As I entered the room, a skinny man in a chair called out to me.

"Long time no see. Ray"

The man who calls my real name is Count Richter Seti.

He's a friend of Dad's, and he saved my life when he picked me up that day.

"Long time no see. Earl."

Say hello to the Count who is on the desk.

"Absolutely... if you suddenly told me to become a teacher, I'd be fired and disappear without contacting you, and now I'm suddenly visiting you. Think about my struggle a little...."

The Count put aside the paperwork he had at hand and told him to be surprised.

A modest appearance that does not seem noble and a gentle appearance that seems like a good person.

I was told to come in, but I feel relieved that my appearance hasn't changed significantly after more than a year since I met him before.

"I'm sorry. But... there's something I have to tell the Count today."

"What, did you find a good opponent somewhere so scared? Why don't you just get married and settle down a little?

The Count's face, looking straight at me, is slightly more dangerous.

It is an expression that understands that it is not an unexpected story that I said that I am going to marry.

"Who else?

"... rest assured. I pay people. Don't worry about anyone but me asking."

As a precaution, there are no other signs around than ours.

Apparently, he knew in advance that it would be impossible for others to hear it.

Then the story is quick.

Prepare yourself and breathe in gently.

"I was the one who fought Feld Vildanes. I killed him with my hands."

Looking into the Count's eyes, I told him clearly.

The Count opened his eyes in surprise for a moment and dropped his gaze on the desk.

"I still thought... maybe not. I didn't want that to happen...."

The Count rested his elbows on the desk and fell down even deeper, exhaling heavily.

You don't have to see what anguish looks like on your face.

"... I'm sorry."

Sprinkle an apology again toward the grey-haired head, which is a little more than when we met before.

"I didn't want you to do anything unjust. I trusted you with that sword because I thought you would lead people in the right way, like Alf...."

The Count's gaze is on my hips.

Inside it is my father's sword.

It would not have come back to me if it had been mine, and it was taken over by this man.

At that time, I still remember being told to be a person who can guide everyone like my father.

"I'm sorry. I know I betrayed your expectations."

Spinning repeated apologies.

But I know that no amount of apology can be forgiven.

Still, it's my fault that I came here today to take care of you for so many years.

"The fact that he's dead doesn't bother me. The treatment of Vildanes' immediate territory, which did not appoint a successor, and the reprocessing of the Private Corps, which may become a bandit. There's more..."

The Count scrambled his gaze at the documents on the desk and ran into a number of spicy words.

I have no choice but to accept it.

Haven't you been chased after what I've done and taken a break? A neighborhood floats beneath your eyes, and your cheeks seem a little thin.

"... but you don't regret it, do you? I can tell by looking at your face....."

And when I finished, I said at the end with a good look at me.

"Yes, I have no regrets. Ever and ever."

I answered immediately without putting it in my hair.

I apologize for not meeting this person's expectations, but I have no regrets.

The Demon King told me the truth about my father, and he waved his sword down on that pig.

Everything is the result of following the true desires that lie deep in my heart. There can be no regrets.

Since that day, me and him have lived only to avenge them.

"The Vigilante are literally looking for the killer. To crush the country."

Still, I'm worried to ask if I have a chance to escape.

"Don't worry. I didn't act without thinking about it."

No matter how much lice we look for in the country from the slightest evidence, it won't get to us soon.

The Vigilante doesn't think I'm working with the Devil.

The person in front of you will know that you have an ally, but you will not even know who it is.

I told you about killing him as a farewell jerk, but you don't have to tell me any more now.

"Well... I'm not worried, but don't underestimate them. The Vildanes were followed by a raid on Mistral. They must be looking for the killer."

"Mistral...? Anima Mistral...?

Suddenly, an unexpected name came out of the Count's mouth and he answered.

The name Mistral indicates only one person in this country.

Anima Mistral. Female fox with the title "Warrior” and the title ”Wise Man” among the pigs I killed.

"Of course it is. Who else is there?"

"Did something happen to him after Vildanes...?

"... didn't you attack Mistral?

"Yes, this is the first time I've heard that story. Has she been attacked by anyone?

After a few seconds of staring at my face, the Count began to spin the answers to my questions as to whether or not it was a lie.

"No, he's not dead, but he's seriously wounded. I don't know how far that goes."

"Serious injury....."

The words loosen my mouth.

Whether you're targeting us or someone else, it's very convenient for a nasty guy to get hurt.

I don't know who did this, but the flow is definitely coming to us.

"Unlike Vildanes, I heard the scene was his mansion and was caused by a solo criminal... well, was it something else..."

"I see... alone... just a loner!? You mean there's an idiot riding alone in their needles!?

"Oh, hey... don't shout suddenly... I don't know where anybody's listening..."

"S, I'm sorry... I'm surprised..."

I heard too much unexpected talk.

I apologize to the face of the Count, but still the great feeling of consternation does not disappear.

Even we were attacking while we were on the move with diminished protection, but I didn't expect anyone to get into our home base alone.

It's gone crazy through the idiots already. It's just a suicide.

But he didn't do it by hitting his enemies, but he succeeded in putting a machete in it.

It was a harvest to learn that all those talented men exist as their enemies besides us.

"How well do we know who the killer is?

"There is a clamping order laid down in the bureau, and a lot has not been conveyed to me. However... it seems that the task force has been ordered to capture him alive."

"Capture him alive....."

I don't know why, but I don't think I can get in touch with him before the enemy does...

No, enemy enemies are not necessarily allies. Such a reckless fool could do us harm.

I think we should take this matter back to the other side and think about it carefully.

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