the cage, and the sights in it are exposed before us.


After that beat, a fine voice leaked out of Isna's mouth.

Only one of our familiar brown elves lay in that cage.

The clothes wrapped around its body are so worn out that it is clear that an awesome battle has been waged.

However, it was also clear that his chest was slightly raised and lowered by breathing, and that he was losing his mind but was definitely alive.

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